The world is constantly inching towards the end of the cliff. The Ukraine war has become toe focal point of a very large set of global issues that is tearing the estabished fabric of global systems apart. A new system is poking its head out of the fractured shell of the egg. It is not at all certain if the transition from the US controlled unipolar hegemonic petrodollar linked world economic system to a yet unidentified multipolar system is going to be peaceful or violent. All the tell tale signs are there.

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At one end of the Ukraine imbroglio stands Russia. In the eyes of the western propaganda driven, virtual world citizens of the west – Russia is the greatest bully and a rogue and a crimina invader of an innocent, peace loving Ukraine without any provocation. But in the eyes of those that keep their eyes, ears and minds open, Russia is noen of those things and the US is the greatest instigator and architect of this fame narrative. He has out Sovieted the Soviets of the past and out Propaganda-ed the Soviets too. The lies are so blatact, so omniprent, so unbelievably stupid and stifling, that one has to be a near retard to beleive it all. The lies started a long long time ago and continues to this day. So, for the people awake, Russia is being singled out as the villane on one side of the conflict, with a clear intend to bury it permanently, never to emerge again.

But on the other side, unlike the propaganda narrative, is not Ukraine, which is just a proxy tool and an intended sacrificial lamb, too stupid to understand what is good for it, and controlled by the most corrupt regime on the face of this planet. No, Ukraine is most certainly not on the other end of the conflict. It is the US, the agent provocateur par excellence. Along with the US, is all the nations that hang on to the coat tails of USA. That includes Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all EU/NATO nations of Europe. And, just for variety, you may also add Japan, the only non-white nation into the mix. That is what Russia is facing single handedly, on false charges.


But then, there is also the non-west nations of the earth, comprising of 85% of the world population. And there is BRICS+. and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. There is China, and then there is India. All of them carry significant amount of geopolitical, economic and demographic punch. It is getting increasingly well understood by the world, that there are more than just one block (the west) on earth. And the emerging nations are not particular fond of the west, reembering well the centuries of direct colonisation and subseqquent hidden colonisation ongois ng till today.

India has been playing a tightrope walk for the last one year. Initially they utright refused to sanction Russia and even said how it is dangerous for their national interest to cut trade links with Russia. However, the things turned around rapidly for India.

In jiffy, India managed to secure discounted assurance of Russian Crude oil that the west sanctioned itself out of. Then India proceeded to refine the oil in India, at a rate higher than India’s own consumption. India started filling up its own strategic reserve on one side, and started selling the refined oil on the other side. USA and Europe started importing the refined oil, originally from Russia but repackaged through India. Strangely, this was acceptable to the western sanction regimes. Net result was, India became the worlds third largest oil importer on one side, and a huge refined oil supplier to the west on the other. For reasons such as this, the US seem to have moved on to a coy mode. Its politicians seem not too keen to scold India any more, for continuing to trade with Russia. A few Indian video content creator such as Amit Sengupta started covering such stories on Youtube. One is tempted to say – politics makes strange bedfellows.

So is things going great for Russia? Well, in my mind, there are still unanswered questions. One of them have been why is it so fard to find a Russia loving Russian that is not afraid to speak with me about his views of how his homeland is being targetted, unfairly, by the entire west. I have been looking for such a person for a year now. And although there are over 150 million Russians, I have found only one so far. Everybody else is commenting on the english medium social media, or on podcasts and video, but I cannot find a single Russian to speak on record with.

Who are the good Russians? Who are the bad ones? Why are most of them reluctant to speak on camera ? WHat are they afraid of? Why are they hesitating? My search continues, but I by now have a few suspicions.

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Author – Tony Mitra

Dentists and Russia

There used to be a joke in my younger years, about dentists in Soviet Union. The joke was – the hardest profession in Soviet Union was that of a dentist – because nobody wants to open his or her mouth. It was a jpke then. But I am beginning to suspect that this is not a joke any more, in present Russia. And there must be a rather strange or sinister reason.

I have been told that Russia is full of internally implanted sppies, Putin-haters and agent provocateurs, apart from an already exising (illegal) Government in exile. The internal colaborators of the US hegemon are at all layers of Government, and the courts or the banks and on social media. The reason is long and complicaed. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the corrupt Russians came to Boris Yeltsin’s group like flies to a jar of honey.

