Dr. Biswaroop Roychoudhury & friends write to the Prime Minister of India on covid


There is a perception that India is reeling under covid and more people are dying from it than most other countries. This notion is exacerbated through constant drumming in the media, both inside and outside of India. The real story may well be different. There are a lot of people including friends I know, who say that a number of their acquaintances that died of covid recently had, without fail, taken both doses of vaccine.

Vaccine resistance was already entrenched among many in India, historically. Now that seems to be rising among some sections of the crowd, while others are rushing to get themselves vaccinated. Rush to find oxygen cylinders have skyrocketed and there is a national level shortage to cater to demand. Some experts say this spiking of demand is through irrational panic, driven more by constant fear mongering on media and by politicians, and also by the fact that everybody today has gotten hold of an oximeter, by which you can check your oxygen intake level by sticking a finger into the device. Thus, people who are otherwise doing fine and driven to panic thinking they are dying due to oxygen level showing a percentage point lower than normal.

In the middle of all this, a group of 161 noted doctors in India have collectively written a letter to the Prime Minister, informing them of an alternative view of the situation and notifying him that the covid based personal restrictions and shutdown of economy is both unwarranted and extremely harmful for the future of India’s viability. They are following it up with a legal challenge to the government, unless the government steps back and pulls India back from the socioeconomic brink.

One doctor in that group, Dr. Biswaroom Roychoudhury, a PhD in diabetes, talks for ten minutes into a camera, describing their paint of view, speaking in Hindi.

I transcribed the Hindi talk into English – for consumption by the English speaking world. The video has been uploaded in BitChute and also Rumble.

Here is the link:

The letter by the 161 doctors to the Prime Minister has been copied to all elected members of parliament, all elected members of provincial legislative assembly and all district magistrates.

Further, the note sort of issues a warning, that, if the covid based restrictions, which are both unnecessary and extremely damaging for India, are not lifted by June 1st, the group will challenge both the Prime Minister and the Government in court.

I shall follow up on this developing story.

For those that cannot access the video from BitChute for any reason, may also check it out on Rumble:


বিশ্বভারতীর সংকট এবং আমার কর্তব্য

মনে করি বিশ্বভারতী কালের মহাসংকটের সামনে আসছে – তার নানা কারণের মধ্যে তিনটি উল্লেখযোগ্য যুক্তি হলঃ

১) ভাজপা সরকার
২) বঙ্গসংস্কৃতির ভবিষ্যত এবং তাতে রবীন্দ্রপ্রভাবের সম্পর্ক
৩) দেশবিদেশের নানা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে বামপন্থী radical’দের প্রভাব ও তার ফল

তা নিয়ে আমার নিজের মতানুযাধী বিশ্বভারতীর কপালে আরও নানা দুর্যোগ আসছে মনে করি। পশ্চিম বঙ্গে ভাজপা সরকার গঠবে কিনা তার অনেকটা প্রতিফলন পড়বে ওখানে। এই বিষয়ে নতুন করে চিন্তা করে নতুন এক চিঠির কাঠামো তৈরি করেছি সরকারকে জানানোর। নির্বাচনের ফল কি হয় তার অপেক্ষায় আছি – এবং সেই নির্বাচনের পরিণাম দেখে চিঠিটা দরকার মত সংশোধন করে পাঠাবো – শেয়ার করব। বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়কে রক্ষা করতে গেলে একে পুরোপুরি বন্ধ করা উচিত কিছু বছরের জন্য – এই মতামতে পরিবর্তন আসেনি। বন্ধ করা ছাড়াও, নতুন সংবিধান লেখা ইত্যাদি নানা সংযুক্ত সমস্যার ওপর মনোযোগ দেওয়া হবে।

আমার নাগরিকের কর্তব্য আমি পালন করব – অন্যরা তাঁদের কর্তব্য পালন করবেন যদি চান।

এ নিয়ে কেউ যদি গুরুত্ব সহকারে আমার সঙ্গে কথা বলতে চান – tonu@mac.com’এ লিখুন। সাধারণের মন্তব্য সব সময় দেখার সময় পাই না।


রবিঠাকুর পরিচিতি

সবাইকে নমস্কার।

আমি শান্তিনিকেতনে জন্মিত এক সুদূর কানাডা বাসী বিশ্বনাগরিক যে মনে করি আমার সর্বজনীন সচেতনতাতে বাবা মাকে বাদ দিলে সবচেয়ে বেশি প্রভাব আছে রবীন্দ্রনাথের বিশ্বমানবতাবাদের। আমার দাদামশাই কালীমোহন ঘোষ সতেরো-আঠার বছর বয়স থেকে রবীন্দ্রনাথের সঙ্গে কর্মযুক্ত হন প্রধানতঃ পল্লী উন্নয়নের কাজে, প্রথমে বর্তমান বাংলাদেশে শিলাইদহ ও পতিসরে এবং পরজীবনে নিশান্তিনিকেতন-শ্রীনিকেতনে এসে এল্মহার্ষ্ট সাহেবের সঙ্গে। তার পুত্র এবং আমার বড়মামা শান্তিদেব সঙ্গীতভবনে ছিলেন। আমার বাবা কলাভবনের অধ্যাপক ও মা শিল্পসদনে কাজ করেছেন।
আমি অনেক বছর আগে ২০০৯’এ অনেক নথিপত্র ঘেঁটে এবং বিশেষ করে প্রশান্ত পালের রবিজীবনী অবলম্বন করে, তেইশ স্তবকের একটি কবিগান রচনা করি, রবীন্দ্রনাথের বারো পুরুষের বংশতালিকার পরিচয় দিয়ে।

