Schoolboard candidates on GMO & Vaccination

Link to mayor Jackson blog.
Link to the Council Election.

Election for the School board and the Municipality of Delta is round the corner. It is considered by me to be a citizen’s duty to try and ascertain, in a short period through minimal exchanges, who to vote for and who not to.

One way would be to vote for someone I know. But, I would personally like to do it not based on my personal friendship, but on issues and who might be better suited to serve the school board.

Education is a complicated subject and has many many elements to it. I also know, that most items considered important in the discussions regarding schools, curriculum, buildings, facilities, computers, wages of teachers, etc etc, all have two sides of the story and are not always black and white.

I can say that from my own life experience, as follows

  • I was born and schoold in India.
  • I went through my entire school tenure barefeet (had no shoes).
  • I attended most of my classes under a tree.
  • English was my third language and I did not study even the elementary A,B,C,D till class 4, or till I was almost 9 years old.
  • And in spite of all that, I had no problem studying Marine Engineering in English in college and going through higher education in UK and USA with flying colours.
  • I had no problem gatecrashing into high end job field globally, having worked for years in Hong Kong, then Miami and then Vancouver in responsible executive positions, in a field of work that required me to interact with, literally, people from across the planet.

I also know that in future, new generation kids, unlike me, would not even have to set foot on these lands in order to take jobs away from local kids. They will do that living right where they are, with nothing more than a click of a mouse.

Thats the future, when it comes to competition in education on a globally flat playing field.

I do not write all this to belittle the school system here. Not at all. I write this to put in my own perspective on what makes a good education and if shoes, buildings, computers, curriculum, high paid teachers etc etc are the only criteria which decides quality of education being imparted to our children (Canada’s children are like my children today), or if there is something else, that gives a child the magic touch of not just education, but a mindset that will move them forward in a quest not just for information, but towards a wisdom that teach them to step outside a box and think different, think independent, think human.

Anyhow, I had to select a few questions, to pass to the candidates, and I selected on GMO/pesticide as one, and forced vaccination of kids as another, to ask the potential candidates.

I would have liked including school vegetable garden as another, to use lawns not to grow grass and use cosmetic pesticides on them, but to actually set up vegetable gardens for school children to learn to grow food, and same time learn soil, biology, genetics, nutrition, health, climate, water purity, composting, and nature. Not only that, should in the future some calamity hurts the existing globalized and industrial agriculture system (our vegetables coming from Mexico and California, instead of from local fields), then those kids will likely know how to save themselves as well as handle a national crisis.

But, I did not include that – I should have. So now I have two questions. Out of which many folks responded to the first one – GMO and pesticide. Few have responded to the second one – forced vaccination of children. I find it unfortunate, but understand that candidates might be afraid to comment on this topic because there is a very powerful medical-industrial-political lobby that pushes for forced or coerced vaccinations on an increasing number of kids and are very intolerant of dissenting voices of caution.

I have had the benefit of reading a lot, exchanging views with scientists and professionals and learning first hand from them. I am also aware that, especially in North America (Canada and USA), science has now become biased and one sided. That is because unlike in the past, public tax money is not used to fund higher science education & research. Scientific research is now entirely funded by the industry, and they have no interest in funding any project or any scientist that might find problem with their products. As a result, science in North America has lost its objectivity and neutrality. This is so sad.

As a result, reading “mainstream science” which the curriculum promotes everywhere, is likely to bring up students with one sided bias on science issues. This is going to hurt the continent, and the people, now and in future. But the industry to day, more or less drives Canadian policy and politics, to a very large degree.

Anyhow, to bring myself to the present, I believe GMO and pesticide are, next to climate change, the most serious disaster or threat facing Canada. Pushing back at it would need politicians to stand up to very strong lobby and forces and powerful foreign corporations that appear to dictate terms with Canadian politicians higher up.

So, if a candidate was willing to stand up against such odds – it is my belief that he or she would be capable of critical thinking, have strength of character, and be able to solve other lower level problems that will always come up – be in crime or substance abuse in school, or, more importantly, how to prepare our kids to face up to competition on a global platform.

