“This is my first post here in a while. The world I knew a few years ago, is gone – never to return. In all my life, I never imagine that the world I knew could unravel so fast, in such a breathtaking speed. Virtually every paradigm that provided stability in this society was about to evaporate.
I knew that the world forests were fast disappearing. I knew nature and wildlife were facing an existential threat, and for a long time. I knew we the planet was going through the sixth mass extinction phase. The first five were doe to geologic events and happened much before humans appeared on earth. In all of them a large portion of living creatures perished in a very short time. The last one brought an end of the age of dinosaurs, and was caused by an asteroid strike on earth. But this sixth one is wholly man made.
I knew all that. And still, when it came, I feel overwhelmed by its suddenness and its omnipresence. There is no escaping it, no corner to hide in. My mind is still grappling with its relative unexpected sudden arrival and its all-encompassing omnipresence.”
First sign for me, was loss of friends
Friends started dropping off. Few of us had the mentality to not take everything that the Medical establishment was saying as gospel and started thinking independently. There is enough evidence that the medical establishment has caused problems in the past. Take Thalidomide, the pill for pregnant women a few decades back. How many children were born with birth defects before the same establishment agreed to pull the drug off the table?
But many of our friends were thinking that way. They left the health issues to the establishment and opposed our views of not wearing a mask or not taking a vaccine. They started thinking we were conspiracy theorists and nut cases.
Then came the relatives. Most painful was the story of my younger brother – younger by nine years. At age 63 he decided to take his first covid jab. I warned him against it. Now that he retured, he should relax and enjoy life. But he was aiming to take on a new job offer as a consultant for a few years, and it required for him to be vaccinated to meet clients. So ie took the shot. Next few days he started having heart problem for the first time. Four days later the doctor said he needs a surgey to bypass some blockage. He was arranging to go to a good hospital, but six days from the shot he suddenly dropped dead, before he could sort out where he should go for the operations etc. Talking to his wife and telling them about the vaccine got her agitated for passing false information to them and they have stopped contact with me.
Then came the other friends. Its the same story always.
Consequently, you learn to keep your sanity and stay mostly by yourself and contemplate the changing world. That is what I mostly do these days.
Locals in Canada I had become friendly with are to be divided into categories. The early friends, who became friends on account of my travels across Canada with Shiv Chopra and Thierry Vrain, to talk about Glyphosate and GMOs – how bad they were and what one can do about it. That was the time when I was the only activist in the teams while the other two were kind of scientists with some experience of the industry’s might in controlling government policy to give preference to agro chemicals and not doing sufficient independent tests to prove its safety. It was the new dark ages when science was captured by the industry and profiteering became the new God.
I was only beginning to learn all this, through my link with a few American scientists that were genuinely involved in researching and investigating Glyphosate and its actions in finishing off the living planet. There were, Don Huber, Stefanie Seneff, Anthony Samsel. They were old school and elderly. Today they are old and some of them have retired. They took my call doing the cross Canada trip and told me the answer to what the people were asking from the crowd.
Flashback to 2019 and a Canada-India comparison. Here is a post and a poster from that time.
I am going to india next month for a revisit after a 4 year gap. One reason for the long gap was – vaccine certificate was necessary for flight on a plane. I did not vaccinate and decided travel is less important than my health. Staying decease free and healthy was more important than travelling.
This level of recognition about the ravages of western industry promoted hysteria about covid and near mandatory vaccination as a ploy to destroy the fabrics of human society came upon a small segment of polilation. As a result, I stays in Canada and restricted my travel to what I could achieve in my own car.
Recognition of the root problem is perhaps subdued in Canada. Here people seems to swat at local symptoms and ignore the root cause, which is capture and enslavement of the Government agencies, Science faculties, Agriculture and Medical systems – all by the industry. Profiteering at the expense of human safety, plant safety and animal safety became the new God. You cannot become an honest doctor, scientist, politician, or anything, without sleeping with the Devil first. I know it sounds harsh, but this is self criticism. I am as Canadian today as Indian. It hurts me that in Canada, the struggle seems to dissipate into irrelevance. This hurts.
I understand modern Canada’s history and mindset. It is a vast nation with minuscule population. This makes Canada somewhat unsuited for meaningful people’s movement. India is the opposite.
In India, these factors involving corporate influence in government policy making, too, is real, but the resistance of practicing organic farms and farmers and sections of the middle class have joined in this struggle, thinking independent from the western propaganda, is still on. The battle is ongoing and intensifying, The jury is out.
Most everybody who is aware of great change is happening at an accelerated rate everywhere, at least about the inflation and things suddenly going costly and unavailable, especially food and essentials all over the world. Many people, not all, are beginning to realize that this price rise in due to man made reasons. At this point the root cause looses unanimity and great divide seems to show up among people. Also, the state media, the independent media as well as much of social media seem to be on the same side, and point the blame to Russia.
One explanation, or rather, one version of the explanation, comes from an Indian born US politician name SHIVA AYYADURAI, listed below. Have a listen.
He is by no means the only person with an opinion on the root issues that questions the official narrative. but one of many. While he explains his version of why all are behind this subterfuse, he still does not, in me judgement, provide a cline as to why they are dong what they are doing. You get the general impression that they are perhaps into it because of personal again and personal gain only. I find that, while believable, cannot be the whole truth.