কবিগান করার পেছনে কয়েকটি উদ্দেশ্য ছিল – প্রথমত, কবিগান আজ বাংলা থেকে অনেকটা উঠে গেছে। শহরের লোকেরা একে ভুলে গেছে এবং গ্রাম গঞ্জে হিন্দি সিনেমা, আর টেলিভিশন ঢুকে গিয়ে কবিগাননকে ঠেলে প্রায় নির্বাসনে পাঠিয়েছে। সুতরাং যদি আমার ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষমতায় লুপ্তপ্রায় বাংলা কবিগানে আবার একটু প্রাণ সঞ্চার করা যায় তবে সেটা ভাল চেষ্টা হবে মনে করে। আর দ্বিতীয় কারণ ছিল – যারা পড়া লেখা জানেনা বা বই পড়ার সময় পায়না, বা ছোট শিশু, এরাও কবিগান মারফত নানা তথ্য জেনে মনে রাখতে পারে -যা কবিগানের অন্যতম প্রধান গুন। সুতরাং এর মধ্য দিয়ে গ্রাম গঞ্জের মানুষ রবি ঠাকুরের পূর্বপুরুষরা কিরকম লোক ছিলেন, কোথা থেকে এসেছেন এবং কেমন করে তিনি শান্তিনিকেতনে পৌঁছলেন, তাও জানতে পারবে।

যাই হোক, এই কবিগানে দুচারজন সুর দেবার চেষ্টা করলেও পুরোটা করা সম্ভব হয়নি – যদিও অনেকে সাহাজ্য করতে এগিয়ে এসেছিল। বাংলাদেশের কিছু লোক এটা নিয়ে গিয়ে বলেছিল ওখানে চেষ্টা করবে বলে, তারও কোনও ফল এখনও আসেনি। আমি সুরকার নই, গায়কও নই – নয়তো নিজেই চেষ্টা করতাম।
আজ এখানে আপনাদের সঙ্গে শেয়ার করলাম। হয়তো কারুর ভাল লাগবে।
কেমন লাগলো জানাবেন।
শান্তনু মিত্র

পাঠভবনের প্রাক্তন ছাত্র, বিশ্বজিত রায়ের পুত্র, বাঙ্গালুরু বাসী তমোজিত রায় (টুকুল) কবিগানটির প্রথম অংশটিতে সুর প্রয়োগ করে গেয়েছিল, সেটা এখানে তোলা হল। কবিগানে সুর রচনার একটা সমস্যা হল যে এতে অনেক স্তবক থাকে বলে একই সুরে পুরোটা গাইলে সেটা একঘেয়ে, repetitive হয়ে যায়, কবিগান কিছুটা রস হারায়। তাই কবিগান রচনায় সুরের ও গাওয়ার রচনাশৈলীতে নানা রকম পরিবর্তন, বৈচিত্র আনতে হয়। সেই কথা মনে রেখে টুকুল প্রথম অংশটাই শুধু সূর করে গেয়েছিল।



Decay of the VBU Alumni

The gradual degradation of Rabindranath’s dream institution, Visva Bharati, has been ongoing for many generations now. It started while Tagore himself was alive but getting too old to oversee all details of administration and had to depend on others. He also saw the financial crisis looming, since he himself was no more able to take Santiniketan students for cultural performance across the nation to raise funds to run the University. He did request Gandhi to help take care of Santiniketan, but I am certain it pained him to do so, because the request essentially meant that he believed VBU would be unable to stand on its own feet and raise funds for its own affairs.

Many famous overseas Universities do not depend on Government funds, but are financed with a combination of help from its financially successful alumni, fees paid by students, and private investment. But Visva Bharati was unable to reach that status for multiple reasons, one of them being the failure of the extents to engage constructively in this very important field and the disinclination of the wealthy industrialists to be involved in the University after Tagore was gone.

Research scholars will add their study on this subject, but part of the problem was – for a lot of selfish people high and low, public funding of the University under the central government was seen as a cash cow that was ideal for milking.

That Visva Bharati was becoming an unproductive milk cow kept fat with public money, became the primary identity of the university. Tagore dreams became expendable.

The overall rot may have multiple roots, but one of them, the negative contribution of its Alumni class, rarely gets discussed. Generations of corrupt, inept people have turned the place into a rats nest. The University administration is well aware of it and the topic is out in papers and TV for quite some time now. Most things are now public, except one – how destructively inept and unprofessional the vaunted Exstudent community itself has been.

That story, of the Rabindra-chanting Practoni Alumni group, is the subject of this blog, representing my own point of view with just a few personal experiences on how I came to this conclusion a long time ago, and have on occasion expressed by views and suggestions to the authorities, both local to the Vice Chancellor and the federal government, through the Chancellor.


I am contemplating on sharing this blog, but believe people deserve to know the alternate views of the affairs of the place, since public funds are involved in the running of the University.

I have great respect for my elders including Anandarup Ray, Srila Chatterjee, Alo Roy and others. Our family has known their family for multiple generations. I regret that this blog and my video might highlight areas where I found their conduct not suitable for any institution or group that is aimed at promoting Rabindranath Tagore’s efforts and goals.

Any human can make mistakes. Greatness comes from acknowledging it and correcting the mistakes, and not putting the mistakes under a blanket or defending the mistakes.

At the final count, these elders while all are notable, respectable, but they are not above Tagore. I cannot support anyone, even myself, above Tagore when it comes to Visva Bharati University. It would have been good if we all can acknowledge past mistakes, say sorry to each other, and bring closure to the issue, instead of harbouring ill will and letting Tagore’s vision continue to be degraded by selfishness and pettiness.

বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় আজ অসুস্থ – রবীন্দ্রনাথের আশা আকাঙ্ক্ষা অভিলাষের কবরখানা।আদর্শ বিশ্বনাগরিকের বদলে স্বার্থপর, দুশ্চরিত্র, শ্রমবিমুখ জনসংখ্যা তৈরির কারখানা, কিছু ব্যতিক্রম বাদে।

আমার নিরপেক্ষ বিচারে বিশ্বভারতীকে পুরোপুরি বন্ধ করা দরকার এবং নতুন সংবিধান নির্মাণ করার সময় এসেছে।এবিষয়ে আমি আচার্যকে দুবার চিঠি লিখেছি বেশ কিছু বছর আগে। সেগুলো শেয়ারও করা হয়েছে ফেসবুকে। তখন তার ওপর অন্যদের তেমন মন্তব্য দেখা যায়নি।

কিন্তু সেই খবর বর্তমানে আবার উল্লেখ করাতে শুনলাম কিছু প্রাক্তনীরা নাকি এমনই ছটপট করে উঠেছে যেন তাদের ল্যাজে কারুর পা পড়েছে। বিশ্বভারতীর কি অবস্থা তার বিচারের বদলে, শান্তনু মিত্রের চরিত্র চর্চা হয়ে গেল আলোচ্য বিষয়।