As reference, I might include a few external sources on issues of Vaccinations. I am mostly a food security activist and would like to see Canada safe itself from losing her food and seed sovereignty, but understand that kids vaccination might be another trigger for keeping a some unfortunate children affected by forced vaccines of untested and unproven record (untested by any independent body where dissenting scientists have not be gagged).

I consider it my duty, as a citizen of a democratic nation, to be involved and to make my assessment the best way I can, and to pass that to other fellow voters, the best way I can.

From Donna Burke
Hello Mr. Mitra,

I have not responded to your e-mail yet.  I felt that I had research to do around the extensive info you sent out in your e-mail.
I thank you for educating us; the people who are running for political positions in Delta.
I shun pesticides and GMOs on a family level — that’s my level of control.  I admit that I had not thought about it on a community scale.  I was trusting our Municipality and our School District management to make sound environmental decisions on our part.
I will raise these issues with our School District management to ascertain where we’re at.  I do plan to get back to you, not because I (just) want your vote, but because you have raised very relevant questions that I feel should not be ducked…and I’m very interested in the responses.
Thank you again for raising my awareness.

Donna Burke
Delta School Trustee and Trustee Candidate


From Laura Thomas

Hi Tony,

I would love to live in a community that is GMO and pesticide free. I am not a fan of processed foods. I cook and bake from whole ingredients every day, so I would like it to be easier to buy purer, healthier ingredients. The basic, fundamental physical well-being of my family is extremely important to me.
Laura Michelle Thomas, B.A., B.A., M.A., Author
Laura Thomas Communications (Canada)
Publisher & Senior Editor jaBlog! The Blog for Junior Authors
Text/Phone 604-307-4971

From Corinne Atwood

Hi Tony

Thank you for your email and concerns regarding GMO’s. Sorry for the slow reply I am between conferences and running off again but wanted to respond.
As you may be aware my current position puts me in front of allot of environmental issues and information. I will give you a readers digest version of my thoughts. While there are many cons of GMO in particular the ones you mentioned and I agree with your efforts I have also seen some good things come from that like a new wheat plant that grows shorter, faster and is drought resistant that can be grown quickly in arid regions thereby assisting with feeding the masses. Where GMO’s go sideways is when as you say they are not disclosed enabling consumer to know the risks or make the choice that is right for them. Follow the money and follow the rational.
I am not sure how much autism we can blame on GMO’s. I think there are allot of other environmental issues that collectively are causing some serious changes to our immediate and long term health. I helped found a group (rethinkitbc) that came out slapping against the recycling monopolies that have been granted status by our current and prior governments.
These monopolistic agents of  the manufacturers that created the products in the first place are making money by putting the people who established  and supported recycling programs on their own dime, by using legislation to evict or annex recyclers from the industry they created. The so called manufacturers agents only interest is to shove all waste into an incinerator because reuse does not make money. They want people to purchase new. The dioxins emitted from an incinerator although they claim would be low would still be present.  The other side of that is that the eco fees paid on any recycling programs are held by the manufacturer / agent not the government (we are talking hundreds of millions here) and there is currently no governing body to monitor any of this. Dioxins and the materials used in manufacturing will exacerbate the issues you describe, (please see a 20 minute video the Story of Stuff) by Annie Leonard .
My family tries to be eco friendly, my son sourced the GMO free seeds for our garden this year and I like spots on my apples. I oppose GMO’s that harm any other creature as none of us can help what we are born and everyone needs to eat. I hope this answers your questions and please keep up the effort.
Something else that might make you wonder the Delta School Board manages just shy of 160 million dollars and even with the recent education issues the trustee candidates such as myself are being left out of all candidate meetings as  we seem to considered less important  candidates. Even one of the newspapers has asked me for info on myself but said trustees info would be part of a section only if they have space. Go figure, and I thought education is in all regards is the most important thing we can do as a society.
ot answer your direct question I would support Delta going GMO free