নমস্কার, অনেকেই এতদিনে বুঝে গেছেন, যে পৃথিবীতে বিরাট বদল আসছে, এবং অশান্তিের সঙ্গে বিপদও ঘনিয়ে আসছে – বিশ্বব্যাপি দুর্যোগ। যাকে এতদিন স্বাভাবিক মনে করা হত তা এখন অস্বাভাবিক হতে চলেছে এবং যা সমাজে অসম্ভব ধরা হত তাকে যোর করে সমাজে ঢোকানো হচ্ছে, উন্নতির নামে। কিন্তু প্রশ্ন হল – কেন? এর পেছনে কোন শক্তি কাজ করছে? সব মিডিয়া, খবরের কাগজ, এবং সব টিভি চ্যানেল কিছু খুলে বলছেনা, এবং সম্ভবত তারা জানে না এবং জানার চেষ্টাও করছে না।
এটাও কিছু লোকেরা বুঝেছেন বা সন্দেহ করছেন য়ে রাশিয়া এবং ইউক্রেনের যুদ্ধ কোনও ভাবে এর সঙ্গে যুক্ত| এর একটা বিশ্লেষণ পাবেন Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAIN নামক ভারতে জন্ম মার্কিন রাজনীতিবিদের কাছ থেকে – নিচে – দেখুন|
Yesterday I spoke with a number of people from Bengal, India, about the state of affairs in geopolitics and especially about the goobal conflict between the west and the Non-West, as a large iceberg of which the Ukraine conflict is perhaps the very tip. Here is the uncommpressed and unedited lot.
The world is progressively going nuts. Firstly, the globalists hijacking of society is going on full swing, and has destroyed the social fabric in the west first and actively engaged subverting the rest of the world. Into this group of high power criminals engaged to own the planet, have joined the military industrial complex and Big Pharma. World Health Organization has been captured by Bill Gates for subverting the world of medicine, and the world of agriculture. Most of the major corporations have joined in this – Google being the major miscreant. You cannot search anything without Google and google controls what you can see and what you cannot. Youtube is owned by Google and has removed vital videos and banned some people and restricting others.
But this video is not about them. Bad as they are, a new group seem to have joied them as cheer leaders. These are the Flat-Earth society.
They believe the earth is flat. Not only that, they believe nobody west the the Moon and no spacecraft even went there, and that all is stage managed in a studio. And all the countries agree to this subterfuge. Even India, having a failed landing four ears ago was a stage managed failure and then, four years later all of them again went to Hollywood to stage manage another successful soft landing on South Pole of Moon and again all the worlds government and all science institutions and all media and everybody went along with this story.
And then comes the clincher – they can say what they like on their own wall, I will have no quarrel with that and leave them and their views alone – not my business. But they come to my posts, and lecture me, and continue to argue.
I simply wished to congratulate India for being the first to make a set landing on moon’s South Pole, and got a barrage of comments and sniggers with condescending posts who started what I consider to be an insult to me on my knowledge and told me all that moon landing is bunkum and I have been duped by the system and they did not expect it from me.
I deleted the comments and nos consider that these flat earth’s have become the new menace that are directly adding one more layer of cancel culture, and intruding into my blog.
“The collective West is bound to end up defeated by Moscow, the ex-Russian president believes.”
He stated, and I believe it – that Russia through this proxy war of Ukraine poses an existential threat to Russia. Because the real goal behind the proxy war is total and permanent destruction or Russia as a country and the dismember it into multiple fragments and then to loot it.
What Medvedev said, presumably on Telegram in Russian and translated into english by RT, has been described my me in this hastily made video
The world is this last four of five years have changed so much that it is hard to comprehend. Governments were lying to be people time to time and on select issues for political reasons for a long time. We knew that. But the general perception was that the west, and especially the english speaking west was doing a better job that the rest, and that is why the standard of living was higher in those countries than elsewhere. Also they had the size and the resources. This combined with a rule based society where there was little corruption – made them a dream country compared to others, for potential immigrants the world over.
But now, that facade is crumpled and the ugly inside has not only been exposed, but is being flaunted openly as a great achievement. There is no freedom of speech, no accountability and the high lifestyle is fast deteriorating. Life looks like a train wreck breathing down on us.
I have never learned how to couch my words and do not want to do so now. Western civilization is finished and imploding upon itself, Globalists and dirty politicians are acting as maggots trying to eat the society alive like they do to dead carcass.
My book POISON FOODS OF NORTH AMERICA, with the data is now 7 years old. Things have not stayed static during this time. Usage of glyphosate has increased all across the planet. Science if now wholly a property of corporate agro-industry and big Pharma for profiteering. Public does not fund it and does guide it or own it.
You pay junk money for science, and you get junk science.
That is the sad story of the world today. Then on top of that we know have the cancel culture, woke culture supported by state approved misinformation and lies. Social media too has joined in. Night is projected as day and vice versa. Back to my book. The table below is from the book, with a breakup of the regions in Canada and how toxic the foods are on average in those regions – with respect to glyphosate, the 900 pound gorilla at out dinner table. The regions are chosen and categorized by CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) under Health Canada. And the data they sent me is shown as originating from those locations.
That indicates the west of Canada is the worst place to be in Canada when it comes to food. And since Canadian food is arguably slightly more toxic that US food, and together North American food (sans Mexico) produces the most toxic of foods in the entire planet, western Canada can be shown as the global epicentre of toxic foods.
But this story is slightly misleading. All the provinces of Canada west of Ontario has been lumped together in “west”. However, there is a great geographic, geologic, topographic and agricultural difference in the region when it comes to agriculture and usage of glyphosate. British Columbia stands out separate from the other “Western” provinces. It has various mountains ranges like the cascade mountains and the rocky mountains.. Agriculture is largely conducted in the river valley and not so much elsewhere. Also, large flatlands as mostly absent here. As a result giant farms of 20,000 or 30,000 acres under one controlling ownership engaging in industrial scale farming with huge input from industrial chemical is missing here.
But the same British Columbia is lumped with Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, or the so called prairies. These consist of massive flatlands that do engage is super scale industrial agriculture with massive doses of chemicals sprayed by air planes.
The prairies are the epicentre, the real ground zero of toxicity on planet earth.
And here is another table from the same book, with data that is seven ears old.
glyphosate in cereals
Started working on my book, modifying to a new version.
Going over the data on corn, I have given up on sweet corn from Canada, India and many other countries too. The data is 7 years old, but the use of glyphosate in increasing everywhere.
