Letter to MP Bill Casey – Review legality of glyphosate approval

A letter to a Canadian Member of Parliament

To: Honorable MP Bill Casey
cc: Honorable minister Carla Qualtrough
Dated: Saturday, June 30, 2018
Subject: Need to review how safe glyphosate is, for Canada

Honourable Mr. Casey,
I am a Canadian citizen that has been trying to get the Government to disclose hitherto hidden safety test documents that are supposed to prove that some glyphosate in food is safe for humans. Health Ministry saw such safety test data before approving the use of Glyphosate in Canadian agriculture back in the 1970s, but has been hiding it from the people for two generations now. This technically makes approval of glyphosate illegal, the way I read the law.

I have a multi-year Access to Information appeal (Access request Health Canada – A-2015-00743) ongoing where I demanded that Health Canada discloses all the safety test data and report it received in the 1970s based on which it first approved the use of Glyphosate. The Government acknowledges that I have the right to the documents. And yet, it has been dragging its feet and the documents remain hidden till now.
I had met my MP, honourable Carla Qualtrough, and handed over almost 25,000 signatures of people demanding that the Government releases hitherto hidden safety test documents on glyphosate, and have had a meeting with her. She took the data to Ottawa and has since gone silent, and refuses to revert why she no more wants to correspond about disclosing those hidden safety test reports.
A further e-petition raised by me on the House of Commons platform also have resulted in obfuscation and obstruction, and the public is still denied the chance to scrutinize the test results that are supposed to prove that glyphosate in safe for animals.

MP Bill Casey

The province of New Brunswick has a nasty history of poisoning the land and the people with continued use of glyphosate that has been decimating its wildlife and making the area the cancer capital of Canada.
You know California has passed a law to have all glyphosate based herbicide sold in the state to carry a warning that glyphosate is known to cause cancer.
I write this letter to you to not only initiate a government review on glyphosate, but also to:
  1. Demand full public disclosure of all safety test reports and data, involving comparison of  health parameters of lab animals subjected to glyphosate exposure with another group of identical animals eating glyphosate free food. These tests results and reports have been conducted by Monsanto in USA and elsewhere.
  2.  Initiate independent government funded tests on safety of glyphosate
  3. Review the basis for Health Canada’s Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) levels set for glyphosate in various kinds of food, and a historical trend of increasing the safe limit continuously, when presumably actual levels in food keeps reaching the previously set safe limits. The Government is yet to show proof that glyphosate at any level is safe to be in foods such as grains or pulses, till date.
This is a public interest letter. I am a food security activist that have dedicated large parts of my time to pushing for transparency on this extremely dangerous molecule, glyphosate. This letter may be published on my blog (tonu.org) or be otherwise made public on social media. I shall be glad to also make public any positive step from your office.

MP and honourable minister Carla Qualtrough. She took over 20,000 signatures and met me about asking Health Canada to disclose hidden safety documents on glyphosate. But then she went totally silent. Later she voted against bill C-291 which would have made it mandatory to label all GMO items in food. She ensured that such a bill is defeated so the people cannot tell if they are or are not eating GMO. She did not ask her constituents, which includes me, if they want this bill defeated. She took a unilateral decision to deny the people a right to know. This I believe explains where Minister Qualtrough stands, on issues of food safety and food security.


I am copying this letter to MP Carla Qualtrough since she is mentioned here. I may also separately write to MP Karen Ludwig of New Brunswick, who I understand is also interested to push for glyphosate review.
I am currently visiting India, my birth country, but can be reached by email or phone.

Thanking you
Tony Mitra
Home address: 10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, Canada
Currently in India using local phone +91-98317 13068

Glyphosate, Cancer and Mr. Johnson

Those of you that keep track of the issues relating to glyphosate, might be aware that a terminally ill cancer patient from California is suing Monsanto that his exposure to glyphosate gave him the cancer. This is the first of its kind court case, from what I gather from the news.