তাই ভাবলাম SASIর শুরুর গল্প থেকে শুরু করে শিল্পসদন ওবদি ঘটনা এবং সমাজকল্যানের অভিজ্ঞতা নিয়ে লিখি – এই প্রাক্তনীদের পরিচয় পত্র হিসেবে। এই প্রাক্তনীরা প্রচুর বড় বড় কথা হাওয়ায় ছোঁড়ে এবং অন্যদের সমালোচনা করা, নিন্দা করা, পাঁচিলে বসে উপদেশ দেওয়া কি করা উচিত অনুচিত তা নিয়ে পাণ্ডিত্ব জাহির করতে সদা অগ্রসর। কিন্তু নিজে কি করতে রাজি প্রশ্ন করলে কাউকে খুঁজে পাওয়া যায়না।

সদ্য পরলোকগত প্রাক্তন ছাত্র তাপস বোস, জিনি আমাকে সাহাজ্য করেছিলেন শিল্পসদনের ব্যাপারে – তার সঙ্গে কিছু বছর পরে ২০১৮ সালে এবিষয়ে আমার সঙ্গে রেকর্ডে কথা হয়, যেটা YouTube থেকে এখানে তুলে দেওয়া হল।

যেই লেখাটা নিয়ে শুনছি চায়ের কাপে ঝড় উঠেছে – সেটা এখানে দেওয়া হল – এটি আগের ব্লগে একবার তোলা হয়েছে আগেই।



Future of Visva Bharati University

There has been apparently conflicting news coming up regarding the future of Visva Bharati University.

One one side, there is the current vice Chancellor Bidyut Chakraborti, who reportedly stated that before he leaves (the university) steps would be taken to close it down.

On the other side, the central home minister Amit Shah has just announced details of their Bengal policy manifesto, which mentions effort to revive languishing Visva Bharati University.

Personally, I do not consider these two statements to be contradictory. In order to save Santiniketan from itself, the comatose institution needs to be operated upon, akin to an open heart surgery.

I had written a petter to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015 about my views, a copy of which is included here.

To: Sri Narendra Modi,
Prime Minister of India, Chancellor of Visva Bharati University
New Delhi
September 2nd, 2015

Subject : Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, India

Honourable prime minister and chancellor of Visva Bharati University.

I an an India born and raised engineer and a citizen of Canada that has multi-generational link with Santiniketan. I was born there and I am an ex-student, and a life member of Santiniketan Asramit Sangha International (SASI) an NGO registered in the US.

My grand father was brought to Santiniketan more than a century ago by Rabindranath Tagore himself, to work on rural reconstruction and socio-economic development, seeking ways to cement caste-religion-ethnic harmony and cooperation among people of surrounding villages and self help work schemes to create firmer foundation for the nation over which a future India could erect its vistas and minarets. It is stated that Gandhi might have taken pointers from Santiniketan when creating his Asram in Gujarat .

I write this note to you with my observation that Visva Bharati today has been awash with people that do not share any of its original vision, do not contribute towards either creating a progressive society around the area or maintain a seat of learning of any calibre. The place is being used for all the wrong reasons, mainly for selfish job holders that cheat the tax payer and the nation by drawing a fat salary for doing nothing.  It is also awash in top to bottom corruption.

I believe the problems of Visva Bharati and Santiniketan may be rooted in a moral decay of the Bengali middle class itself, harsh though this might sound. Its think tank have lost its compass,  and has stopped being pathfinders for its people. This degradation started more or less with the end of Bengal’s golden age, in which Rabindranath Tagore may have been the last and among the brightest star.

It is my belief that the rot is so deep and wide that it would be near impossible to turn it around through any cosmetic facelift.

I would therefore request you to consider shutting down VBU for a decade or so, let everybody go home, protect the land and its property by the army, and take a decade before rebuilding it from scratch including creating a suitable constitution that could be a moral compass for Tagore’s views readjusted to the 21st century.

Harsh as this might sound, I feel it may be the only way one could preserve not just Tagore’s legacy, but in fact plant a fresh seed for a Bengal that has gone barren.

Thanking you
Santanu Mitra
10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E 3L7, Canada
email and phone.

Issues of Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, or vision of Tagore, unfortunately, are today on the sidelines of public dialog. Nobody cares any more, and Tagore’s world view has been on a steady decline for a long time. I believe the prime reason for this is that the Bengali diaspora, both local and international – never understood Tagore and were themselves incapable to absorbing Tagore beyond his songs and dances on a superficial meaningless way.

Therefore, since they themselves did not understand Rabindranath, they were ill-equipped to explain him to anybody else.

There are, however, a few marginal spaces on Facebook and elsewhere where a some people connected to Santiniketan and a notion of Tagore still hang around, and often parrot contemporary comments without too much substance. This is the general scene why Tagore does not generate any interest among outsiders. The discussions on Tagore are exceptionally stale, superficial and boring, instead of being groundbreaking, still universally relevant and dynamic.

I presented the following comment on one such platform, though I have no idea if it would be published, since not many actually have the stomach to digest criticism on themselves, while most are happy blaming the vice chancellor, whoever the unfortunate person at the time might be.

