The world is constantly inching towards the end of the cliff. The Ukraine war has become toe focal point of a very large set of global issues that is tearing the estabished fabric of global systems apart. A new system is poking its head out of the fractured shell of the egg. It is not at all certain if the transition from the US controlled unipolar hegemonic petrodollar linked world economic system to a yet unidentified multipolar system is going to be peaceful or violent. All the tell tale signs are there.

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At one end of the Ukraine imbroglio stands Russia. In the eyes of the western propaganda driven, virtual world citizens of the west – Russia is the greatest bully and a rogue and a crimina invader of an innocent, peace loving Ukraine without any provocation. But in the eyes of those that keep their eyes, ears and minds open, Russia is noen of those things and the US is the greatest instigator and architect of this fame narrative. He has out Sovieted the Soviets of the past and out Propaganda-ed the Soviets too. The lies are so blatact, so omniprent, so unbelievably stupid and stifling, that one has to be a near retard to beleive it all. The lies started a long long time ago and continues to this day. So, for the people awake, Russia is being singled out as the villane on one side of the conflict, with a clear intend to bury it permanently, never to emerge again.

But on the other side, unlike the propaganda narrative, is not Ukraine, which is just a proxy tool and an intended sacrificial lamb, too stupid to understand what is good for it, and controlled by the most corrupt regime on the face of this planet. No, Ukraine is most certainly not on the other end of the conflict. It is the US, the agent provocateur par excellence. Along with the US, is all the nations that hang on to the coat tails of USA. That includes Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all EU/NATO nations of Europe. And, just for variety, you may also add Japan, the only non-white nation into the mix. That is what Russia is facing single handedly, on false charges.


But then, there is also the non-west nations of the earth, comprising of 85% of the world population. And there is BRICS+. and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. There is China, and then there is India. All of them carry significant amount of geopolitical, economic and demographic punch. It is getting increasingly well understood by the world, that there are more than just one block (the west) on earth. And the emerging nations are not particular fond of the west, reembering well the centuries of direct colonisation and subseqquent hidden colonisation ongois ng till today.

India has been playing a tightrope walk for the last one year. Initially they utright refused to sanction Russia and even said how it is dangerous for their national interest to cut trade links with Russia. However, the things turned around rapidly for India.

In jiffy, India managed to secure discounted assurance of Russian Crude oil that the west sanctioned itself out of. Then India proceeded to refine the oil in India, at a rate higher than India’s own consumption. India started filling up its own strategic reserve on one side, and started selling the refined oil on the other side. USA and Europe started importing the refined oil, originally from Russia but repackaged through India. Strangely, this was acceptable to the western sanction regimes. Net result was, India became the worlds third largest oil importer on one side, and a huge refined oil supplier to the west on the other. For reasons such as this, the US seem to have moved on to a coy mode. Its politicians seem not too keen to scold India any more, for continuing to trade with Russia. A few Indian video content creator such as Amit Sengupta started covering such stories on Youtube. One is tempted to say – politics makes strange bedfellows.

So is things going great for Russia? Well, in my mind, there are still unanswered questions. One of them have been why is it so fard to find a Russia loving Russian that is not afraid to speak with me about his views of how his homeland is being targetted, unfairly, by the entire west. I have been looking for such a person for a year now. And although there are over 150 million Russians, I have found only one so far. Everybody else is commenting on the english medium social media, or on podcasts and video, but I cannot find a single Russian to speak on record with.

Who are the good Russians? Who are the bad ones? Why are most of them reluctant to speak on camera ? WHat are they afraid of? Why are they hesitating? My search continues, but I by now have a few suspicions.

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Author – Tony Mitra

Dentists and Russia

There used to be a joke in my younger years, about dentists in Soviet Union. The joke was – the hardest profession in Soviet Union was that of a dentist – because nobody wants to open his or her mouth. It was a jpke then. But I am beginning to suspect that this is not a joke any more, in present Russia. And there must be a rather strange or sinister reason.

I have been told that Russia is full of internally implanted sppies, Putin-haters and agent provocateurs, apart from an already exising (illegal) Government in exile. The internal colaborators of the US hegemon are at all layers of Government, and the courts or the banks and on social media. The reason is long and complicaed. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the corrupt Russians came to Boris Yeltsin’s group like flies to a jar of honey.

Boris apparently helped create the class of looters that tried to drain Russian resources dry, and became billionnaires overnight. Yeltsin reaslised the mistake and also got afraid that he was going to end his life being hanged or in jail and that his daughter and son in law too would face the gallows. He tried to right the ship by offering to step down and help elevate the right guy that can steady the floundering Russian ship, but same time spare him and his family. As the story goes, Yestsiin found nobody around him capable enough, except Putin.