There is a need for more testing, but nobody is able to get their government to test foods for glyphosate. I am going to be asking Indian organizations to firstly increase lobbying to test food for glyphosate and also consider starting a movement towards that, and lastly, to start testing small sample os food for glyphosate by different groups and collate the data.
When this book was published, data on Canadian corn was better than the US corn. But i suspect the use of glyphosate in Canadian corn has increased, It tasted bad, and the quality was degraded. I have been the only exception getting Canada to do the extensive testing. But that data is 7 odd years old.
Private testing needs a lot of money. I am retired, so cannot afford large sample testing, but I can test one of two samples in Canada. Anybody wants to join me?
Anyway, my focus of now on India as I am scheduled to visit there in winter, and because the book if due to be revised.
Attached table from my book – Poison Foods and North America.
Note, data on Oats was missing on the original book and will be added in the revision. Reading are shocking – The MRL levels are these are 35,000 parts per billion, far more than any other cereal I can find. I know health Canada increases the safety limit of glyphosate on specific foods not because it has found evidence of no hard dome to the living world though increase dose of glyphosate but rather, because the old safe limit has already been crossed per the lasted acquired data. 35,000 PPB – Jesus. H. Chist. Thankfully, I don’t eat oats. I suspect most of it is goes in animal feed. Poor animals cannot complain when they get cancer in middle age.
This is a carry over from my previous post, on connecting dots.
They say, writers get writer’s block, where they go into a phase when they cannot seem to write even a sentence. Well, I am not a professional writer, thankfully. But I often get into the opposite of a writers block. Too many different ideas, opinions and views crowd into me when I start writig. They jostle with eath other for my attention. One wants me to move this way, and write up about this issue. Another tugs me the oppsite way, reminding me not to ignore something else. I am being pulled in many directions to write about many different things that, together, helps connect the dots. Was I always like this? I know I was always full of questions and used to drive everybody nuts. Anyhow, now that I am busy connecting the dots, too many views crowd into my head and I try the filter through them to chose what I would write first and what next. In the process I end up explaining myself and my life as part of the story. Perhaps my life can help explain why I think the way I do. And by my life, I mean both the place and time that influenced my growing years, and the genes that I share with my parents and my siblings. Both my siblings – my younger brother and my elder sister, are no more. I am all alone on earth right now. But the urge to write continues … since this is such a complex world today, with so many dots moving in so many directions in so many different speeds in three dimension. My writers anti-block keeps pulling me differnt ways. Some of them pulls me to analyse how I grew up to be influenced by how many different things in how many ways, to have a mind set that makes me want to connect the current dots and to make sense. I never before had this feeling that the world is moving ever faster towards a combination of multiple kinds of doom.
Am I going nuts as a sign of senility creeping up or is this rational thinking that the world as we know it is going to vanish suddenly and that 21st century doomsday is nearly upon us, hanging like the sword of Damocles? I know the world medical ssytem has been working for multiple generatiosn now, slowly, to begin a system to make kankind sick for their entire lives, so everyone is a lifelong customer for the medical idustry. I know the new age moden agriculture is likewise trying to make agriculture dependent on acrocorporation products that makes our food sick, so we are permanently dependent on these industriess in order to eat. So our food and our health, has already been captured. What else is left. Well, there is about wealth. And finally, there is the planet, with everything on it. Am I delusional or am I being rational? I have the data to claim most of my suspicions.
But let us first go back to how I grew up, as one of the factors that influence my dot-plotting.
Thats me, two years old, and my year older sister. Far as I know, this is my earliest picture that has survived. My opinion and world view started being formed from this time.
Back to Facebook.
Odd as it may sound, I am now looking back at my life and same time being pulled towards toying with the idea of comparing our 22nd century mega social giants, such as Facebook and Google, as Black holes in our society and our subconscious. They are physically invisible, and yet, they are like an invisible parallel world that have gotten inside our psyche, and playing with our brains to shape the way we think. They are way more powerful than any drug or pill or jab invented by Big Pharma and they are eating our humanity from inside out.
It is a supergiant thingamajig that you can never see nor photograph nor visit, but is so huge that it literally bends, curves and convolutes the space around it and in a way defines our universe. Whether we can identify it, or not, is the thing. Today, I have come to the cross road where I wonder how my life’s journey took me from village India, to Facebook and how I now toy with the idea of comparing it with a Black Hole. But, how are we influenced by our movement through flow of the stream that we call life on earth?
Self went to inspect a ship in Hong Kong harbour in the 1990s,. I am standing between the British Captain and his wife. The captain was a friend, who asked me to bring my wife alone, so I did. She is standing next to the captain.
From those days and even earlier, from books we read, village drama we see at night on stage, or the chanting of religious or seasonal festivals – we have always been influeced by what we see and hear, to form out public opinion.
Public perception of life was being controlled by private enterprise for a while. Two generations ago, people use to say about Hollywood – There is no business like show business.
I remember the the details of first movie that I saw, in Kolkata, India, with my mother. It was a bengali movie, the title would translate as “Song of the road”. It was from 1955. It got a whole slew of national and international rewards and literally launched Indian cinema on the world stage, winning award after award across the planet, except in Hollywood. But decades later, its director, Satyajit Ray, in his last days on his death bed, earned a long distance lifetime achievement award by American motion picture award ceremony in Hollywood. The picture was a tale of the views around his world from the eyes of a very young kid, barely five or six year old, living in a very small village in an abjedtly poor (in comparison with the rest of the world) rural family. The family was leaving their ancestral village since they lost their mudhouse home. All their belongings were packed, occupying half of a single small bullock cart. The other half was the sleeping quarter for the father, mother and the boy. They finally came along a railway track. The boy had never seen a rail line or a train. He vividly recalls his dead elder sister, who had once asked if someone could please take her to see a train.
The movie – Song of the Road, in Bengali, was the first movie that I remember seeing, possibly at the age of six, that my mother took me to see. This movie left a vivid effect on it, till today.