Tagore 1905

বিশ্বভারতীর ভবিষ্যত 

সম্প্রতি বিশ্বভারতী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় সম্পর্কে দুরকম খবর শোনা যাচ্ছে দুই স্তরের মুখপাত্রদের থেকে।

একদিকে উপাচার্য বিদ্যুত বাবু নাকি বলেছেন যে তাঁর যাবার আগে তিনি বিশ্বভারতীকে বন্ধ করার ব্যবস্থা করে যাবেন।  অন্য দিকে দেশের স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী অমিত বাবু ভাজপা দলের পশ্চিম বঙ্গের যে পরিকল্পিত কার্যসূচী ঘোষণা করেছেন, তাতে বিশ্বভারতীর উল্লেখ আছে এবং শান্তিনিকেতনে নতুন প্রাণসঞ্চার করার কথা বলা আছে। ইঙ্গিত আছে বিশ্বভারতীর ব্যক্তিত্বে আন্তর্জাতিক প্রাসঙ্গিকতা আবার ফিরিয়ে আনার চেষ্টার।

আমি বিদ্যুত বাবুর ও অমিত বাবুর এই দুটি উক্তিকে পরস্পরবিরোধী মনে করছি না। আমার নিরপেক্ষ বিচারে বিশ্বভারতীর ভিতে ঘুন ধরেছিল রবীন্দ্রনাথের শেষ জীবন থেকেই এবং তা রবীন্দ্রনাথ উপলব্ধি করেছিলেন। তাঁর সৃষ্ট প্রতিষ্ঠান যে বিশ্বজনীন স্বাধীনচিন্তাবিদদের নীড় থাকবেনা এবং একাধিক অন্তর্মুখী, অকর্মণ্য, স্বার্থপর গোষ্ঠিরা এখানে আধিপত্য প্রতিষ্ঠিত করবে – তা আশংকা করেছিলেন।

শান্তিনিকেতনের অবিচ্ছিন্ন পতনের গোড়ায় হয়তো বাঙালির রবীন্দ্রনাথকে বোঝার অক্ষমতা ছিল। তাদের সীমিত দৃষ্টিতে বিশ্বজনীন মানবতার অর্থোদ্ধার করা হয়তো তাদের সাধ্যাতীত ছিল, প্রদীপের তলার অন্ধকারের মত। কিন্তু জেনেশুনে ওখানে ভ্রষ্টাচরণ, নিষ্ক্রিয়তা, স্বজনপোষণ, এবং কর্মচারী-শিক্ষক নির্বিশেষে সর্বস্তরে দুর্নীতির প্রতিষ্ঠান – এগুলো স্থানীয় জনসাধারণের বহু প্রজন্মের শান্তিনিকেতনকে দেওয়া উপহার। 

আমার মতে শান্তিনিকেতন-বিশ্বভারতীকে ধাপে ধাপে ক্রমবর্ধমান সংশোধনী পরিমাপ দিয়ে ফিরিয়ে আনা যাবেনা । বিশ্বভারতী point-of-no-return পেরিয়ে গেছে। আবার জীবন্ত করতে গেলে, রবি ঠাকুরের কথা ‘আধমরাদের ঘা দিয়ে তুই বাঁচা’ মনে রেখে, একে কিছু বছরের জন্য পুরোপুরি বন্ধ করে সবাইকে ঝেঁটিয়ে বিদায় করা দরকার। ‍দরকার বর্তমান যুগের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে রবীন্দ্রনাথের অঙ্কিত চিত্র অবলম্বন করে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের পরিচয়, অনন্যতা ও গন্তব্যস্থল কি হওয়া উচিত তা বিশ্লেষণ করে তার জন্য এক নতুন সংবিধান লেখা।  তার পর দরকার একে এক ধারাবাহিক পরীক্ষাস্থল মনে করে চালানোর চেষ্টা করা। রবীন্দ্রনাথের নিজের ভাষায় – ‘এই ভারতের মহামানবের সাগরতীরে’ এমন এক নীড় তৈরি করা প্রয়োজন যেখানে  – ‘ নির্বারিত স্রোতে দেশে দেশে দিশে দিশে কর্মধারা ধায় অজস্র সহস্রবিধ চরিতার্থতায়’। স্থানীয়রা রবীন্দ্রনাথের সঙ্গে বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করে জায়গাকে একদল নীতিভ্রষ্ট, দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত নাগরিক তৈরির কারখানায় পরিনত করেছে।

আমার উপরোক্ত অভিমত আমি চিঠি লিখে প্রধান মন্ত্রী মোদিকে ও তৎকালীন ভারপ্রাপ্ত উপাচার্য সবুজকলিকে পাঠিয়েছিলাম কয়েক বছর আগে – বিদ্যুত বাবুর আগমনের আগে। আমি ঔ চিঠির উত্তর পাইনি – তবে সন্দেহ হচ্ছে যে ওটা হয়তো বা দিল্লির নজর এড়ায়নি এবং এই মতের আরও সমর্থকও হয়তো দিল্লি সরকারের সংস্পর্শে আছে।

বিদ্যুত বাবু এক অগ্রদূত মাত্র – তিনি নীতি নির্ধারক নন। যারা পাঁচিলে বসে বিদ্যুত বাবুকে লক্ষ্য করে ঢিল ছুঁড়তে ব্যস্ত, তারা যদি সত্যিকারের শান্তিনিকেতন দূষক ও ধ্বংসকারীদের সনাক্ত করতে চায়, তবে হিল্লি দিল্লি করতে হবেনা – হাতের কাছের আয়নায় তাকালেই চলবে।

শান্তনু মিত্র – ২১-৩-২০২১।

Vaccine hegemony, USA and the Quad meeting

Adar Poonawalla, the chief executive of the Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine maker

Leaders of four nations, USA, Australia, Japan and India, recently had a virtual meeting – being called the Quad meeting, about covid vaccine.

ON the surface, this was about increasing protection against various flavours of the coronavirus that was emerging and was expected to emerge in the coming months, for the people of Asia, and to greatly increase the capacity to produce a lot of vaccines to protect the people.

Also on the surface, there was an effort to counter China’s offer to provide cheap vaccines to South east Asia, to protect them from covid, thereby increasing its influence and control over the region, and making it more dependent on China.

As it happens, India has already reached an agreement a month ago o supply 1.1 billion doses of Astra Zeneca and Novavax vaccines at the cost of $3 per vial to many low income nations, via UNICEF.

Now the four nation meeting appears to help finance a big boost to the Indian manufacturing sector through financial instruments, to increase India’s capacity by some one billion vials by 2022, as engineered through the initiative of US president Biden.

I suspect a few things here. Which are:

  1. Biden is following orders of its NWO bosses and financiers.
  2. The idea is to help fund new vaccine capacity in India, where other nations such as Japan and Australia are to be roped in to also help fund India in such increase of capacity, in the guise of countering China. IN effect, this helps the share holders, the Big Pharma which also funds politicians like Biden, to make more huge windfall profits and increase the debt burden of the third world countries in Asia. Instead of being indebted to China, this new arrangement helps Western Big Pharma to be the beneficiary and the western banking system to hold the debt against more Asiatic nations. All in the name of saving them from covid and also from China.
  3. India is to be among the chief beneficiaries through increase sale, global reach and rise in stature in being the world’s pharmacy, producing someone else’s product.

