Inviting BC MLAs to join Sunday march protesting the govt placing the entire province on house arrest

To: MLA, [full name], [party affiliation], [email],
Date: Friday, April 24, 2020

From: Tony Mitra, 10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E3L7

Subject:  Join Protest in Vancouver on 26th April against forcing British Canadians into house arrest

Honourable MLA [full name],

The 38 day continued violation of our Constitutional rights is not acceptable. The covid-19 data doesn’t support the drastic actions taken.  The measures may have initially been implemented because your government was ignorant and needed to exercise the Precautionary Principle in anticipation that the British Columbian medical resources would be overwhelmed.  The forced closure of economy was to only reduce an anticipated rapid rate or rise of infection and to extend the span of the presumed pandemic, but at a slower pace over an extended period, so hospital staff could cope. The data now emerging does not support any extension/suspension of our Constitutional Rights and liberty.

Due to close proximity and contact with people of the US, we believe this novel coronavirus started infecting people of British Columbia in November of 2019 instead of march 2020. There are enough reports and records of it in the US which is emerging now.  By now the infection should have gone well past the necessary percentage of population to ensure herd immunity. We don’t need the cumbersome measures you imposed, as I believe adequate antibody testing will show,  if conducted right now on a few thousand random samples of people of the province.


In fact, there is now evidence that the whole pandemic as declared by WHO and Bill Gates has been engineered on fraudulent science, specifically to trigger fear and panic among the masses through doctored misinformation pretending to be scientific fact, thereby allowing governments to subvert democracy and act against the interest of the very people these governments were sworn to protect.

There is talks by PM Trudeau, essentially parroting Bill Gates, that normalcy may not return in Canada until there is a vaccine available.

Covid-19 is a flu variant. In the last 40 years, science has never succeeded in making a single flu vaccine that works, else people would have needed just one vaccine for lifelong immunity. Instead, there is a plethora of complaints that vaccines, for flu or other disease, brings on signs of autism and other illnesses in recipients, especially children that are subjected to most of these vaccines today. These reports of adverse reaction to vaccines are viciously suppressed by government health departments that have gotten beholden to Big Pharma, allowing it legal indemnity from prosecution for harm caused through vaccines. There are large number of British Columbian children that are now medically compromised after being vaccinated, and their parents are forced to run from pillar to post seeking justice.

This flu, just like most past infections, are mostly attacking people that have low immunity from either old age or from toxicity in their food and environment. One of the most relevant view, and the most suppressed, has been that infections in the past decades including HIV, Ebola, SARS,  H1N1 and now Corona flare up in regions where glyphosate, active ingredient in Roundup and other herbicides, has been used extensively, causing a steady decline in natural immunity in people.  Wuhan had the largest factory producing glyphosate for the world, and its waste was getting into the river systems converging on the province. Meanwhile Canada holds the dubious record of producing seed crops with the highest concentration of glyphosate in the entire planet – refer to CFIA data and my own published book “POISON FOODS OF NORTH AMERICA”.

Instead of eradicating the root issues that compromise immunity of the people, the Government is being complicit with Industrial Agriculture and Big Pharma to issue incorrect and ineffective guidelines to help profiteering by corporations and ensuring people remain sick, so more drugs and vaccines can be rained down on them.

The corporate and government controlled media has become a mouthpiece of propaganda instead of delivering unbiased view representing all sides of an issue. Free press has gone the way of the Dodo and the BC Government has done nothing to prevent the degradation of this important pillar of any functioning democracy.

Medical establishment is being coaxed to falsely declare deaths to be by covid-19 instead of with covid-19, where a vast majority of people dying are very old or with one or more serious pre-existing life threatening illnesses. The degree of deception here is mind boggling.

It is hard to believe you are unaware of these issues.

The economic price we are forced to pay, without our consent is worse than perhaps the great depression or the second world war – and all based on a fraudulent fear mongering of an invisible virus that science has not even conclusively proved that it exists, or that it is responsible for covid-19 or responsible for great number of deaths far in excess of average flu death ranges of past years.

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Thomas Jefferson

An unjust law is itself a species of violence.
Mahatma Gandhi

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience.
Howard Zinn

SO, we the people of British Columbia are protesting this forced imprisonment of people by a lawful protest come Sunday, the 26th of April 2020 at English Bay, Vancouver, at 2 PM.

This letter will be shared in public to spread awareness of this potential anti-national role being played by the Government.