Even today, as I remember how my mother held my hand and took me to the cinema hall, and how I gawked at the giant screen as the movie played out. I was myself perhaps six years old. I am now going to be 73 in a few months. Even today, the memory of it raises the hairs in my arms, the experience was so vivid and touching.
Santiniketan, India. This is where I was born, and attended school barefeet
Thus, my own world view has emerged and evolved with events throughout my life. The fact that I went through my school years withuot footwear, fact there I lived in a place where there were no junk on the street, when plastic was not invented and everything was naturally biodegradable, that my feet had little other than dust when I ame home, fact that we all had to wash our feet before entering – every bit of it influenced my world view as I grew up. I understand my views were markedly different from boys that grew up in cities in India. One could not and did not live the way I did. Nobody completes schools in cities without footwear. Even homelss street beggars have footwear.
But I was not quite poor, per say. Our expenses where way lower. The family income was way lower than in cities. We had no ceiling fan inside home. IN the heat of the summer when sleeping inside was a torture, we slept out in the open in our frant lawn. If it suddenly started raining at night, and Indian monsoon can be torrential, we woudl wake up, take our mattress, pillows and mosquitto net and run indoors. That was all very normal. Your life was in sync with nature. ANd I never got cold, or malaria, or any illness because of living close to nature.
This is how my life’s journey took me from Village India, to Facebook
Birbhum district, West Bengal, India – from days that are behind us now, but it was real when I was a kid.
That picture describes my neighbourhood surrrounding our small University townlet of Santiniketan in Bengal, India. Homes where mud walled. Roofs were of straw. Transport was on bullock cartsm made of bamboo, Wheels were at first wooden. But steel rims around fooden wheels made inside the village was entering the fray. And then wholly steel wheels, without tire, was the next step of self sustainability, where the money stayed in the village and did not go to city corporations and factories far away. Sustainability was not just a catch phrase. It was real and omnipresent. That was part of the essence of my childhood. But all that was already changing and at a breakneck speed. I did not realise it then, but my world was being put upside down, little by little, till it comes into multiple crisis at the same time.
I did not know it then, but the agents of such change, the horses of apocalypse, were both the rich and the poor, the left and the right, the corporations and the politicial parties. I did not know it till I was well into my senior years. I thought I knew much of the world when I was a teen and a post teen. But I can now say – I knew only the surface ripples of a very vast and deep system.
Me in the middle with my siblings. My younger brother at left and my elder sistem, wearing colour, at right. It was at the Santiniketan version of the Holi festival, of Vasanta Utsav, which translates as Spring Festival. Today I am the only one alive.
Fast forward a tumultuous phase of decade after decade of growing up, studying and epansion of our horizon, for good and bad, till I ended up living in Hong Kong just before the turn of the millennia and internet came to the world. Hong Kong was very advanced compared in the early and mid 1990s, to most western regions, and dial up internet came to my home, when Apple computers, Macintoshes, were ahead of the Microsoft PCs to embrace internet and recognise it as what it was soon going to be. Bill Gates caught on soon enough and made a total about turn, covertig the entire PC industry into an internet promoting enterprise.
Soon I was to leave Hong Kong, as the free wheeling and near tax free British Colony was going to be handed over to Communist China and there was fear that the place was going to change and non-chinese people might be kicked out. A huge exodus started out of Hong Kong. Industries, banks and people started moving out. Head hunters from around the world set up offices and channels to catch entrepreneurs, skilled people and industries, to help them resettle in various parts of the west. Kiosks, fairs and shows started coming up in Parks on weekends in Hong Kong, from various such sources. Even the Governments of Canada and USA were organising picnics, shows and taking up Booths in cultural fairs, to attract potential immigrants. It was quite a show. I had not decided to leave initially, but eventually I too got swept in the tide, when a ship owning firm in Miami, Florida, gave me a call and offered me a 7 days free of charge vacation to Miami, if I agree to an interview by the CEO, for a potential job as an executive. No kidding.
And my life changed. However, I was alreay well into the internet, thanks to Hong Kong. I even managed to change my own web page and sight, with a new account from a service provider in Miami, paying for it with my newly acquired credit card linked to a Hong Kong bank, and shifted my web home page there, with a hotlink to my existing Hong Kong based web page. It was all very exciting those days and I was pleased that I could do all that with relative ease, while most of my friends still did not much know what the heck internet was.
Fast forward a few decades and I was then in Canada and first got interest in a host of new social media platforms cropping up everywhere. Facebook was one of them. There were many others and the competition was fierce. Internet connection was by then moved on from telephone dial in, to broadband, in the US where I lived for some years, to Canada, where I migrated to. I have forgotten some of the other platforms, but eventually estabished myself on Facebook, primarily as it was here that I could communicate with the townspeople from my birth place – Santiniketan, West Bengal, India. There it was still dial up, but local system providers where getting busy hooking people up with dial up modems etc. I think broadband lines were still into the future. Those were the heady days.
Today, I have almost nobody in my home town that communicate with me. Many have passed away. Others have drifted away. Some have separated frm me on ideological differences.
You see, internet has been, same time, a great uniter and a great divider. WHen you do not get to hear or read too much from your friends, do you not know too much of his or her world views and ideological bend. So friendship remains stable, though superficial. As internet broadens the communication channels and people spend more time expressing themselves, sometimes fissures come up. For me, life has been a great educator, and I have always had an open and questioning mind, not anchored on any ideology. Nothing was ever written in stone for me. Not religion, not phylosophy, not political affiliation – not nothing. Everything was worth exploring, worth admiring for its good points and criticising for what I considered its bad points. I was perhaps more influenced by my genes, my parents and the only person who greatly influenced my world view – Tagore.
So, I was once a socialist, then a progressive, a liberal, a secularist, then an ism-less humanist, then promoter of small entrepreneurs (I even started a trading company myself in Hong Kong, before realising I was not a businessman at heart, and closed it down after a few years, but not before I had made a few thousand bucks, involved in breaking of ships in western India, through links in Hong Kong, and paid in US dollars). But most of my birth place friends were anchored in stone. Eventually we fell apart.