The man, Mr. Dewayne Johnson, was a school groundskeeper, who used Roundup (glyphosate) up to twenty times a year for many years, working as a pest manager for a county school system. He is dying of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that starts in the lymphatic system and is rooted in the body producing too many abnormal white blood cells.

His attorney claims to represent more than 2,000 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma sufferers who used Roundup extensively. Mr. Johnson’s case is the first to go on trial because he is nearing death.

Now, this is what I have to say on all this.

While I personally feel sad and horrified that so many people that used glyphosate in the US are known to suffer from this form of cancer, I have strong misgiving about such court cases. First, my understanding is that in a court, a person, or an organization, is to be presumed innocent unless proven guilty.

And in this and all other cases, there is no absolute scientific proof, far as I can guess, that the unfortunate people got their cancer definitively from glyphosate and not for some other reason. And in absence of such definitive proof, glyphosate, and along with it Monsanto, is going to go scot free.

I know about the IARC report, from World Health Organization, listing glyphosate as a “probable” carcinogen. I am also aware of other reports that state the opposite, i.e. glyphosate is “unlikely” to be carcinogenic. All these, to me, as well as to the courts, are “opinions” and do not prove either way, if the litigant did or did not get cancer from glyphosate.

Mr. Dewayne Johnson, contracted non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma from handling glyphosate, and is suing Monsanto.

The proof, in my view, can only be established in a proper carcinogenicity test by a group of research scholars using proper lab facilities and using lab animals exposed to measured doses of glyphosate and their health parameters compared with identical animals that are not exposed to glyphosate.

I know that Monsanto conducted many such tests. I know Monsanto submitted these test results to regulatory authorities of all Governments that have approved the use of glyphosate as a herbicide. I also know that all those governments are hiding these reports and have not made them public, which makes its approval illegal, in my view.

Further, I do not know of any country or any research group that is conducting carcinogenicity or other safety tests on glyphosate. I know of Dr. Seralini’s work in France which involves Roundup and not exclusively glyphosate. I do not know of any that did such tests specifically with glyphosate except in isolated cases such as Dr. Carrasco in Argentina.

The best way to solve this issue, as far as scientific proof and law in concerned, is first of all to force all government regulatory authorities, starting with EPA of the US and Health Ministry of Canada, to make public all safety tests on glyphosate, and then to ask independent experts to review and scrutinize these reports. Further, all nations should initiate independent tests on safety of glyphosate, irrespective of whatever the Monsanto reports are suspected to be hiding.

And lastly, whenever there is a mention of cancer, the public and news media starts hyperventilating.  But glyphosate can make you ill and kill you a thousand different ways apart from cancer of the lymphatic system. Why is dying of cancer any worse than dying from Kidney failure or having your brain turned into a vegetable?

Apart from demanding disclosure of safety records, and demanding independent study of glyphosate’s safety, there is another way – public pressure on the political system. After all, in a democracy, the people are supposed to be masters of their destiny and should decided if they will or will not allow glyphosate to be present in their food and environment, irrespective of what Monsanto, the pesticide traders or the industrial farmers might say. But for that to happen, people have to do something real, like performing hard duties of a citizen, and not just “sharing” stuff on Facebook.

I have been fighting a lone and so far unsatisfactory battle single handed with the Canadian government regarding safety records on glyphosate. I say single handed because because I got no real support. I am itching to go back home to Canada so I can start badgering our do-nothing politicians on this. I would have loved to see more Canadians follow suit in their own capacity, and hope that perhaps some day it will become the main talking point on elections and a politicians ability to win or lose may also hinge on his stand on glyphosate. 

Anyhow I have succeeded in making at least a dozen elected politicians, from municipal to federal, conscious of the fact that I am hell bent on spoiling their election campaign because they either refuse to push back at glyphosate, or prefers to sit on the fence. Also, I have forced at least one federal election (MP) candidate to withdraw from the race on account of me raising enough stink about his history of working for a firm that regularly sprayed glyphosate over British Columbian forests.

My parting advise to folks sharing these articles on social media is – spend less time on passing around this kind of news and more time on pushing back at rogue politicians, whose actions are the main reason why Mr. Johnson and hundreds of thousands of others are suffering today around the world because of glyphosate, as are a wide swath of our flora and fauna.