Boris apparently helped create the class of looters that tried to drain Russian resources dry, and became billionnaires overnight. Yeltsin reaslised the mistake and also got afraid that he was going to end his life being hanged or in jail and that his daughter and son in law too would face the gallows. He tried to right the ship by offering to step down and help elevate the right guy that can steady the floundering Russian ship, but same time spare him and his family. As the story goes, Yestsiin found nobody around him capable enough, except Putin.

To cut a long story, Putin kept his promise, let Yeltsin spend his last years in peace, stopped the national loot and told the instant billionnaires – so far and no further. You can keep your wealth, but the loot stops now.

Thus, the crooks remained. Over the years, most of them have now left Russia and taken their cash with them. The owner of Telegram is one such – Pavel Durov, now reportedly a resident of Dubai, is a good example. He is apparently a highly controvertial person, and suspected to be somewhat anti-Putin. Is that because Putin stopped the instant Billionnaires from continuing to loot Russia, or because he refuses to be bought any more?

Some Russians tell me, this man is not straight and he is not exactly a Russia lover. But a lot of activists and such are on his Telegram channel. I myself have found it hard to find an honest Russian to agree to speak with me on record, through huge list of channels on Telegram that are supposedly frequented by Russians. I even had a few Russian speaking friends to post in Russian language to seek a Russia loving Russian to speak freely and without fear to me on record. I have been disappointed in the result initially, because I was not aware of what was gonig on there. No takers of the offer to speak with me so far, except just one Russian woman about six months ago – Ms Irina Muhina. First part of her interview is below. I could not fathom why I am not getting people ready and happy to speak to me. Language was one problem but I did not believe at all that this was the main problem. It took me some time to understand that there are layers of other issues that are likely making some Russians nervous and who to talk to freely. One of the cause of this nervousness, I suspect, is because there is an internal quiet revolution gonig on in Russia, involving house cleaning. Some believe the globalists are slowly filtering out of Russia and taking their assets with him. The west cutting Russia out of the SWIFT system might have triggered an avalanche. I would love to hear more of it from Russia, but do not get much clear talk from Russians. Many are too shy to speak from within Russia. Many more Russians outside of Russia have divided loyalties and confused notions. Many east Europeans carry historical grudge against Russia and many Russians are aware of that and do not wish to speak up. This is a mine field in itself.

That was a few months ago. By now I have spent more than a year looking for honest Russians that do not hate Russia nor Putin and understands the root causes behind the conflict and willing to speak without fear.

The paucity of available Russians, and the rumour that inside Russia, the agent provocateurs are now on the run, and many are slowly exiting Russia. Some congregating around Georgia while others are gravitating towards greener pasteurs such as Canada. I wonder when we are going to have a Stephan Bendera statue here in Canada. Bandera, long dead now, is the celebrated Nazi of Ukraine and Nazis appear to be the new darlings of the west.

I need further confirmation on why I have a hard time finding people in Russia to speak with me. Many agree at first, and then shy away for one reason or another. Some do a partial interview but find excuse to avoid the others, such as sudden fever and illness or too busy to talk face to face or downright hostile and arrogant. I have a sneaky suspecion that these do not love Russia, nor Putin and somehow are playing for the US to destroy Russia, at which time they plan to somehow benefit from it. I also have a sneaky feeling that the good Russians might be aware of what is going on, but do not fully know who is a good guy and who is not, or something. They are therefore more careful and hesitant about exposing themselves, and would rather wait to see if Putin manages to sweep his house clean, or the old Obama plants and left over crooks in Russia manage to bury Putin as well as Russia, and let the US regain its Unipolar global bully status. This is of course, just a hunch.

Facebook is a lot bigger than just a dot – it is a black hole

Connecting the dots in a major puzzle needs most of the dots to be identified and plotted. I have now come to realise that Facebook, along with some others, are dots that just cannot be ignored. When it comes to passing information and shaping public opinion, it is my view that Facebook represents a gigantic dot. This dot is as large as a black hole. Black holes in space are supergiant masses that have so much grvitational pull that even photons, or particles of light that have a miniscule weight but travelling at the speed of light, cannot escape its pull if they pass too close to these guys. What happpens is light too falls into this giant vacuum cleaner and can never excape. No matter how much explosive activity is going on inside that mega-star, no light  and no nothing from it can escape its unbelievable gravitational pull, hence the name – Black Hole. Even light that passes near it without getting too close, is bent in its path due to the gravitation. This is one way Einstein to explain how the space as we understand it, is a matrix that is curved by the matter around it etc.