Things have now come to a head and I have started detesting some of my friends. A young classmate from my school days, who ended up being a professon in a famous Univerity in Delhi, even psoted to me on Facebook that – I was endangerign mankind by refusing to wear a mask and hugging people everywhere and mising with them. I was such a threat to mankind that he was going to report me to the Canadian police, so I would spend my remaining days in jail, and save mankind in the process. No, he was not a mad man. He was a profession in a shiny famous University in the Capital city of India. So much for professors. Suffice it to say, I had by then learned how to block people.
So, my link with the leftist, or left leaning crowd of my own past, drifted apart from me. I myself, through life experiences had leared that some people were too block headed for my taste and childhood friendship was not enough to stay in touch if I was not allowed to speak my mind of items that I thought were ruining the planet, and that neither the left wing, nor the right wing, were honest or path finders.
Eventually, rather late in life, I began to understand how social media like Facebook, Google search and other stuff, where actively engaged in altering public opinion of the entire planet, and have more power to control people, than national governments, and how they were seriously trifling with free flow of information and exploration of the mind.
I have also been aware how some of these corporations have acquired unebelievable power over the people, though mind control, or through stifling opposition, and by having enough money to buy up governments, of not just small countries. There is now a famous joke in America – USA is the best governemnt in the world that money can buy.
And so I engaged in a multiple year effort to get away from, and wean people I like, away from the clutches of Facebook. I have mostly failed in my effort. But that is okay with me. It is not so much the result, but the effort, that makes life worth living, for me. Besides I have largely been a lone ranger in my activism that stretches decades well into my teen years in India. I have rarely ben happy joining any big group, for all sorts of reasons. Mostly I found these group leaders, including political leaders, lacking in ethics and for being in it more for themselves, than for any root social issue.
MeWe was another example of my failed efforts. It looks and behaves similar to facebook. In my judgment, opening a second house on MeWe should be least painful for Facebookians. I tried my best to enourage people to move there. Why? Because Facebook seriously and viciously restricts free speech when it comes to certain burnig topics of the world today, and MeWe does not. That alone should be enough for people that are aware of it and are actually engaged day and night criticising Facebook and Zuckerberg, to move there. But I failed in my effort. I now know more about the Artificial Intelligence tools that Zucherberg uses to keep people hooked and unable to leave FB. I admire Zuckerberg for his smartness and detest him for his efforts to guide and shape global public opinion.
But, Zuckerberg is not the guy I have to live with. I am that guy I have to live with. So, my effort on MeWe, as well as others, continue. I have succssfully boycotted Youtube without cancelling my unpaid membership. I have largely transported by recent stuff out of Facebook and on to other channels and platforms. MeWe is one of them. And here is what I have to show for it.
I have only a few hundred friends, who almost never respond or comment on any of my posts, and never generate any conversation that can amount to a conversation.
Do I get that in Facebook ? Not quite. If you have 5,000 friends, over 10,000 followers and another thousand wanting to be my friends – thats a total of 16,000 or so. And then I get less than one meaningful conversation a day on life altering events going on around the world. Sure, lots of folks are busy making small protests nearby on some of these issues. But I can see that virtual protets on the same Facebook that is cleverly engaged in controlling public opinion and acting as a super controlled-Opposition promoter.
But facebook too has been an useful tool for me in my last years. it is a reasonable rough diary, to hone my writing skills. this helps my brain to remain active. Brain is after all the largest and most fuel consuming organ of the body. exercising the brain as as strenuous as running several rounds around my block, but for keeoing differnt parts of my body healthy.
I have always been reasonably healthy. I do not take any jab – not in last 65 years. I never get an infection. My medical bill has been zero for the lat forty or more years. And, thankfully, my brain is still active and my fingers are still nimble enough for me to be baning keyboards to try my writing skills.
Examples of my failed attemps on Facebook to find answers and develop a dialog. I did not know, even three years ago, that Facebook was exactly the wrong platform for this.
So, MeWe and the rest are not necessarily examples of my failure. I have often, and repeatedly, failed in my efforts to engage socially about issues that matter to us socially. But for me, these failed activities were still memorable. These are proofs of an active mind that does not like to give up easily. And I have found a good use for Facebook – a rough diary.
Here is how similar my home page on MeWe looks like my FB page. I think I need to change my profile picture. I instinctively dislike hiding myself behind phony nakes or pictures while socialising. And I like the idea of wrapping text around my picture to express my opinion. I was born opinionated.
The skyscrapers appear like ghosts in the afternoon fog
It was Monday the 5th of December. Daytime temperature was a few degrees below freezing. I was out at Blackie Spit in Surrey an hour before noon, to look at shore birds.
I was planning to visit Yellowknife, a small town in NorthWest Territories at the northern bank of the slave lake, around XMAS, to look are Aurora Borealis. The temperature was expected to be around 30 below zero, in Celsius. A lot of things needed to be fixed, apart from my clothing. One of them was how to take pictures.
So, I had taken a few smaller camera and shorter lenses to try them out. As it is, the cold prompted me to put on gloves and immediately noted which gloves proved more difficult. But I was happy, not just to fine tune my apparel and photo gear for Yellowknife, but also for the birds I saw, and the time spent by myself at the water’s edge.
I was happy to note the call of a killdeer in the mist and the usual heavy flocks of dunlins, along with smaller western and least sandpipers.
my finger tips were hurting every time I took off my gloves to tinker with the camera. Clearly, I have to find a better solution. If I am having this problem at minus three, i shall have an insurmountable problem at minus thirty.