I am quite amazed at the degree of ignorance on glyphosate, not just among the general public, but also among people that have been engaged in fighting GMO for a generation, as well as farm workers that have been using it for a generation.

There is also a report from Sri Lanka that tea garden workers that used glyphosate as weedkiller are suspected to have contracted Esophageal cancer. Clearly, farm workers and everybody using glyphosate as a weed killer around the world, should seriously be keeping track of not just the court case of Mr. Johnson, but also be vocal activists to demand safety test and data on glyphosate, and as long as such data is kept hidden and such tests are not being conducted, to refuse to use it and insist that glyphosate be banned from their world.

I am right now in India, where awareness on glyphosate is as abysmal as it is elsewhere. Glyphosate has penetrated deep into this country with or without Monsanto, both legally and illegally. Farm workers are taught to use the term “dava” or “oushad” meaning “medicine” instead of “poison” when they refer to glyphosate. It should be illegal to use the term ‘medicine’ for weed killer poisons like glyphosate.

My name is Tony Mitra. This is what I feel and I am going to include these issues when and if I talk to people here in India on this topic. Thank you.

You hate Monsanto ? Big deal !

The million dollar question is, what are we prepared to do about it?

André Comeau got fired as an ag-scientist in Canada because of his stand and effort to find a way to grow wheat without using glyphosate or other herbicides. Canadian government fired him. He sacrificed his career but did not change his opinion that toxic chemicals in food system is unhealthy and should not be supported.

Not everyone needs to be fired. But it is my opinion that this problem is political, i.e. our politicians are extremely corrupt, across all party lines, that we do not have an effective democratic system, that the people are ultimately at fault for this sorry state of affairs, and that the ultimate solution, if Canada and the world is to be saved, will have to come from ordinary citizens.

Citizen activists will need to stand up to fight the this toxic avalanche enabled by our government, and shift focus away from Monsanto, Bayer and other corporations. People will have to change focus and recognize their own politicians as parties responsible for the poisoning of Canada.

The people will have to find a way to put the fear of God into future aspiring politicians, so that a new generation of them can be in government, whose primary job would be what the constitution says, i.e. follow the wish of the people and work for the greater good of the people, and not work for the profit of corporations.

It is not upto NGOs, talking heads, anti-GMO gurus, various group leaders, authors of books, internet clean food promoters, product pedlars or anybody else’s responsibility to save our nation and our planet. It is our job.

The buck stops are our feet – at your feet if you are reading this.

My perpetual question to the people are – what are you prepared to do ?

I am invited to address a crowd of educated Bengali intelligentsia tonight in Kolkata, India – and my ultimate question to them too will be the same.

  • It is not alright to just be aware of glyphosate.
  • It is not alright to just avoid glyphosate and eat organic.
  • It is not alright to just hate Monsanto.

My crying question to every listener remains : what are you prepared to do about it other than saving your own family by eating organic? What are you prepared to do to save your nation and your planet?

You need to do whatever you can within your means, individually & personally. If you do not do it, no one else might.

The buck, at the end of the day, stops are our feet.

I am pretty passionate, so readers may forgive my strong tone. I am not looking for followers. I am not forming an NGO for others to join me. I do not pretend to be a leader of a group. My posts are not to increase my visibility or to promote any product. I shall not ask anybody to give me any money or donation. Been there done that.

My sole aim for being on Facebook, far as glyphosate goes, is to show how ordinary citizens, without people support, without money, without legal help, without political power, cans till confront their nonplussed or crooked politicians, still confront their non-functioning governments, and still hope to achieve some result, no matter how small that might be, towards fighting this chemical attack on the planet.

I give personal examples of whatever I do, so that a few others might take example and try to do similar things within their own capacity, in their own regions, in their own unique ways.

As Marganet Meade said : Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

So, if you do not believe me, thats OK. Believe Margaret Meade and show what you are prepared to do.

Thank you.