A lot of players are involved in this. A lot of money is to be made. A lot of political control is the target, and a lot of forces are at work. It all hinges on continued terror in the minds of people about covid pandemic.

India, in my view, is being groomed to play a role as a hedge against China, where actual profit will be made by Big Pharma and globalists. That original $3 is what India gets for being a cheap manufacturer or others products. How much the actual recipient country will have to pay through UNICEF financiers are another matter. Most countries are expected not to pay outright but go into debt so that their own national assets are now connected as collateral guarantee. This is my guess on how the new age economic colonisation works and how India could be as good an enabler as China. All this is my own opinion, though I would have liked to see some public debate on such issues.

This is an emerging story. More on this later.

India and the covid vaccine

Personally, I do not believe in vaccine science in general, and vaccines against viruses in particular, which includes vaccines against coronavirus. I also do not believe coronavirus is as dangerous as it is made out to be. I suspect most government leaders know that there is a controversy regarding it, but for reasons I have not yet managed to fathom properly, are going along with the narrative.

Consequently, I am not at all planning to get myself vaccinated, unless I am forced. If forced I shall consider it as a form of slavery where I do not any more have freedom over even my own body and soul. My immediate family has the same view, and I am kind of happy to note that they independently reached that decision without any discussion with me.

Meanwhile, India is in a peculiar place. Nationalism and pride mades many in India feel good that India has become the largest covid vaccine producer on earth, and that its vaccines are being sought by many countries around the world.

My understanding is that India produces and sells many kinds of covid vaccines, such as :

  1. Vaccines that are wholly home grown, of which there are two brands. I am told these are among the most economical of all available vaccines anywhere in the world. That needs to be confirmed by third party verification.

  2. Vaccines that are designed by others carrying other brand names, but are mass produced in India on behalf of the original brands, This is similar to iPhones being considered an US design but produced in China. India merely produces the vaccine at a fixed price to the patent holder, while the original patent holder then sells it according to whatever deal it makes with the end user countries.

  3. Some Big Pharma jointly researched and produced some vaccines using Indian technicians and pharmaceutical infrastructure, with an arrangement where the final product may be sold independently by both the overseas partner as well as by the Indian partner, sometimes under different brand names.

I am told that about 50% of the worlds covid vaccines are being produced in India alone.

A number of western nations have praised India for being the pharmacy of the world to battle covid19. Most Indians, like most people elsewhere, like being praised by outsiders. So social media is often filled with the proud Indians.

While I like the fact that Indian pharmaceutical capacity is almost matchless, I have mixed feelings about the vaccine issue and the covid vaccine story.

Here is a map I got from an Indian journalist Tanmay Shanker’s post on a local social media platform – Koo, about countries that are getting vaccines from India. You will note that in North America, Canada and Mexico are highlighted while USA is not.

I am a bit puzzled at the exclusion of Russia from this map. I have heard that the Russian Sputnic vaccine has been tested and approved by India, for local sale. Not only that, I read that India had agreed to produce this vaccine for Russia and send it back to Russia for their use, since Russia is unable to produce the numbers they need quickly enough. So, the absence of Russia from this map is a bit puzzling, for me.

Countries that received vaccines from India

Lastly, if I understand Bill Gates, this is only the beginning of the age of vaccines. There are likely to be unending streams of vaccines and other devices down the line, as more and more deadly diseases are planned to turn up as our nemesis that require unending streams of medication. I will not be surprised if India becomes one of the primary beneficiaries of the vaccine avalanche to rain down on the planet, while Bill Gates remains major share holder of almost all vaccine manufacturing plants inside and outside of India.

A new kind of Orwellian world awaits us. I wonder if anybody is actually discussing these issues.

Originally posted on MeWe, and later on this blog.

The Coronil story

Amid this craziness across the planet on account of covid19, there is one item that has escaped much of the world, and it comes from India. Its a tablet, a medicine, for curing you from covid19.

The difference between a medicine and a vaccine, at least in theory, is that a vaccine prevents you from infection. The matter has been muddied as we are told that you vaccinating yourself does not protect you and you still have to wear a mask and socially distance yourself etc etc, and nobody is safe unless everybody is vaccinated. This flies in the face of the definition of a vaccine. This is why some believe, and with good reason, that this is not a vaccine at all, but a gene based treatment of some kind, but being palmed off as a vaccine, to increase acceptance level among people.

A medicine, on the other hand, does not prevent infection, but, it cures you should you be sick from an infection.

We have been made to understand that there is no way to avoid covid without masks, social distancing, lockdowns etc, and eventually we must take the vaccine.

However, there is one herbal medicine, named Coronil, that came about, claiming to cure you of covid19 sickness. It is claimed that for mild symptoms, it cures you in 2 days and for more severe cases it cures you in 7 days, with almost 100% success rate.

The product comes out from “Patanjal” a 500 million dollar medicinal business empire of a Yoga guru named Baba Ramdev, who is also associated with Hinduism as well as the current Indian government lead by Narendra Modi, often touted as pro-Hindu or promoter of Hindutwa.

As can be expected, the liberals, secularists, Hindu-haters and India haters pooh pooh everything about Baba Ramdev including this tablet. They claimed that, at best, this herbal treatment is an immunity booster and not a cure, and it should not be advertised as one. They threatened to take the matter to court. However, proof of its details of manufacture and testing, going into several hundred pages, were handed over to the Indian pharmaceutical establishment, which strangely enough, studied the documents and agreed this was a medication for cure. Not just that, the details and the samples were sent to the World Health Organisation and it is reported that WHO too approved of it as a medication for cure from covid19. I have not seen any document of approval from WHO, but have read about it on the news.

It contains a lot of tablets, and an adult that shows symptoms of covid19 infection might take 2 tablets a day for two days if mild, or unto 7 days if sickness is severe. Children may be given half dose.

The bottle is said to cost some US$ 8.