Back to our virtual world – you need to identify and plot the dots on the map before you can connect them. And Facebook, in the current human tapetry, is not just an important dot that is far more important, far larger, than just a dot. it is a virtual black hole.

If you are smart, you may indirectly guess its existence by its absence and how it bends space around it and how its extreme gravitational pull does not allow even particles of visible light, called photon, to escape. That is why it is invisible – even light is unable to escape a black hole. Thus the name – black hole. It is neither a hole, nor black.
To be continued ….

মোদী, ভারত, এবং বর্তমান সভ্যতা-সংকট

ফেসবুকে আমার ছেলেবেলার এবং আজীবনের বন্ধুদের অন্যতম স্যমন্তকের একটি মোদী-বিচার লেখা পড়ে মনে হল যে আমার হয়তো উচিত নিজের বক্তব্যটা পেশ করা, যদিও আমি অন্য লোকের উঠোনে গিয়ে নিজের মন্তব্য জাহির করাটা একেবারেই পছন্দ করিনা।

কিন্তু বিষয়টা আমার কাছে খুবই সাম্প্রতিক ও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। তাই তাতে আমার বক্তব্য রাখতে এবং অন্যের ঘাড়ে চেপে না চেঁচানোর সিদ্ধান্ত থেকে না সরতে গিয়ে, একটা ব্লগ লিখে ফেললুম বাংলাতে – ঔ উভয় সংকটের মুশকিল আসানের সন্ধানে।

স্যমন্তকের ফেসবুক পাতার শিরোনাম চিত্র


আমি সাধারণতঃ অন্য লোকের উঠোনে উচ্চারিত নিজস্ব বক্তব্যের ওপর খবরদারী করতে বা সমালেচনা করতে আসিনা। তবে এইবার তোর উক্তিটা চোখের সামনে এল এবং বিষয়টা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মনে হল বলে ভাবলাম Facebook’এ আমার ব্যবহারে একটা ব্যতিক্রম হয়তো আনতে পারি এবং মনে করছি তুই অখুশি হবিনা। তাত্পর্যপূর্ণ বিষয়ে মতানৈক্য থাকতেই পারে, যদি তা সসম্ভ্রমে পেশ করা যায়।

স্যমন্তককে আমি আনন্দ পাঠশালা থেকে চিনি এবং একই ক্লাসে একই বছর ইস্কুল পাশ করেছি।

নরেন্দ্র মোদি আগামী নির্বাচন জিতবে কি জিতবে না জানি না – সন্দেহ করি জিতবে, কিন্তু জেতার অন্যতম মূল কারণ নিজগুনের চেয়ে বেশি হবে বিশ্বাসযোগ্য বিকল্পের অভাব।

মোদীর লোকপ্রীয়তার অন্যতম কারণ ছিল ভারতবাসীদের অনেকেরই ইংরেজদের দাক্ষিণ্যে পাওয়া ভণ্ড-ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতার নামে মুসলমান-পোষণ ও হিন্দু-বিভাগ নীতির ধারাবাহিক সম্প্রসারণের ওপর অরূচি। তাই, দেশের একটি বৃহত গোষ্ঠীর অনেকদিনের জমানো ক্ষোভকে স্বীকৃতি দিয়ে ভাজপা দল ক্ষমতায় এসেছিল। ছোটবেলায় বিজ্ঞান পাঠে শিখেছিলাম – প্রকৃতি শূন্য সহ্য করেনা, তাই শূন্যস্থানকে ভর্তি করে দেয় পূর্ণতা রক্ষা করতে। জনতার বৃহদাংশ হিন্দুদের বঞ্চিত থাকার অনুভূতিটা একরকম রাজনৈতিক শূন্যতা – যা রাজনৈতিক ক্ষেত্রে পুরণ করার সময় এসেছিল এবং ভাজপা তা বুঝতে পারে এবং তাকে ভর করে এক রাজনৈতিক আন্দোলন শুরু করে, যার আধুনিক ফল হল নরেন্দ্র মোদীর কত লোকেদের উত্থান। তবে ক্ষমতায় আসা, আর ক্ষমতায় টিকে থাকা – দুটো দুরকম সমস্যা – এবং সমাধানও সবসময় একই পরিকল্পনা থেকে আসে না।