I invite you, as responsible and conscientious citizens of Canada, residents of British Columbia and sworn public servant, to join the event and lend us your support in protesting this act of violence by the Government in subversion of democracy and constitutional rights of the people.

Date: 26th April, 2020 – Sunday.
Place, outside Cactus Club, English Bay, Vancouver.
Time: 2 PM

Thanking you
Tony Mitra, 10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E 3L7, Canada,

A few flyers by me:


Dr. Don Huber writes to the Governor of Idaho to immediately stop Covid19 lockdown

Don M. Huber
Professor Emeritus, Purdue University
9322 Big Foot Road
Melba, Idaho 83641

Dear Governor Little,

The 15 day continued violation of our Constitutional rights is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! The covid-19 data doesn’t support the drastic actions taken.  The measures were initially implemented because we were ignorant and needed to exercise the Precautionary Principle in anticipation that our medical resources would be overwhelmed.  They would only reduce an anticipated potential increase in cases and extend the pandemic, but at a slower pace. The data we now have does NOT support any extension/suspension of our Constitutional Rights and liberty.


There is absolutely NO REASON why we can’t safely and responsibly open our economy right now and beat covid-19 at the same time. Much of the data available to the public is based on flawed models that are compromised and corrupted to generate fear and destroy rational thinking.  Where is valid data showing how many Idahoans are infected, recovered, immune or died from covid-19; and the benefit of a six-foot distance for an air-borne virus?

There is evidence that covid-19 was endemic in Idaho (Sun Valley, and Jackson Hole, WY) and documented in other parts of the U.S. by mid-November rather than mid-January.  Epidemiologically relevant models for exponential spread commonly used to justify the drastic restrictions in Constitutional rights would therefore need to be moved two months earlier than the January 20 date commonly used, and indicate extensive establishment in the society by now.  To get to Sun Valley, most international visitors fly into Boise.  Although most people experience little or mild symptom expression, the limited number of people that experienced a more severe reaction in November and December (“Jackson Hole Crud”) and lingering, persistent cough could ‘chalk it up’ to just a more severe form of the common flu. Fatalities almost uniformly succumbed from underlying conditions.  Epidemiologically, approximately 30 % of the population could have been exposed and recovered by the time the first individual case was documented in January, and 60 – 70 % by now, to approach the ‘curling’ phase of the epidemic/pandemic approaching ‘herd immunity’ suppression.  Since only the sick are tested, the available data misses the most important component of the population that could return to school and work safely because of antibody response level. They would not spread the virus or be susceptible to it.

The oppressive restrictions you implemented are counter productive and do more damage than good, are unconstitutional, too late (after the horse is already out of the barn), and unnecessarily harsh for this disease. Their continued implementation intensifies the economic, physical, and social damage that is being done; and stretches out the severe infective period by decreasing ‘herd immunity.’

Remediation necessarily includes immediate removal of restrictions, encouragement of immune system support by diet and exposure to the sun, and getting back to school and work for morale and the economy.  High-risk individuals should take special precautions to minimize exposure, and hospital personnel should be briefed on therapeutic responses (Vitamins A, C, and D-3, and I and Zn). The flu shot should be discouraged since it predisposes to covid-19 (Air Force study) – especially for the high-risk population. Individuals who are feeling sick should be encouraged to stay home until well and then move back to work or school.  Parks, beaches, lakes and other outdoor recreation facilities should be opened immediately and individuals encouraged to enjoy the out doors in Idaho’s beautiful sunshine to generate critical levels of vitamin D-3 to bolster the immune system rather than hunkered down in the dark.

I have attached recommendations Dr. Shiva Aayadurai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, provided President Trump for a more detailed recovery response applicable to Idaho. [Note: Dr. Aayadurai corrected this letter to state 1 g/day IV vitamin C rather than 100 g!]

This disease genie can’t be put back in the bottle! It will be with us for a long time, as will the consequences of our over-reaction to it.  What will our reaction be this fall when the next ‘flu season’ arrives? What resources will we be able to take from other critical societal needs and muster for the fight – or will we already have squandered them fighting the windmill of covid-19 now? 

The consequences of fear are economic and social disruption.  Testing everyone to show the high level of immunity is one way to dispel much of the fear.  Acknowledgement of the safe, effective therapies that are readily available now need more publicity as do the large number of fully recovered individuals that can’t catch or spread the virus, but can function to provide a semblance of normalcy and suppress covid-19 spread to non-infected individuals. We are currently doing the opposite!

We don’t need the cumbersome measures you imposed, as I believe adequate antibody testing will show.