Even more strangely, supplies can be arranged either directly from Indian sources, or even through Amazon USA.

The whole thing, apparently, is legal and above board and approved, and yet kept completely out of news. Amazon in Canada does not carry it, but Amazon USA will send you for $18.21 for one bottle.

I just ordered one. Not sure how long it will remain available in USA, now that Biden and Harris are in charge.

Canadian link to terrorism in India

Major General (retired) GD Bakshi

Major General Bakshi is, as the name suggests, a retired Army officer from India. He is a known figure on India’s television, especially on pro-government channels on political debates. As one might expect, he is a staunch defender of India’s sovereignty and has little tolerance for forces that appear to want to destabilise the nation.

He recently tweeted that the recent event at Red Fort, Delhi, India, was a clear indication that Khalistani Separatist groups were planning to disrupt the Republic Day Parade by the protesting farmers  in such a way as to provoke the Indian police forces to get alarmed enough to open live fire on the unarmed protesters, so that a massacre takes place, which will, in the eyes of the world, frame the Government of India for genocide and same time inflame the people of Punjab province that are mostly in the farmers protest group, to identify this as the second version of the Jalianwallah Bagh massacre.

OK, so what is this Khalistani separatism movement, and what is Jalianwallah Bagh ? Also, what is Republic Day and what happened on that day ? And what is the link with Canada ?

The Khalistanic separatist movement was active in India four decades ago, when some people from the Northern province of Punjab, that followed the Sikh faith, wanted the state to secede and form a free country – Khalistan. Most of the support for the separatism came from India’s arch rival Pakistan.

Khalistan is a concept of a free nation carved out of the northern Indian province of Punjab, and supported primarily by Indians of the Sikh faith. The movement for a free Khalistan gained popularity back in the 1970s and 80s in India and in time led to violent insurgency involving guns and bombs. Also, the main leader of the movement of the time, Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, moved to the Golden temple, the holy temple of all the Sikh people and established a sort of a parallel government in Punjab, with guns and arms. Because it was the holiest of all Sikh temples, the government forces were at first reluctant to storm the temple, in fear or annoying sentiments of nonviolent neutral Sikhs. However, eventually the then Prime Minister Mrs. India Gandhi ordered special forces to storm the temple and apprehend or kill the armed insurgents. The violent encounter killed the leader and finished off the insurgents. The temple itself got bullet ridden and looked violated in the encounter. It was cleaned up and brought back to its original glory. However, this did annoy many ordinary Sikhs. Two young Sikh guards of the Prime Minister took revenge by assassinating the Prime Minister.

A point of view on future of Sikhism from The String

This assassination of an otherwise very popular and strong willed Prime Minister in turn infuriated Indians and there was a sort of instant anti-Sikh riot in Delhi where a lot of innocent Sikh’s got attacked and murdered. It is alleged that the police and the government forces looked the other way for a few days and let the rage take its course before it was controlled and ended. All this left a scar on the people of Northern India. As such Sikhs and Hindu Indians are very closely linked culturally, ethnically, and also through extensive intermarriages. So it is difficult to separate the Sikhs from the Hindu, in India or elsewhere.

Over the years, the Khalistan separatist movement died out inside India. Economy also has a role to play, I suspect. Two generations ago, Punjab, through industriousness of the people – had become relatively rich compared to the rest of India. They thought they might be better off being independent instead of trying to drag the rest of poor India with them. The Sikhs constitute around 2.5% of the Indian population. They adopted westernised agricultural practices early and hugely increased their agricultural yield, essentially becoming the granary for the rest of India at the time.

However, the table began to turn soon. Firstly, the extensive use of industrial chemicals as fertilisers, and mono cropping turned the land increasingly barren. On top of it, extensive use of pesticides made the rural heartland a poison well and triggered a huge increase of diseases including childhood cancer and various other auto immune and birth defects.

Today the proud Punjabi agricultural heritage is all but ruined. Youngsters do not want to remain in farming. Most like to migrate out. There is a huge influx of Sikhs all over the world, but mostly in lands where agriculture was possible with lots of land, such as USA and primarily Canada. The least cold and temperate province of Canada, British Columbia, has a large concentration of Sikh people who have now become rich through their industriousness and involvement in farming. But I am afraid they are going to suffer from pretty much the same thing that happened to Punjab – i.e. excess toxification of land, food and people, through over reliance of agro-chemical dependent non-sustainable easy-fix type of agriculture that is already well established in North America.

Meanwhile back in India, the rest of the country started rising economically and it became increasingly evident that the future of Punjab is better off remaining within a rising India than separate from it. So the Khalistani movement died out there. Also, demographic changes, intermarriage and young moving away from Sikh practices of appearance and apparel, has made the Sikh people no more a majority in Punjab. Today, 52% are Hindu and 48% Sikh, with almost zero presence of any other faith.

Meanwhile, what is Jalianwallah Bagh massacre. Back in 1919, when India was a British Colony, a large peaceful gathering of unarmed Sikh men, women and children provoked a British army officer, who ordered that the exit routes from the grounds be blocked and troops and machine guns open fire on the trapped congregation. A lengthy barrage of firing resulted in mass killings. There was a deep well in the grounds and many men, women and children kept into the well to escape the bullets and died at the bottom of the well, crushed as more bodies piled on them. It was a gruesome massacre that went unpunished, and left a major scar in the history of the colony, and gave even more momentum for the freedom movement.

The original Jalianwallah Bagh massacre of 1919 where 1200 unarmed men, women and children at a religious Sikh gathering in Punjab were killed by British forces.

Fast forward to the 1970s and 1980s – Canada was to play a significant part in funding and supporting the Khalistani separatist movement in India. The sympathy for a Khalistani state was not the wish of all Sikh in India at the time, but only a smaller radical group. Therefore, the secession could not be achieved politically through the ballot, and was being pursued through violence at the time. By now, the movement is dead in India. But the zeal remains in the minds of the descendants of Sikh Immigrants in Canada to this day, even if the homeland of Punjab has had a demographic change. Back in the 1980s the Sikh immigrants in Canada were involved in the mid air bombing of a Jumbo commercial jet flight out of Vancouver headed to London that killed everybody including a lot of people that were not Indian at all. Not all culprits have been caught.