Hi Tony
I can honestly say that no one is my circle would suggest that I am avoiding yours or anyone else’s questions by lack of an immediate response to your email but I can only speak for myself when I say that you are not the only person asking for information from candidates and some candidates like me work longer that full time hours on top of campaigning. The fall is always a busy time for me with out of town conferences. I hope you can be a little more forgiving of those who choose not to or do not respond immediately, we are all busy and I believe we are all doing our best.
In regards to your answer on immunizations. My position is that all children should be immunized. I agree that some people have experienced side effects some more severe than anyone would ever hope, but if you look at our health in the big picture our society no longer suffers from the paralysing losses of plagues as shown in our history or the loss of a great number of children due to measles, polio and chicken pox. Your question failed to mention your views on antibiotics or if you have been immunized.
I have had the pleasure of visiting countries that do not enjoy our standard of living and I can tell you first hand I was glad I got a few shots before heading to Bosnia. I visited a very small farming community and took a trip to the local cemetery where it was hard to find anyone there over 55. War and lack of health car during that time took its toll and  myself not having enough of what it takes to battle some of the unpasturized food got a real eye opener. As in some parts of the world a good shot of some mysterious distilled alcohol is what is recommended to sort out the bodies response to less that ideal circumstances. I do not know how I would have fared without any immunizations.
Some people are of the mind that most of the diseases we are currently immunizing for are diseases long struck from our world just because we do not see much of them, but my view (as is shared by many) is that these diseases still exist and lie in wait for a comeback if given the opportunity. In developing and third world countries theses diseases take children by the thousands and I think it would be very easy to find a parent in these countries that would welcome immunization. As a parent I was not willing to take a chance on my children’s welfare.
I never met my paternal grandmother. She had the misfortune of contracting Tuberculosis and Measles at the same time and passed away when my Dad was 5. He was the youngest of 6 children. His oldest sister who was in grade 8 at the time quit school to raise the kids as their Dad worked away on the railroads. She is the last surviving child but at 90 plus still volunteers at soup kitchens. They all grew up eating porridge everyday and had some form of ailment or other that could be traced back to a number of things. I wonder how their world may have been different if immunizations existed then. I had scarlet fever as an infant and while I rarely take any medicines now I am grateful for the availability of antibiotocs as long as they are not over perscribed.  
I thank you for your questions as they bring good debate. While they do not necessarily address direct issues of the municipal elections they are good topics that should make us all stop and think about our views. It is my hope that a difference in opinion does not result in a loss of support but I am steadfast in my beliefs. Ahh….democracy.
My election platform is to offer the people of Delta the benefit of my management skills and experience, not my personal opinions. Debate however always brings awareness and I wish you well in your effort to educate the public. 

From Phil Hurt

Thank you for your Question Tony 
I don’t claim to be an expert on this but I will offer my personal opinion on this and how appropriate a question on GMO so close to Halloween.
My understanding on GMO if I can in my view is… Frankenstein engineering of food.
We need more food to feed the planet but remember what happened to Dr. Frankenstein when he cut corners ……he created a monster. 
Chicken is an interesting subject with regard to how it is grown and not raised. The thought of some poor creature in a cage with no feathers or bones and a tube in its mouth has cut down on my chicken consumption dramatically.
10 years ago I had advanced throat cancer. I’m a non smoker and you don’t need to convince me that spraying food with chemicals is going to catch up sooner or later. I try to buy organic fruits and vegetables where I can, I won’t buy grapes from anywhere other than the U.S. It’s not that I agree with what they spray on the grapes but I figure it’s gotta be better than what Chile sprays on them.
One of my co workers told me of a group in the U.S.that was lobbying president Obama to bomb Monsanto because they were poisoning the people of the United states, much the same as it was said that Saddam Hussain had sprayed his own people with poison. I don’t know if this is true or not.
This may seem a simplistic view and these are my personal opinions but running for school trustee I think it would be good time to start educating children on what food is and where it comes from.
Hope this answers your question.
Thank you again
 Phil Hurt

From Brad Sherwin

Hi Tony, thanks for your note.