স্যমন্তক বলেছে ছোটখাটো ছাপোষাদের ঘুষ ও চুরিচামারির রাস্তা বন্ধ হয়েছে। আগের মনমোহন সরকারও একটু একটু করে সেই রাস্তা বন্ধ করার পথে নেমেছিল – মোদী সরকার সেই রাস্তাকে আরও প্রশস্ত করেছে। এক ঝলকে দেখলে তাতে লোকেদের খুশি হবারই কথা, এবং মোদী সরকার তাকে সবার দৃষ্টিগোচরও করেছে নানা প্রকার ঢাক পিটিয়ে। আরও নানা যায়গায় সরকার দেশকে স্বাবলম্বী করার নামে নানা রকম উদ্যোগও নিয়েছে – মানছি।

কিন্তু, দূর থেকে নিরপেক্ষভাবে বিচার করলে মনে হয় যে – ছোটখাটো লোকেদের চুরি চামারি, দুর্নীতি এবং আমলাতন্ত্র থামিয়ে মোদী সরকার বৃহত কর্পোরেশন এবং ধনকুবেরদের রাষ্ট্র লুঠ করার পথ খুলে দিয়েছে এবং রাষ্ট্রকে দেশী বিদেশী অতিধনী গোষ্ঠীশাসনের অধীনে আনার জন্য কাজ করে যাচ্ছে। চুরি এখনও হচ্ছে এবং মনে হয় আগের চেয়ে আরও ভয়াবহ রুপ নিচ্ছে সেই দূরাচার – এবং তাতে লাভবান হবে মিচকে চোরেরা বা সাধারণ প্রজারা নয়, অন্য এক শ্রেনীর অতিক্ষমতাশীল প্রভুদের দল, যাদের পকেটে সব রাজনীতিবিদরা থাকে এবং মনে হচ্ছে মোদীর জন্যেও এক বিশেষ পকেট তৈরি ছিল শুরু থেকেই।

নানা দেশী এবং আন্তর্জাতিক কারণে ভারতীয় এবং পৃথিবীর জনগন আজ এক নজিরহীন মহাসংকটের সামনে দাঁড়িয়ে – সব দেশের সব রাজণৈতিক দলই এই মানবতালুণ্ঠনে অংশীদার ও ঠিকাদার  মনে হয় – তফাতটা খালি কে কিরকম লিপস্টিক লাগাচ্ছে এবং কিরকম পাউডার মাখছে গালে – ততটুকুই।

আমার নিজস্ব মতে দোষটা জনতার। রাজা হল জনতার প্রতিফলন। জনতা যদি দূরদৃষ্টিহীন, স্বার্থপর, কাপুরুষ বা মেরুদণ্ডহীন, ভীরু হয়, তবে তাদের প্রাপ্য মুখোশপরা সরকারই তারা পাবে।

এতে সবচেয়ে শিক্ষণীয় পাঠ হল – স্বাধীনতা, ন্যায় ও সুবিচার আকাশ থেকে পড়ে না – তাকে অর্জন করতে হয় – তার জন্য মাথার ঘাম ফেলতে হয়, এমনকি রক্তও দিতে হয়।

দুঃখের বিষয় – সুভাসবাবুও জনরক্তস্বল্পতায় কাবু হলেন এবং রবীন্দ্রনাথের বর্ণিত হালের কাছের মাঝি  ঔ ভীরু জনতার অবহেলায় আজ সুদূরে বিলীন।

বেশি বলে ফেলেছি মনে করলে নিজগুনে মাফ করে দিস বাবুয়া।

সবাই ভাল থাকবেন।

C19, Fauci, & India

There is a legal challenge to the government of India against implementation of untested and potentially harmful covid vaccines. Four individual citizens have brought that challenge to the government directly in the Supreme Court.
One of the high profile Supreme Court lawyers of India, Mr. Prashant Bhushan, is representing them free of charge.
This is his statement on twitter about Fauci, covid, and HIV.
The 2nd Tweet on a similar issue involving Fauci, Corona and Vaccine
As it happens, a decade ago, the same Mr. Bushan represented a single Indian woman on her Supreme Court challenge against the Government of India on account of introducing untested and potentially harmful GMO crops. As a result of that court challenge, the Government of India has till date not approved of any GMO to be introduced as main food crop.
I interviewed this Mr. Bhushan some five years ago, regarding Canada not having the same constitutional rights for the people to stop the toxification of the land and the people with pesticides such as glyphosate, and what one might do about it etc .
I put that conversation up on Youtube in an 8 minute video at the time.
Meanwhile the circle seems to have come around again, where the same Mr. Bhushan is now engaged on yet another groundbreaking Public Interest Litigation directly against the Union of India on account of flooding the nation with covid vaccines. Here is his statement on Twitter linking Fauci in directly threatening Indian scientists.
I suspect Mr. Bhushan will collect all these evidences in his representation of the situation where western Big Pharma and interest groups have used force to shut off discerning voice and free and fair investigation of aspects that reflect on public health and safety.