Now – generation after all that, support for the Khalistani aspirations are  suspected to be present in Canada among part of the Sikh community. Even politicians in the Trudeau Government as well as in NDP of the Sikh faith are suspected to harbour similar sentiments and there is fear, in Canada and also in India, that Canada might be used as a tool to re-ignite separatist insurgency and violence in India. Indian government is well aware of it, and is keeping a close eye on the situation. One of the reasons Trudeau is so disliked in India is his suspected harbouring sympathies with the Sikh separatists. The movement is not even popular inside Punjab. That is why the last time he visited India with a large coterie of his politicians including Sikh-Canadians, were given a cold shoulder even by the Punjab government. It was a diplomatic slap in the face for Trudeau, which was kept under the carpet in Canadian media.

Jagmeet Singh of NDP, Canada, suspected of sympathising with Khalistan insurgency

Even Jagmeet Sign, the current leader of the Canadian NDP party which some folks hope might one day gain the power to rule Canada, is suspected of harbouring Khalistani sympathies, although he has not directly said so. He has lent support to the Indian farmers movement, which, by now, appears to have little to do with farming and everything to do with trying to destabilise India.

To me, the links needed to complete the picture involves the globalists plan to use local issues to help topple all nationalist governments and put up puppet regimes that will be the local collaborators to the great global dictator. To me this global dictatorship is in the hands of select few very very powerful unelected individuals that remain shadowy, but are suspected to have all Big Tech corporations such as google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple etc in their range along with big money financiers and bankers and medical mafia globalists such as the Rothschilds, the British Royal family, Bill Gates, George Soros. The common term to describe them on main stream media is “Deep State” or “New World Orger” – which is abbreviated to NWO. Covid is suspected to be one of the tools to reset the world to the NWO regime. Rapid population control is part of the agenda, in keeping with the realisation that the planet is in the midst of the sixth mass extinction, and the reason is wholly man made. Man is killing the planet by just his overbearing presence and ever increasing material demand out of the planet which the planet can no more supply and sustain itself, unless either the level of demand per person, or the number of persons, preferably both, can be drastically cut down. There is also a push by Bill Gates, the lord of World Health Organisation, who keeps telling folks of the a) Need for a single world government, not necessarily elected, b) Rapid reduction of world population, c) His belief that all the people of the world need to be forced to take an endless series of vaccines to stay alive, while he himself owns shares of some fifty or sixty vaccine companies across the planet, and d) wants mankind of switch to eating only artificially factory produced meat and vegetables, while he himself wishes to own or be partners to most of this emerging technology of making artificial food for a smaller number of humans left standing on the ground.

I am not joking about any of it. So, the Farmers protest, Greta Thunberg pitching in – Soros pulling strings on the insurgency and Major General Bakshi talking about Khalistani plans to provoke a massive Police response to the vandalism so that lots of Sikhs die again, and then it could be identified as Jalianwallah Bagh massacre 2.0. The original massacre happened in  1919 in British ruled India when British Acting Major General Reginald Dyer ordered troops to fire into a nonviolent gathering of Mostly Sikh and also Hindu unarmed men women and children at a place near Amritsar Punjab, called Jalianwallah Bagh. The massacre killed some 1200 people. Dyer was not convicted nor jailed nor executed for the genocidal crime.

So, coming to close the cycle and connecting all dots. Major General Bakshi was mentioning attempts to create a second Jalianwallah Bagh or a second Tiananmen massacre at Delhi, where a lot of Sikh people would be killed by Police for appearing to be militant extremists that stormed the seat of the Indian governments. Hopefully this would kill lots of Sikhs, so that a new phase radicalised Sikhs could be created to start a second phase of the Khalistan movement. A name so far missing from this tale, is Mr. Mo Dhaliwal, who is accused of having created the toolkit that involved preplanned details of the disturbance ahead of time, and discussed and shared with Greta and the three Indians. This gentleman is thought to be Mo Dhaliwal, whose name comes up often enough in the Indian efforts to expose Greta-Soros link to the toolkit issue.

Mo Dhaliwal of Canada – alleged creator of the toolkit leaked by Greta Thunberg

One way to understand Mr. Mo Dhaliwal’s interests with regard to the Khalistan movement, is to refer to what folks say he wrote directly on Facebook about it, as quoted on https://www.walikali.com/who-is-mo-dhaliwal/. Mr. Mo Dhaliwal is supposed to have posted – “I am a Khalistani. You might not know this about me.”

Mr. Dhaliwal is reported to have urged friends, followers and others to sign a petition against a report published by Ottawa based MLI, or Macdonald-Laurier Institute, Canada’s only truly national public policy think tank based in Ottawa. The report he was protesting, was titled “Khalistan – a project of Pakistan“.

The full report from MLI Canada

The first paragraph of that report, in the prologue section, is shown here, penned by Ujjal Dhosanj and Shuvaloy Majumdar.

This more or less brings this blog to a close for now, since it is already a bit long. But, this goes to show, for me, the various links that connect Canada with insurgency against India. It still does not connect all other things, like globalists take over, Soros’ grand plan and how all of it is linked, including the current mega-scare-mongering under covid, forced crippling of selective industries and trades, establishment of a global dictatorship, and also the issue of the ongoing sixth mass extinction.

Finally, what is Republic Day and Parade? What is Farmers Movement, and what did Greta Thunberg and others in India do, and where does Mo Dhaliwal fit in?

India gained independence in 1947, but without a constitution and with the King of England as the head of all commonwealth nations, including India. India got engaged in writing a proper constitution for itself, which took three years. The British Royalty was replaced by a President as the ceremonial head of state, and the Prime Minister as decided by elected parliamentarians, was to administer the Government for each five year election cycle. This was called the Republic of India, which was comprised of a number of states. The transition took place on 26th January 1950, the India became a constitutional republic. That day is celebrated with fanfare across the nation, and march past in Delhi, usually comprising of representation from all provinces of all ethnic and cultural groups as well as the defence forces are conducted, and a lot of overseas dignitaries including heads of state and invited as guests.