The world was going surreal by the day, thanks to lockdowns, masks, vaccines, social credit systems, banning of guns, curtailment of freedom and human rights, wokeism, gender redefinitions and warmongering on a global scale. Everything that was unimaginable a few years back are normal today. Brothers have separated from sisters, cousins do not speak with each other depending on their views on Russia, or childhood vaccinations. I do not know if we are going to have such simple pleasures of watching a sunset over the ocean, or watch a sandpiper poking at the edge of water to look for micro organisms it could eat in future.
Meanwhile I was happy to note, for the first time this season, a small flock of bufflehead ducks flowing low over the water.
Mumbai Court found Iqbal Chahal, Suresh Kakani & Sitaram Kunte prima facie guilty of criminal offences under Section 52, 166, 167, 420, 34 and 120(B) of IPC & Section 51(b), 54,55 of Disaster Management Act, 2005 for bringing unlawful vaccine mandates for various places including travelling in local train with ulterior motive to give wrongful profit to vaccine companies and being responsible for vaccine deaths of people like Hitesh Kadwe and others and also responsible for violating citizens fundamental rights. The data proved that the vaccines are having death causing side effects and many vaccinated young people are dying due to heart attacks.
Due to the first appearance the court did not issued non-bailable arrest warrant and ordered under Section 204 of Cr.P.C. and directed the registry to issue summons to the accused.
Similar action under offences of extortion will be initiated for mask mandates.
If convicted all the three may be sentenced to maximum punishment of seven years rigorous imprisonment.
Recently Supreme Court & various High Courts in India have taken cognizance of vaccine deaths and issued notice/directions to the government regarding granting compensations to the victim and their family members. Dr. Snehal Lunawat’s father had claimed Rs. 1000 Crore and Hitesh Kadwe’s mother claimed Rs.100 Crores compensation from state which later to be recovered from accused vaccine manufactures Adhar Poonawalla & Bill Gates. [Rachana Gangu v. Union of India, 2022 SCC OnLine SC 1125, Sayeeda K.A. v. Union of India, 2022 SCC OnLine Ker 4531, Sayeeda K.A. v. Union of India, 2022 SCC OnLine Ker 4514, Dilip Lunawat v. Serum Institute of India (P) Ltd., 2022 SCC OnLine Bom 1773.]
Now all the accused has to apply for bail but the complainant is going to oppose their bail and it will be very difficult for accused to get bail because of the subsequent judgments of the Supreme Court & Bombay High Court where such mandates are held to be unconstitutional & illegal.
The complainant is going to file a Writ Petition for adding section 409, 115 etc. of IPC against the accused.
The Complainant actually prayed for issuance of non-bailable arrest warrant against the three but court said as a first instance summons will be issued.
The complaint is filed by Shri Ambar Koiri, National Steering Committee member of Awaken India Movement (AIM).
Adv. Ishwarlal Agarwal and other advocates represented the complainant.
There are also cases of side effects of diabetes, paralysis, neurological problems, kidney failure where cases of dialysis are increasing.
The recent study from Harvard University proved that the vaccines are 98 times more dangerous and deadly than the covid vaccines.
The summary of charge levelled in the complaint against the accused is as under;
“5.2. That as per Article 14, 19, 21 of Constitution of India and more particularly as per law laid down in the case of (i)Registrar General Vs. State of Meghalaya 2021 SCC OnLine Megh 130, (ii) Re Dinthar Incident Vs. State of Mizoram 2021 SCC OnLine Gau 1313 and other various landmark judgments it is clear that, there is no difference between vaccinated and non-vaccinated people. The vaccinated people can get corona, they can spread infection and they can die due to corona. Vaccinated people can also be a super spreader.
5.3. Thereafter, Honourable High Court has made it clear that no discrimination can be made on the basis of vaccination status of a person.
5.6. That, Shri. Satyendra Kumar Singh, Under Secretary of Health Ministry of India in his affidavit dated 08.10.2021filed before Honourable Bombay High Court at Goa in Writ Petition No. 1820 of 2021, had clarified the Government of India’s policy decision as under;
“9. That, it is further humbly submitted that the directions and guidelines released by Government of India and Ministry of Health and family Welfare, do not entail compulsory or forcible vaccination against COVID-19 disease implying that COVID-19 vaccination is completely voluntary for all citizens of India. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has not formulated or suggested any policies for discrimination between citizens of India on the basis of their vaccination status.
That, as per the existing guidelines, there is no provisions for forcing any citizen to book appointment for Covid Vaccination on Co-WIN or visiting Covid Vaccination Centre for vaccination[…….]
[The Copy of the said Affidavit dated08.10.2021 is herewith Annexed and marked as Exhibit – “B” ]
5.7 But the Accused acted in utter disregard and defiance of the above said legal mandate and passed the following SOP, Orders, directions to discriminate the vaccinated people. The SOP dated 11.08.2021 issued by Accused No. 01 Sh. Sitaram Kunte has following clauses; […………….]
5.8. Hence all the Accused acted in conspiracy with each other and violated the fundamental rights of the Complainant and many other citizen.
5.9. That the only intention in bringing such mandate was to give benefits to the vaccine manufacturing company and thereby enable the vaccine manufacturing company make profit at the cost of citizen’s health and wellbeing.”
Further grievance of the complainant in his complaint dated 11th November 2021 which is exhibited at Exhibit – A to the complaint it is mentioned as under;
“11.Shri Iqbal Chahal, Municipal Commissioner, Mumbai, and Suresh Kakani, Additional Municipal Commissioner are also involved in bringing such unlawful mandates in violation of National Authorities directives.
That, due to such unlawful rules many poor people were compelled to take vaccines and many people suffered a loss of life due to side effect of vaccines, A 23 years old Young boy Shri Hitesh Kadwe died within 3 hours of getting a CoviShield vaccine. His mother Smt. Kiran Yadar have filed a Complaint against accused you officials under section 302, 409, 420, 52, 120(B), 34, 109 of Indian Penal Code and section 51(b), 55 of Disaster Management Act, 2005.
Thatthe AEFI Committee of the Government has admitted that the death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat was due to side effects of Covishield vaccine.