These are some of the reasons I suspect india might help turn the corner, but that this movement, if it happens, will not come from tech savvy, English speaking, social media active masses of India (exceptions aside), but from those “backward” people that refuse to follow the TV, the social media and the modern crowd and their peer pressure, and instead use a vanishing commodity – common sense and logic.

Dr. Biswaroop Roychoudhury & friends write to the Prime Minister of India on covid


There is a perception that India is reeling under covid and more people are dying from it than most other countries. This notion is exacerbated through constant drumming in the media, both inside and outside of India. The real story may well be different. There are a lot of people including friends I know, who say that a number of their acquaintances that died of covid recently had, without fail, taken both doses of vaccine.

Vaccine resistance was already entrenched among many in India, historically. Now that seems to be rising among some sections of the crowd, while others are rushing to get themselves vaccinated. Rush to find oxygen cylinders have skyrocketed and there is a national level shortage to cater to demand. Some experts say this spiking of demand is through irrational panic, driven more by constant fear mongering on media and by politicians, and also by the fact that everybody today has gotten hold of an oximeter, by which you can check your oxygen intake level by sticking a finger into the device. Thus, people who are otherwise doing fine and driven to panic thinking they are dying due to oxygen level showing a percentage point lower than normal.

In the middle of all this, a group of 161 noted doctors in India have collectively written a letter to the Prime Minister, informing them of an alternative view of the situation and notifying him that the covid based personal restrictions and shutdown of economy is both unwarranted and extremely harmful for the future of India’s viability. They are following it up with a legal challenge to the government, unless the government steps back and pulls India back from the socioeconomic brink.

One doctor in that group, Dr. Biswaroom Roychoudhury, a PhD in diabetes, talks for ten minutes into a camera, describing their paint of view, speaking in Hindi.

I transcribed the Hindi talk into English – for consumption by the English speaking world. The video has been uploaded in BitChute and also Rumble.

Here is the link:

The letter by the 161 doctors to the Prime Minister has been copied to all elected members of parliament, all elected members of provincial legislative assembly and all district magistrates.

Further, the note sort of issues a warning, that, if the covid based restrictions, which are both unnecessary and extremely damaging for India, are not lifted by June 1st, the group will challenge both the Prime Minister and the Government in court.

I shall follow up on this developing story.

For those that cannot access the video from BitChute for any reason, may also check it out on Rumble:


Trudeau, Vaccine, & farmers protest in India

What are the links between Trudeau, Covid, Vaccine, India and Farmers protest ? You might suspect these are unrelated. You would be justified in thinking that, since these items are not linked on main stream media, are not covered on CBC, nor by the Canadian politicians, and neither on social media, at least in the west.

However, they are very much linked, including Greta Thunberg and the climate change activism, which I consider as mostly a fake front for more serious mischief makers that use convent front end tools to hijack events and usurp societies and governments. George Soros is suspected to be behind some of it. Bill Gates is another high profile person, as are the Rothschilds and their Indian poster boy, Amartya Sen.

The image below covers parts of posts, comments and exchanges that are going on on the Facebook alternative of MeWe, and also the fledgeling Indian micro-blogging platform Koo, and covers a small cutting of a newspaper article where Trudeau is supposed to have claimed that – if the world manages to conquer covid, it would be because of India’s contribution.