Get Idaho back to school and work!

Don M. Huber, 9322 Big Foot Road, Melba, ID 83641

Dr. Don M. Huber is Emeritus Professor, Purdue University; COL(Ret.) US Army (Medical Intelligence, Biowarfare Sr. Analyst); Former Associate Director, Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center, Frederick, MD, now National Medical Intelligence Center; former Chairman, USDA National Plant Disease Recovery Program; member, US Threat Pathogens Committee; former member of the Advisory Board, Office of Technology Assessment, US Congress, now Congressional Research Service; and former member, Office of The Surgeon General Global Epidemiology Working Group.

Rose writes to Premier Brian Pallister on Covid19

Rose Stevens is a fire breathing pro organic anti-GMO anti-Glyphosate, natural healing, anti-Big Pharma citizen activist and entrepreneur from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She wrote to her premier recently about the goings on with Covid-19 and the lockdown. Here is a copy.

Dear Honorable Brian Pallister
 I was moved by your heart felt concern for Manitoba citizens on your recent interview. regarding the corona virus issue.   I thought to myself– here is a premier who really cares.  However, I believe there are some things  that you are not aware  of , so that is why I am writing this letter to implore you to do some more research on what is really going on.
Why is Mayor Bowman meeting with Bill Gates and entertaining the WHO’s  predictive contagion model and a corona vaccine solution  when we have a local expert such as Dr Joel Kettner who could weigh in?.  Bill Gates is not even a doctor.  Why did  CBC cut off  Dr Joel Kettner’s interview  when he questioned the status quo on the numbers regarding the corona  virus pandemic?

If you watch you will understand that you or being lied to by main stream media and they are part of the problem by giving every one, including you a false narrative.

I would encourage you to listen to other experts such as Dr Rashid Buttar , who blasts Bill Gates and Fauci as he exposes the fake pandemic numbers while  the economy collapses.

 And can you please tell me why our Prime Minster Trudeau used my tax dollars to fund the lab in Wuhan?

Rose Stevens

Please listen to  Dr Shiva talk about how intravenous vitamin C is saving lives of those infected with Corona virus. Why are alternative therapies not considered ?  Even Dr Paul Offit who is the leading  pro vaccine doctor in the USA is saying he is worried about this corona vaccine   (See attachment)

I am asking you to speak with Mayor  Bowman to ask him  not to take the advice of Bill Gates and WHO via a scheduled teleconference he posted on his FACEBOOK page. Have you seen how many citizens commented negatively about this on his page?

Prime Minister Trudeau,[1] public health officials, and the mainstream media have expressed the opinion that “life will not return to normal until a vaccine for CV 19 is developed.”

The citizens of Canada are entitled to the full protection guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights, the Nuremberg Code, and the medical and legal ethic of informed consent.

A health care strategy for COVID 19 that is based solely on indefinite containment and mass vaccination is reckless and dangerous, and a violation of our rights and freedoms under the Charter.

We demand that our government representatives carefully consider the following points and use extreme caution, wisdom and humility in making decisions that will impact the lives of every Canadian now and for the foreseeable future.

I. Impact of Indefinite Isolation

The fact is not all citizens are at equal risk of serious adverse effects from contracting CV 19. The current virus suppression strategy of mass and indiscriminate ‘social distancing’ is unsustainable, heavy handed, unethical, not supported by scientific evidence, and will undoubtedly cause more harm than good. It is time to re-evaluate the government’s response to COVID 19.

This devastating attack on the free will and self-respect of Canadian families is causing unconscionable hardships as never seen before. These hardships include, but are not limited to: job loss, income loss, severe stress impacting health, business closures, overall economic devastation, suicides, and negative consequences for families and marriages.

It is astonishing and completely unacceptable that these measures are being imposed upon the Canadian people by a small group of elected and unelected officials who are making poorly informed and dangerous decisions without adequate data, proper debate and public input.

Key points:

1. There is no scientific evidence to substantiate the effectiveness of “social distancing” as a medical intervention to reduce COVID 19 transmission and infection.

2. The imposition of mass and indiscriminate self-isolation measures prevents the development of natural immunity necessary to secure herd immunity.

3. It is the opinion of experts that efforts to suppress the virus through self-isolation measures prolongs the outbreak and puts more lives at risk, damages our economy and the mental stability and health of the more vulnerable.