That as per law it is the duty of all the officers to publish the side effects of the vaccines before giving it to any person. [Montgomery’s Case [2015] UKSC 11, Airdale NHS Trust Vs. Bland (1993) 1 All ER 821, Common Cause Vs. Union of India (2018) 5 SCC 1]
That other recent data is available at following link.
a)To take cognizance of the offences under Section 52, 409, 420, 120(B), 34, 109, 167 of IPC and under Section 51(b), 55 of Disaster Management Act, 2005 against Accused Shri. Sitaram Kunte, Shri. Iqbal Chahal and Shri. Suresh Kakani.
b)Issue process under Section 204(i)(b) of Cr. P.C. and direct registrar to issue non-baillable arrest warrants against the Accused;
c)Tryand punish the Accused as per law;
The relevant sections of the IPC reads thus;
Section 166 of IPC Reads thus;
Public servant disobeying law, with intent to cause injury to any person.—Whoever, being a public servant, knowingly disobeys any direction of the law as to the way in which he is to conduct himself as such public servant, intending to cause, or knowing it to be likely that he will, by such disobedience, cause injury to any person, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.
Section 167 of IPC Reads thus;
Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty four hours.
(1) Whenever any person is arrested and detained in custody and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of twenty- four hours fixed by section 57, and there are grounds for believing that the accusation or information is well- founded, the officer in charge of the police station or the police officer making the investigation, if he is not below the rank of sub- inspector, shall forthwith transmit to the nearest Judicial Magistrate a copy of the entries in the diary hereinafter prescribed relating to the case, and shall at the same time forward the accused to such Magistrate.
(2) The Magistrate to whom an accused person is forwarded under this section may, whether he has or has not jurisdiction to try the case, from time to time, authorise the detention of the accused in such custody as such Magistrate thinks fit, for a term not exceeding fifteen days in the whole; and if he has no jurisdiction to try the case or commit it for trial, and considers further detention unnecessary, he may order the accused to be forwarded to a Magistrate having such jurisdiction: Provided that-
(a) 1 the Magistrate may authorise the detention of the accused person, otherwise than in the custody of the police, beyond the period of fifteen days; if he is satisfied that adequate grounds exist for doing so, but no Magistrate shall authorise the detention of the accused person in custody under this paragraph for a total period exceeding,-
(i) ninety days, where the investigation relates to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term of not less than ten years;
subs. by Act 45 of 1978, s, 13, for paragraph (a) (w, e, f, 18- 12- 1978 ).
Ins. by act 10 of 1990, s. 2 (w. e. f 19- 2- 1990 )
(ii) sixty days, where the investigation relates to any other offence, and, on the expiry of the said period of ninety days, or sixty days, as the case may be, the accused person shall be released on bail if he is prepared to and does furnish bail, and every person released on bail under this sub- section shall be deemed to be so released under the provisions of Chapter XXXIII for the purposes of that Chapter;]
(b) no Magistrate shall authorise detention in any custody under this section unless the accused is produced before him;
(c) no Magistrate of the second class, not specially empowered in this behalf by the High Court, shall authorise detention in the custody of the police. 1 Explanation I.- For the avoidance of doubts, it is hereby declared that, notwithstanding the expiry of the period specified in paragraph (a), the accused shall be detained in custody so long as he does not furnish bail;]. 2 Explanation II.- If any question arises whether an accused person was produced before the Magistrate as required under paragraph (b), the production of the accused person may be proved by his signature on the order authorising detention.]
(2A) 1 Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- section (1) or sub- section (2), the officer in charge of the police station or the police officer making the investigation, if he is not below the rank of a sub- inspector, may, where a Judicial Magistrate is not available, transmit to the nearest Executive Magistrate, on whom the powers of a Judicial Magistrate or Metropolitan Magistrate have been conferred, a copy of the entry in the diary hereinafter prescribed relating to the case, and shall, at the same time, forward the accused to such Executive Magistrate, and thereupon such Executive Magistrate, may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, authorise the detention of the accused person in such custody as he may think fit for a term not exceeding seven days in the aggregate; and, on the expiry of the period of detention so authorised, the accused person shall be released on bail except where an order for further detention of the accused person has been made by a Magistrate competent to make such order; and, where an order for such further detention is made, the period during which the accused person was detained in custody under the orders made by an Executive Magistrate under this sub- section,
Section 304-A of IPC Reads thus;
304A. Causing death by negligence.—Whoever causes the death of any person by doing any rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.
Section 420 of IPC Reads thus;
Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property.—Whoever cheats and thereby dishonestly induces the person deceived to deliver any property to any person, or to make, alter or destroy the whole or any part of a valuable security, or anything which is signed or sealed, and which is capable of being converted into a valuable security, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine.
Section 120(B) of IPC Reads thus;
120B. Punishment of criminal conspiracy.—
(1) Whoever is a party to a criminal conspiracy to commit an offence punishable with death, 2[imprisonment for life] or rigorous imprisonment for a term of two years or upwards, shall, where no express provision is made in this Code for the punishment of such a conspiracy, be punished in the same manner as if he had abetted such offence.
(2) Whoever is a party to a criminal conspiracy other than a criminal conspiracy to commit an offence punishable as aforesaid shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term not exceeding six months, or with fine or with both.
Section 51(B) of Disaster Management Act Reads thus;
“51. Punishment for obstruction, etc.—
(1) Whoever, without reasonable cause— —(1) Whoever, without reasonable cause—”
(b) refuses to comply with any direction given by or on behalf of the Central Government or the State Government or the National Executive Committee or the State Executive Committee or the District Authority under this Act, shall on conviction be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine, or with both, and if such obstruction or refusal to comply with directions results in loss of lives or imminent danger thereof, shall on conviction be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years. notes on clauses Clauses 51 to 58 (Secs. 51 to 58) seeks to lay down what will constitute an offence in terms of obstruction of the functions under the Act, false claim for relief, misappropriation of relief material or funds, issuance of false warning, failure of an officer to perform the duty imposed on him under the Act without due permission or lawful excuse, or his connivance at contravention of the provisions of the Act. The clauses also provide for penalties for these offences.”
