What is or are behind this insane going on?


Most everybody who is aware of great change is happening at an accelerated rate everywhere, at least about the inflation and things suddenly going costly and unavailable, especially food and essentials all over the world. Many people, not all, are beginning to realize that this price rise in due to man made reasons. At this point the root cause looses unanimity and great divide seems to show up among people. Also, the state media, the independent media as well as much of social media seem to be on the same side, and point the blame to Russia.

One explanation, or rather, one version of the explanation, comes from an Indian born US politician name SHIVA AYYADURAI, listed below. Have a listen.

He is by no means the only person with an opinion on the root issues that questions the official narrative. but one of many. While he explains his version of why all are behind this subterfuse, he still does not, in me judgement, provide a cline as to why they are dong what they are doing. You get the general impression that they are perhaps into it because of personal again and personal gain only. I find that, while believable, cannot be the whole truth.

অনেকেই এতদিনে বুঝে গেছেন, যে পৃথিবীতে বিরাট বদল আসছে, এবং অশান্তিের সঙ্গে বিপদও ঘনিয়ে আসছে – বিশ্বব্যাপি দুর্যোগ। যাকে এতদিন স্বাভাবিক মনে করা হত তা এখন অস্বাভাবিক হতে চলেছে এবং যা সমাজে অসম্ভব ধরা হত তাকে যোর করে সমাজে ঢোকানো হচ্ছে, উন্নতির নামে।
কিন্তু প্রশ্ন হল – কেন? এর পেছনে কোন শক্তি কাজ করছে?
সব মিডিয়া, খবরের কাগজ, এবং সব টিভি চ্যানেল কিছু খুলে বলছেনা, এবং সম্ভবত তারা জানে না এবং জানার চেষ্টাও করছে না।

এটাও কিছু লোকেরা বুঝেছেন বা সন্দেহ করছেন য়ে রাশিয়া এবং ইউক্রেনের যুদ্ধ কোনও ভাবে এর সঙ্গে যুক্ত|
এর একটা বিশ্লেষণ পাবেন Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAIN নামক ভারতে জন্ম মার্কিন রাজনীতিবিদের কাছ থেকে – নিচে – দেখুন|

Yesterday I spoke with a number of people from Bengal, India, about the state of affairs in geopolitics and especially about the goobal conflict between the west and the Non-West, as a large iceberg of which the Ukraine conflict is perhaps the very tip. Here is the uncommpressed and unedited lot.

Contd …

Some Flat Earthers spoil social media by acting as hoodlums

The world is progressively going nuts. Firstly, the globalists hijacking of society is going on full swing, and has destroyed the social fabric in the west first and actively engaged subverting the rest of the world. Into this group of high power criminals engaged to own the planet, have joined the military industrial complex and Big Pharma. World Health Organization has been captured by Bill Gates for subverting the world of medicine, and the world of agriculture. Most of the major corporations have joined in this – Google being the major miscreant. You cannot search anything without Google and google controls what you can see and what you cannot. Youtube is owned by Google and has removed vital videos and banned some people and restricting others.

But this video is not about them. Bad as they are, a new group seem to have joied them as cheer leaders. These are the Flat-Earth society.

They believe the earth is flat. Not only that, they believe nobody west the the Moon and no spacecraft even went there, and that all is stage managed in a studio. And all the countries agree to this subterfuge. Even India, having a failed landing four ears ago was a stage managed failure and then, four years later all of them again went to Hollywood to stage manage another successful soft landing on South Pole of Moon and again all the worlds government and all science institutions and all media and everybody went along with this story.

And then comes the clincher – they can say what they like on their own wall, I will have no quarrel with that and leave them and their views alone – not my business. But they come to my posts, and lecture me, and continue to argue.

I simply wished to congratulate India for being the first to make a set landing on moon’s South Pole, and got a barrage of comments and sniggers with condescending posts who started what I consider to be an insult to me on my knowledge and told me all that moon landing is bunkum and I have been duped by the system and they did not expect it from me.

I deleted the comments and nos consider that these flat earth’s have become the new menace that are directly adding one more layer of cancel culture, and intruding into my blog.

I had to finally block one over this.

Medvedev warns escalation in Ukraine may lead to nuclear annihilation of global mankind

Former president of Russia Mr. Medvedev

“The collective West is bound to end up defeated by Moscow, the ex-Russian president believes.”

He stated, and I believe it – that Russia through this proxy war of Ukraine poses an existential threat to Russia. Because the real goal behind the proxy war is total and permanent destruction or Russia as a country and the dismember it into multiple fragments and then to loot it.