I think this is more geared to the Council candidates instead of school trustees, so I can’t help much in the discussion.
Thanks for getting involved and engaged in the election.

Hi Tony.  Thanks for your note.

The decision on a vaccination should be between the parent and the child’s doctor.  If the doctor decides that the child, for whatever reason, should not have the vaccination, then the parents should notify the school and opt out.  I don’t believe that is any different from what is happening today, nor should it change.
Depending on the vaccination, however, there may be other factors that come into play.  If the child does not receive a vaccination and is then susceptible to a contagious disease that put other students and teachers at risk, the parents must have a plan to deal with the situation should it arise.  The school is a place of learning, not a hospital – sick children need to stay home and rest.
I appreciate your engagement in the political process, Tony.  Thanks again for your question.
Best Regards,
Brad Sherwin

From Nicolay Slater

Hello Tony,

I do support Delta Corp. being declared GMO & Pesticide free. Especially in residential areas where pesticides tend to be overused. I also would support ending the use of Neocotinoids.
Thanks for doing your part. If only there were more citizens taking their democracy as seriously as you do.
Warm regards,
Nic Slater

From Laura Dixon

Dear Mr. Mitra,

I have read your email with interest, however I am not a candidate for Councillor in the Municipality of Delta, rather I am running for the office of School Trustee.  Boards of Education exist under the School Act and we do not have the ability to enact by-laws.  We do have a Sustainability Policy that deals with conservation, protection, education and regulation that guides our work for our facilities.

In addition we, have a robust curricular and extra-curricular programs for students regarding sustainability and the environment.  We regularly have student delegations report to the Board at our meetings on their learning and their activities such as science projects, student led committees or district supported initiatives.   I am impressed by their passion and dedication to improving the environment and the support they receive from our staff and I have every confidence that our future will be in good hands.  Please read more at the following link:

What is DeltaGreen?

The Delta School District has taken a proactive role in environmental stewardship for many years.  Facilities have been constructed, renovated and retrofitted with energy conservation in mind, schools and other District sites have undertaken paper recycling programs and other waste reduction measures, custodial practices have changed to reduce packaging and incorporate more environmentally friendly cleaning products, and a number of other initiatives have been implemented to do our part in greening our operations.  However, we need to do far more in the areas of climate action, conservation of non-renewable resources, water and the environment, and contribution to sustainable region principles established by Metro Vancouver.  DeltaGreen is the strategy the Delta School District has developed and follows to bring us to sustainable excellence.  Click here to view District Policy #4510 – Sustainability.

Thank you for your interest in the upcoming local elections,

Laura Dixon, School Trustee Candidate

Delta Board of Education, SD37

A few references

The Vaccine Autism Cover-up: How One Doctor’s Career was Destroyed for Telling the Truth

I actually read quite a few books, in clouding one from British doctor Andrew wakefield, where he found possible links with MMR vaccine and sudden onset of autism in kids, and wrote an article on the need to further investigate this issue and not to rush kids through the MMR vaccine, and suggested kids be given individual vaccines for those diseases instead for now (MMR : Measles, Mumps and Rubella).

Dr. Wakefield eventually wrote a book, explaining each and every step of events that lead to his writing that article and subsequent witch hunt he was subjected to, including destroying his medical career. Why ? Only because he raised a cautionary note against possible ill effects of a new combined triple vaccine ?

He as a result was hounded out of business by the pharma industry and the medical profession that is beholden to it.

I might tweak this page a bit in the next few days, and include more responses from candidates, if I receive any. I am scheduled to leave for Ontario and Quebec for some work shortly, and may not be around to follow up on it after the next few days.

Another link : US Doctor Suzanne Humphries on the dangers of Vaccine

[youtube BpC0Tbb3diI]

I wish everyone well and request the residents of Delta to come out and vote in large numbers, to vote decisively, and to exert control over the democratic process.

I also thank the candidates for their efforts to contribute to our society by wishing to be public servants in an important field.

Thank you/ Tony Mitra/