Section 55 of Disaster Management Act Reads thus;
Offences by Departments of the Government.—
(1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by any Department of the Government, the head of the Department shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly unless he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence. (1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by any Department of the Government, the head of the Department shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly unless he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence.”
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where an offence under this Act has been committed by a Department of the Government and it is proved that the offence has been committed with the consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of, any officer, other than the head of the Department, such officer shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
Section 54 of Disaster Management Act Reads thus;
Punishment for false warning.—Whoever makes or circulates a false alarm or warning as to disaster or its severity or magnitude, leading to panic, shall on conviction, be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one year or with fine. —Whoever makes or circulates a false alarm or warning as to disaster or its severity or magnitude, leading to panic, shall on conviction, be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one year or with fine.”
Adv. Ishwarlal Agarwal represented the complainant and he was assisted by following advocates;
Criticism of the harmful effects of all vaccines and not just covid, is gradually growing. Illness and death as side effect of covid is now an open secret, while still being pushed onto people through the back door, since legally it is still voluntary. Excessive vaccines have been pushed into kids on fake science stating kids are born without any immunity and hence they can only survive by a plethora of vaccines early into them, as if our ancestors going back millions of years were all vaccinate by some extraterrestrial creatures, since we did not have any vaccine ourselves then.
Here is Dr Suzanne Humphries speaking on it
Suzanne Humphries
Now the medical establishment is asking for a COVID amnesty, acknowledging harm done to people through the covid 19 vaccine and asks that we forget and forgive the people that pushed it.
And then here is an interview I did with a mother in India that lost her child to the covid vaccine. Both took the first vaccine together. Both got sick, but the mother recovered. The daughter went brain dead and died in ten days.
And here is the IINFOWARS
EU Prosecutor Opens Probe Into COVID Vaccine Purchases
More will come here. I encourage readers to post their fair comments as feedback comments at the bottom of tis blog.
Dear Mr George Harvie, Joginder Randhawa, Peter Van Der Valden,
Cc: candidates for council members,
This is a set of questions from the public, designed by me and asked by me. The reason for making this video with set of questions asked, is that I do not see real and relevant questions being asked to potential candidates wanting to be mayors or councillors of our towns, such as Delta BC. In my view, artificially constructed and less than most important issues are presented as questions, and candidates practice how to parrot convincing answers, essentially ensuring the real and serious issues remain sidelined, and less than sincere questions are asked to promote potentially less capable aspirants to gain public office, to possibly waylay functioning of democracy at the grassroots level.
Yes, I am serious.
I have three basic questions for you to answer, but will for now restrict myself to just two.
Canada produces the most toxic food on the face of this planet, closely followed by the US, thanks to agro corporations influencing our government agriculture department, into turning original healthy farm practices on their head and make our food totally dependent on potentially hazardous and unnatural chemicals produced in factories in the name of fertilizers and pesticides, all masquerading as advanced technology promoted food production system. That our foods are the most toxic has been proven by Canadian Food Inspection agency being forced by citizens action to test and disclose results of all foods grown locally and imported for presence of highly controversial chemicals such as glyphosate based herbicides that kills just about everything except specially designed and patented GMO crops and also through policies of using desiccants to kill most non GMO food crops prior to harvesting. Results are out there. Big Pharma goes along with it. If the people, pet animals and wildlife are sick because of toxicity in food, feed and forage, it brings money to Big Pharma not to cure them, but to keep them alive and sick for life. As a result, Canada, along with USA, has the dubious distinction of being the sickest continent on earth – an open secret. Human autism at birth has moved from one in ten thousand a generation ago, to one is thirty today, heading for one in two in the coming decade. This is slated to destroy our civilization.
My question – are you even aware of this situation? If not, why should I consider you eligible as a candidate for Mayor? And if you are – why is this not one of the most important item in your agenda to fix? No, you are not allowed to sidestep the problem claiming this is Ottawa’s business. Public mass sickness is everybody’s business particularly mine and yours. I am doing my bit by asking you publicly. I expect you to do your bit and addressing this issue to the public.
Canada has no constitution, either federally, or provincially or municipally. We are hoodwinked into thinking we have rights per some pieces of paper such as charter of freedoms and rights. These were penned by people other than representatives of the people and passed as acts of parliament, some federally and some provincially, penned mostly by corporations and bigwigs interested to protect their investment, and not geared to protect rights of citizens. Also and more damaging, all these clauses, being mere acts of parliament, can also be taken away by future acts of parliament as and when crooked parliamentarians controlled by big money wish to disenfranchise the people. However they would not have had such powers if these basic rights were enshrined in a proper constitution which would oblige the government to go back to the people in public referendums before basic rights can be infringed upon. The politicians have been either totally ignorant that we do not have such protection, or are very happy to maintain the status quo and engage in keeping the people blind to this very serious shortcoming.
We are not a democracy of the people, and will not be, till such time that our democracy is legally protected by a ratified constitution.
My question – are you even aware of this serious shortcoming of Canada’s apparently fake democracy where the people do not really have any real right? If you are aware, what are you proposing to do about it other than tap dance around it? If you are unaware, why do you consider yourself qualified to represent me?
These are my basic questions for now. I had a third question involving handling of the covid situation, but do not wish to drag this on. Perhaps I shall address the covid related issues on another letter.
If you care to answer to these two questions, I shall read them out in a future video including my comments if any. If you do not care to answer, I shall still make a closing video stating that you did not respond and I consider you to be essentially incapable to responding to serious and fundamental problems facing the people and hence are not any more suited to by my mayor, than a lamp post would be.
Thanking you Tony Mitra 10891 Cherry Lane, Delta BC, V4E 3L7, Canada