This year, the trouble took place on that day, planned to cause a major blood bath by the police. The plan got foiled because the police were not ordered to fire upon the lawbreaking Farmers protest groups that entered the heritage red fort area which was similar in a way to the invasion on the capitol area by Americans on the 6th of march. The plan to provoke the farmers into vandalism at the Red Fort and other places of high prominence was hatched by the Khalistani movement, allegedly documented in a google doc toolkit by Mr. Mo Dhaliwal, who in turn shared it with three persons in India as well as with Greta Thunberg. Greta was to give the farmers protest movement international recognition, while the movement was to be a front, for Khalistani separatism.

Greta was roped in through a google doc toolkit – that was the work of the insurgency plan of the Khalistan movement, which Greta accidentally leaked and the Pandora’s box got opened

Some confusion still exists on the connection between Greta Thunberg, the Indian activists arrested, and Mo Dhaliwal of Canada. It is reported that the toolkit was actually prepared by Mo Dhaliwal who also sort of recruited these people to work according to the toolkit, which may have been fine tuned by three activists in India that got arrested. To complicate matters, Greta’s link with George Soros is long suspected, and Soros has been public about his dislike of Modi. To further complicate the issue, Soros also is a major funding source for the political career and movements of Hillary, Biden and Kamala Harris, all of who are known to dislike Modi and would be happy if he was toppled. So, according to the Indian security forces, this is not a joking matter.

Canadian Government of Trudeau has employed a lot of Sikh Canadians into his cabinet. Many are suspected to harbour Khalistani sympathies. His government is propped up from outside by Jagmeet Singh’s NDP. Singh is also suspected to harbour Khalistani sympathies although he has not made any public statement on this. However, he is supposed to have publicly supported the farmers protest movement in India.

This has resulted in a diplomatic row. India summoned Canada’s ambassador in December 2020 and informed him that comments made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over protests by farmers near Delhi were an interference in its domestic affairs and would seriously hurt bilateral ties.

Meanwhile Trudeau is unable to source covid19 vaccines in enough numbers to kickstart Canadian immunisation against the virus, which in itself is a highly controversial issue but only one sided views are promoted by main stream as well as Big Tech controlled social media. IN order to get large supply of these vaccines quickly, Canada needs India’s support because India is arguably the largest producer of vaccines both of its own two homegrown brands as well as contracted under licensed vaccines for other brands.

Indian Government, understandably, is pissed at Trudeau. So, to placate India, Trudeau has lately started distancing himself from the Khalistan and Farmers protest issue.

Greta, Soros, Khalistan, India – plan to topple Modi?

The new India based micro-blogging platform ‘Koo’ app has been a sort of eye opener for me with many issues that are not just India specific, but of global interconnectivity and greatly affects humanity everywhere.
Much of these links or their significance were not known much outside of India. Hopefully, not any more. There are very smart and capable youngsters in India, who have done simple fact finding research to unearth the links mentioned here. I would not have come to know of them without the Koo App. As it happens, YouTube has taken some of these videos down almost as soon as it appeared. I uploaded them on neutral platform that has not yet started muzzling freedom of speech and expression and not working for Soros and gang.

Koo App itself is a reaction to Twitter refusing unto now to act on the information provided by the Govt of India, about fake members from Pakistan using Indian ID and using Twitter to foment insurgency and anarchy in India, especially involving the separatist Khalistani movement. The indigenous Koo App is a Twitter equivalent whose membership within India is rising phenomenally on a daily basis. Many celebrities, notables and Politicians from India are opening accounts. This includes the Prime minister of India, Mr. Modi.

Through this platform I came to know of how fake charity organisations and other investment channels might be used to funnel funds in India to support various kinds of insurgency. The goal is to eventually topple the legitimate and popular government of Narendra Modi.
It also explains to a large extent why Russia and India seem to me to have emerged as a prime target for the globalists – to engineer a topple. And George Soros looms large in this. Though he is suspected to have successfully overturned quite a few smaller countries so that a more friendly ruler could be enthroned, Russia and India are both somewhat larger, with strong people at the helm and are refusing to turn over and be toppled.
The String exposes Greta and Soros on Farmers Protest
India was less in focus five years ago. Putin was then the most prominent bad guy and touted as a dictator in the famous Hillary triggered Russophobia movement, to help topple another nationalist – Trump.
But, five years of hectic GDP growth and economic ascendency of India prior covid has made India too a prime target. Russia has vast resources in men and material. India has even larger resources – mostly of men and market, but also of huge material in way of biomass.
So, with Trump out of the way and USA neutralised, Prime minister Modi of India has joined Putin, being identified by George Soros and party as dictators or persons about to be dictators that deserve to be toppled, democracy be damned. Another thing that brings them together in the geopolitical arena is that both are supported by a majority of citizens that can be considered nationalists, or proud of their nation, heritage and uniqueness and determined to maintain their own identity and to control their own destiny. These are policies hated by globalists. Nationalism should die, so that the whole world can be brought under a single NWO control.
Even Obama and Hillary have been in it. Now with Biden in the White House, the globalist push would get anti-Modi support from the Whitehouse too. That is likely to push Modi back towards Putin to make a joint stand of geopolitical realignment – Nationalists against globalists.
China remains the wild card in the middle of it all, but my suspicion is – the globalists are already in China’s bed. And that makes the situation for both Russia and India, as well as all other nationalists across the planet, quite precarious. We are in for some rough time ahead. Neither Russia, nor India, far as I can tell, is willing to give up without a fight to the death if need be.
So, farmers protest in India is one of many ways insurgency could be slipped into and supported in India. Soros, Greta, Khalistan movement, Indo-Canadians, Trudeau and a whole lot of other issues get super imposed over each other.
That is how I found out about this small channel – String – that makes its own videos apart from supporting the Engineer student. I am sharing this one straight from YouTube. This is in preparation of a second one that is from the Engineering student that focuses more closely on George Soros and his involvement across the planet and his funding various Indian groups mainly to cause destabilisation, tarnish Indian big names, foment street protests and hope to topple the Modi Government.
Thankfully, a lot of young tech savvy and nationalist Indian youth have gotten to help unearth parts of it.
This is one of them. I intend to upload the other one myself, with my comments, for better preservation on a platform outside of YouTube.
Engineering student exposes Greta-Soros link on India