II. Fast-Tracked Vaccines

Vaccine makers have already moved directly into human testing of a COVID 19 vaccine without the completion of animal testing.
Key points:

1. Unlike with all other pharmaceutical products, vaccine manufacturers are not required to meet the safety standards (double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials), there is no independent testing and testing data is not publicly available.

2. Fast tracking vaccine development is effectively human experimentation, a method that increases the risk of developing a dangerous product that may cause more harm than good and severely undermine the trust of Canadians in our health professionals, health agencies, and in the entire vaccine paradigm.

3. Previous attempts to develop a coronavirus vaccine have demonstrated the high potential for “immune enhancement” or “pathogenic priming “. Immune enhancement occurs when those who get the vaccine are later exposed to the virus, they develop even more severe disease than those who had not been vaccinated.[2]

III. Violation of Charter Rights and Freedoms

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms requires that the response of governments to this challenge must remain rational and commensurate with demonstrable evidence, and the checks and balances of the rule of law. The severe curtailment of civil liberties without projected timelines for their rescission, the shutdown of economic activity and resulting job losses, the increase of human suffering through confinement and restriction of liberty, and the closure of courts of justice denying citizens a ready recourse, are all factors which bear close scrutiny, and must be weighed in the balance of a Constitution which zealously guards the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Governments may enact laws and pursue policies that limit Charter rights and freedoms, but the onus is on the government to prove that the limit is demonstrably justifiable in a free and democratic society.

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Key points:

1. To date, the governments in Canada have not shown evidence that the limits to our rights and freedoms is demonstrably justifiable.

2. What we are living is effectively house arrest. The fact is you quarantine sick people, not healthy people. It is time for a new strategy.

3. The closure of our parliaments and courts of law is unprecedented, illegal, unnecessary, unconstitutional, undemocratic and impedes the ability of Canadians to hold our governments accountable.

Warnings of Experts

We implore you to heed the warnings of scientists and medical experts, including:

“I understand the importance of accelerating timelines for vaccines in general, but from everything I know, this is not the vaccine to be doing it with. There is a risk of immune enhancement. The way you reduce that risk is first you show it does not occur in laboratory animals.”

Dr Peter Hotez, Dean of the National School of
Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine

“You really have to test a vaccine carefully and not just roll it out because people are clamoring for it with an epidemic underway.”

Marc Lipsitch, Epidemiologist
Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Boston

“What can be done to end this epidemic? The answer is herd immunity. Don’t close schools – open them up! Let those under the age of 65 with no significant health problems go to work. Their risk of death is very close to zero. Our current strategy of isolating these healthy people from the virus: a. is not working (and) is actually leading to a prolonged COVID-19 season!”

Knut Wittkowski, German Epidemiologist

Will You Protect Our Rights?

As an elected official or unelected health policy maker, will you honour your mandate to support actions that truly protect and promote good health without violating the constitutional rights of Canadians?

Will your decisions and actions be based on careful consideration of solid and verifiable information offered by leading scientists and medical professionals across the world, rather than solely on what is provided by the unchecked and unaccountable World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the vaccine industry?

Specifically, consider your stance regarding the following and answer these questions:

1. What is your position on protecting my ethical and legal right to informed consent for myself and my right and responsibility as a parent to make medical decisions for my children?

2. Where do you stand on the right to bodily sovereignty – my body, my choice?

3. Is it ethical to deny children, young people and others who are at low risk of mortality from COVID 19 the opportunity to develop natural immunity, and instead, to make them dependent on vaccine-induced immunity and the vaccine industry?

4. Why force every citizen to be vaccinated when only a small portion of the population is at serious risk from COVID 19?

5. Do we want to create further dependency upon vaccine induced immunity?

It’s vital to consider the admission of Heidi Larson, Director of The Vaccine Confidence Project during the 2019 WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit:

“We’ve shifted the human population…to dependency on vaccine-induced immunity…We’re in a very fragile state now. We have developed a world that is dependent on vaccinations.”

6. Given a COVID 19 vaccine will likely be fast-tracked with inadequate safety testing, how willing are you to permit the vaccine industry to ignore proper safety protocols and procedures like animal testing?

7. Given the high probability of vaccine injury and death from an inadequately tested vaccine, who should be held legally and financially accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths?

8. The lure of tremendous profit creates the strong potential to exaggerate the benefits and minimize any risks of the vaccine and to allow profit to supersede health. Are our decision-making bodies sufficiently independent from industry influence and control?

9. Are there better and more effective investments of professional resources and taxpayer dollars – such as naturally boosting immunity with reliable dietary recommendations, vitamin supplementation, personal hygiene advice, clean water, reduced exposure to toxins, and other public health measures proven to promote health?