To cut a long story, Putin kept his promise, let Yeltsin spend his last years in peace, stopped the national loot and told the instant billionnaires – so far and no further. You can keep your wealth, but the loot stops now.

Thus, the crooks remained. Over the years, most of them have now left Russia and taken their cash with them. The owner of Telegram is one such – Pavel Durov, now reportedly a resident of Dubai, is a good example. He is apparently a highly controvertial person, and suspected to be somewhat anti-Putin. Is that because Putin stopped the instant Billionnaires from continuing to loot Russia, or because he refuses to be bought any more?

Some Russians tell me, this man is not straight and he is not exactly a Russia lover. But a lot of activists and such are on his Telegram channel. I myself have found it hard to find an honest Russian to agree to speak with me on record, through huge list of channels on Telegram that are supposedly frequented by Russians. I even had a few Russian speaking friends to post in Russian language to seek a Russia loving Russian to speak freely and without fear to me on record. I have been disappointed in the result initially, because I was not aware of what was gonig on there. No takers of the offer to speak with me so far, except just one Russian woman about six months ago – Ms Irina Muhina. First part of her interview is below. I could not fathom why I am not getting people ready and happy to speak to me. Language was one problem but I did not believe at all that this was the main problem. It took me some time to understand that there are layers of other issues that are likely making some Russians nervous and who to talk to freely. One of the cause of this nervousness, I suspect, is because there is an internal quiet revolution gonig on in Russia, involving house cleaning. Some believe the globalists are slowly filtering out of Russia and taking their assets with him. The west cutting Russia out of the SWIFT system might have triggered an avalanche. I would love to hear more of it from Russia, but do not get much clear talk from Russians. Many are too shy to speak from within Russia. Many more Russians outside of Russia have divided loyalties and confused notions. Many east Europeans carry historical grudge against Russia and many Russians are aware of that and do not wish to speak up. This is a mine field in itself.

That was a few months ago. By now I have spent more than a year looking for honest Russians that do not hate Russia nor Putin and understands the root causes behind the conflict and willing to speak without fear.

The paucity of available Russians, and the rumour that inside Russia, the agent provocateurs are now on the run, and many are slowly exiting Russia. Some congregating around Georgia while others are gravitating towards greener pasteurs such as Canada. I wonder when we are going to have a Stephan Bendera statue here in Canada. Bandera, long dead now, is the celebrated Nazi of Ukraine and Nazis appear to be the new darlings of the west.

I need further confirmation on why I have a hard time finding people in Russia to speak with me. Many agree at first, and then shy away for one reason or another. Some do a partial interview but find excuse to avoid the others, such as sudden fever and illness or too busy to talk face to face or downright hostile and arrogant. I have a sneaky suspecion that these do not love Russia, nor Putin and somehow are playing for the US to destroy Russia, at which time they plan to somehow benefit from it. I also have a sneaky feeling that the good Russians might be aware of what is going on, but do not fully know who is a good guy and who is not, or something. They are therefore more careful and hesitant about exposing themselves, and would rather wait to see if Putin manages to sweep his house clean, or the old Obama plants and left over crooks in Russia manage to bury Putin as well as Russia, and let the US regain its Unipolar global bully status. This is of course, just a hunch.

Facebook is a lot bigger than just a dot – it is a black hole

Connecting the dots in a major puzzle needs most of the dots to be identified and plotted. I have now come to realise that Facebook, along with some others, are dots that just cannot be ignored. When it comes to passing information and shaping public opinion, it is my view that Facebook represents a gigantic dot. This dot is as large as a black hole. Black holes in space are supergiant masses that have so much grvitational pull that even photons, or particles of light that have a miniscule weight but travelling at the speed of light, cannot escape its pull if they pass too close to these guys. What happpens is light too falls into this giant vacuum cleaner and can never excape. No matter how much explosive activity is going on inside that mega-star, no light  and no nothing from it can escape its unbelievable gravitational pull, hence the name – Black Hole. Even light that passes near it without getting too close, is bent in its path due to the gravitation. This is one way Einstein to explain how the space as we understand it, is a matrix that is curved by the matter around it etc.

Back to our virtual world – you need to identify and plot the dots on the map before you can connect them. And Facebook, in the current human tapetry, is not just an important dot that is far more important, far larger, than just a dot. it is a virtual black hole.

If you are smart, you may indirectly guess its existence by its absence and how it bends space around it and how its extreme gravitational pull does not allow even particles of visible light, called photon, to escape. That is why it is invisible – even light is unable to escape a black hole. Thus the name – black hole. It is neither a hole, nor black.
To be continued ….