What Medvedev said, presumably on Telegram in Russian and translated into english by RT, has been described my me in this hastily made video

The world is this last four of five years have changed so much that it is hard to comprehend. Governments were lying to be people time to time and on select issues for political reasons for a long time. We knew that. But the general perception was that the west, and especially the english speaking west was doing a better job that the rest, and that is why the standard of living was higher in those countries than elsewhere. Also they had the size and the resources. This combined with a rule based society where there was little corruption – made them a dream country compared to others, for potential immigrants the world over.

But now, that facade is crumpled and the ugly inside has not only been exposed, but is being flaunted openly as a great achievement. There is no freedom of speech, no accountability and the high lifestyle is fast deteriorating. Life looks like a train wreck breathing down on us.

I have never learned how to couch my words and do not want to do so now. Western civilization is finished and imploding upon itself, Globalists and dirty politicians are acting as maggots trying to eat the society alive like they do to dead carcass.

Book Update

My book POISON FOODS OF NORTH AMERICA, with the data is now 7 years old. Things have not stayed static during this time. Usage of glyphosate has increased all across the planet. Science if now wholly a property of corporate agro-industry and big Pharma for profiteering. Public does not fund it and does guide it or own it.

You pay junk money for science, and you get junk science.

That is the sad story of the world today. Then on top of that we know have the cancel culture, woke culture supported by state approved misinformation and lies. Social media too has joined in. Night is projected as day and vice versa.
Back to my book.
The table below is from the book, with a breakup of the regions in Canada and how toxic the foods are on average in those regions – with respect to glyphosate, the 900 pound gorilla at out dinner table. The regions are chosen and categorized by CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) under Health Canada. And the data they sent me is shown as originating from those locations.

That indicates the west of Canada is the worst place to be in Canada when it comes to food. And since Canadian food is arguably slightly more toxic that US food, and together North American food (sans Mexico) produces the most toxic of foods in the entire planet, western Canada can be shown as the global epicentre of toxic foods.

But this story is slightly misleading. All the provinces of Canada west of Ontario has been lumped together in “west”. However, there is a great geographic, geologic, topographic and agricultural difference in the region when it comes to agriculture and usage of glyphosate. British Columbia stands out separate from the other “Western” provinces. It has various mountains ranges like the cascade mountains and the rocky mountains.. Agriculture is largely conducted in the river valley and not so much elsewhere. Also, large flatlands as mostly absent here. As a result giant farms of 20,000 or 30,000 acres under one controlling ownership engaging in industrial scale farming with huge input from industrial chemical is missing here.

But the same British Columbia is lumped with Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, or the so called prairies. These consist of massive flatlands that do engage is super scale industrial agriculture with massive doses of chemicals sprayed by air planes.

The prairies are the epicentre, the real ground zero of toxicity on planet earth.

And here is another table from the same book, with data that is seven ears old.

glyphosate in cereals

Started working on my book, modifying to a new version.

Going over the data on corn, I have given up on sweet corn from Canada, India and many other countries too. The data is 7 years old, but the use of glyphosate in increasing everywhere.

There is a need for more testing, but nobody is able to get their government to test foods for glyphosate. I am going to be asking Indian organizations to firstly increase lobbying to test food for glyphosate and also consider starting a movement towards that, and lastly, to start testing small sample os food for glyphosate by different groups and collate the data.

When this book was published, data on Canadian corn was better than the US corn. But i suspect the use of glyphosate in Canadian corn has increased, It tasted bad, and the quality was degraded. I have been the only exception getting Canada to do the extensive testing. But that data is 7 odd years old.

Private testing needs a lot of money. I am retired, so cannot afford large sample testing, but I can test one of two samples in Canada. Anybody wants to join me?

Anyway, my focus of now on India as I am scheduled to visit there in winter, and because the book if due to be revised.

Attached table from my book – Poison Foods and North America.

Note, data on Oats was missing on the original book and will be added in the revision. Reading are shocking – The MRL levels are these are 35,000 parts per billion, far more than any other cereal I can find. I know health Canada increases the safety limit of glyphosate on specific foods not because it has found evidence of no hard dome to the living world though increase dose of glyphosate but rather, because the old safe limit has already been crossed per the lasted acquired data. 35,000 PPB – Jesus. H. Chist. Thankfully, I don’t eat oats. I suspect most of it is goes in animal feed. Poor animals cannot complain when they get cancer in middle age.