10. Can I count on you to stand firm and protect my rights and freedoms in Canada?

Canadian families demand that all provincial and federal governments immediately desist consideration of any health care strategy for COVID 19 that relies on indefinite isolation and the mandating of a vaccine or other coercive practices that impact the right of Canadians to enjoy health, sovereignty and free will.

What is the point in surviving if our rights and freedoms do not survive with us?

Rose Stevens

Nations should initiate independent risk analysis of COVID19

It is my belief that each nation might like to independently verify the risk posed by this Coronavirus, a variant of seasonal flu virus, and balance it with economic and psychological damage resulted by an economic lockdown of a country as a means to avoid infection, and not depend on opinion of the World Health Organization which is causing people to freeze in fear of a invisible enemy, one that has been with us for a long time without bringing the world to an end.

I hope rational thinking and proportional actions promoted by good sense would prevail. I may be that citizens need to come up with their views to counter any overreaction by Government agencies. It is the constitutional duty of the people to be vigilant on actions of the Government that can adversely affect people’s lives and livelihoods.

Attached is my letter to my MP in Canada, placed for record. I hope others that share the concern would likewise take this up with their representatives. I should be writing more letters in an effort to find one that will throw down the gauntlet and push for more investigation and verification of the threat posed by a virus against threat posed by committing economic suicide along with destruction of civil rights of people and infringement on their rights to normal life and pursuit of happiness.

A letter to my MP in Canada re Covid19-19
To: Carla Qualtrough,
Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Member of Parliament from federal electoral district of Delta BC
Dated:Saturday, April 5, 2020

Subject: Canada needs to independently verify level of danger posed by the Coronavirus

Honourable Minister Carla Qualtrough,

I have written to you before and also met you at your office in the past – mostly relating to Canada’s continued usage of herbicide glyphosate in agriculture and continued nondisclosure of safety data it received from Monsanto on the product.

This time I write to you on another current subject of great importance – yes, the so called pandemic on Covid-19. I have been gravely concerned about the economic consequence of Canada in essence battening itself down in fear of a flu virus named 2019-nCOV which occassionally causes a pulmonary disease called COVID19 which is similar in symptoms to average flu.

In this context urge you to consider the following:

* Coronavirus is a generic name for a virus family that has been around for a long time. Most of us have been exposed to it in the past. Our immune system usually deals with it without any fuss. Only some elderly and immunocompromised people mostly have trouble with it, and should be the ones protected.

* Todays Covid19 deaths, combined with the rest of the flu infected deaths are not outside of the range of seasonal variations in flu deaths of the past years. There is very good statistical data available from official sources that seem to indicate the declaration of a global pandemic by WHO may be a gross overreaction.

* Viruses mutate rapidly and their RNA can alter day by day or even hour by hour. There is no proof that the tests being conducted now for a tiny fragment of RNA to identify Coronavirus infection are in fact relevant, are actually from any specific strain of Coronavirus or from any other virus. These could well be junk RNA picked up from the mouth swabs that include cell excretion and other genetic debris.

* Despite whatever todays modern science says – no virus, let along a coronavirus, has successfully been isolated (from other genetic debris), purified, and its entire genome properly sequenced. Modern science has instead been shifting the goalposts to get around time tested postulates and gold standard practices in order to promote marketable products of questionable worth by the industry that controls science funding today. Science may be losing its original neutrality, objectivity and purity.

Above points are my educated opinion. I believe they are valid enough to warrant Canada to conduct independent, unbiased investigation on true risk posed by this flu virus, and not take WHO recommendations as if it is gospel from the heavens. Canada is an independent country and not a province of WHO.

I now request you to get this grave issue debated on the floor of the Canadian Parliament and to caution the Prime Minister not to play with the lives and livelihood of the entire nation by having Canada effectively engage in an economic warfare against its own self based solely on blind trust in international organisations such as WHO and the Corporate controlled foreign scientific establishments, both of which may have conflict of interest. Canada is not a banana republic and should be able to conduct independent unbiased verification of threat posed by a seasonal flu without external or internal influence and without conflict of interest.

You are my MP. Hence you are the first person I write to, but you will not be the last.

Mind it, I have never asked you for a personal favour and I never will. I only approach you on matters that concern the welfare of my country and my countrymen. In this, I am performing my duty as a citizen. I am hopeful you will perform yours as our representative in the Government.

Thanking you
Tony Mitra
10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E3L7, Canada,