Many folks in India recognise Trudeau as anti-India because of its open support of the farmers protest, which, in Canada, has support of Khalistan insurgency groups as well as globalists like Soros and their puppets (Greta etc) that are keen to destabilise India and try to hijack various events such as the farmer’s protest.
It has been known for a while that financial help might be going from Canada to the insurgency groups in India under the pretext of, for example, the farmers protest.
But, Trudeau is caught in a bind. He desperately wants to start mass immunisation program in Canada against covid, but does not have access to the vaccines from anybody, since there is a short supply.
India, meanwhile, is arguably the largest bulk producer of vaccines, both under contract of various branded vaccine makers as well as two different brands of in-house India made vaccines.
So, Trudeau has been calling the Prime Minister of India to help fast track supply of these vaccines to Canada. The Indian PM is well aware of Trudeau’s links with anti-India forces.
So, Trudeau is reportedly creating distance from the farmers protests and beginning to find comments to praise India in an effort to influence its decision of vaccine supplies.
Most Indians have not woken up to the fact that covid emergency could be an engineered panic,. But there are many I personally know, that are not going to have the vaccine and are very skeptical of the goings on.
Meanwhile, according to the news, India’s vaccination program is perhaps the most massive in HIstory of the world. I fear for what happens to them. While voluntary, India is fast tracking efforts to make vaccines available first to the elderly, those with co-morbidity and to front line workers.
Is India to be the guinea pig for the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, the Canadian broadcasting service only mentions that AstraZeneca branded vaccine is being introduced. What they fail to mention is that this is going from India, as if Canada is somehow embarrassed that it cannot seem to get it without India’s help.


A note from Doc Barry Engelhardt

A New Year’s Wish for 2021

In 2004, at age 47 with a busy practice and three children, I started a 2-year master’s degree in Bioethics at the University of Toronto. Why? This may sound bizarre, but at that point, despite having practiced medicine for more than 20 years, I really did not understand what I did for a living. My time at U of T proved highly beneficial and I would like to share with you what I learned.


The practice of medicine has been around in one form or another for thousands of years. Its premise seemed fairly straightforward: good people doing good things for good reasons in the hope of improving both the quantity and quality of life of others.

It might seem that such a premise would be foolproof. Afterall, what could go wrong with such a wonderful triad of good people, good actions and good intentions? 

Less than a century ago elderly patients in nursing homes were injected with cancer cells, without their or their family’s knowledge, in the hope of understanding more about cancer.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment ran for four decades (finally ending in 1972!) during which black men were deprived of available literally lifesaving treatment for syphilis (again without their knowledge) in order to understand the natural progression of syphilis.

During World War II, prisoners were placed in the path of explosives in order to devise the most lethal and sublethal design for explosives to be used against the enemy in order to maximize the likelihood of Germany winning the war. It goes without saying that these extremely unfortunate individuals did not consent to such ‘studies’.

You may be asking yourself what kind of monsters would do such things? (And note that all of these events occurred within the last 100 years. We don’t even want to imagine what happened in the medieval ages and before!)

Shockingly, the people either initiating or monitoring such ‘research’ mentioned above were not monsters at all. Many had families and successful professional careers. They were researchers, scientists, experts, and medical doctors all sincerely believing that they were good people performing good research with the best of intentions, the betterment of the rest of humankind. 

What they didn’t understand, and few people did at the time or before, was that good people, good actions and good intentions are necessary but NOT sufficient to ensure that bad things don’t happen. What they failed to realise was that in any endeavour involving two different individuals or groups of individuals, the ones performing the acts must engage the other party, the receivers of such actions, using a process referred to as consent, in order to make the situation maximally ethical. 

In other words, a fundamental and core principle is that every human life is sacred and must be granted equal respect for making decisions about what is done to them, even actions designed to be beneficial. No matter what the reason or potential for good, we ought not use people like things to advance our agendas, no matter how well-meaning. 

The discipline of Bioethics arose in the 1950’s from such a principle, particularly in response to the heinous research experiments above. The concept of consent involves three aspects: 1) Capacity (the ability to make rational decisions); 2) Disclosure (the transmittal of information necessary to make decisions); 3) Voluntariness (the right to make decisions freely).

Many people have been worried about COVID. I have been much more concerned with the ethics undergirding our response to it. In particular, I refer to the issue of consent.

Rational thought plays a key role with respect to capacity in the consent process, both for the person or group offering the treatment or therapy as well as the person or group receiving it. Such rational thought requires the use of reason to justify interventions in a transparent, consistent and fair manner. Science is one of the best tools we have for accomplishing this. But it has become clear to me that there is often very little science, or consistently applied scientific principles, being used in managing this COVID crisis. Rules, protocols and theories change daily it seems. 

More worrisome still is the lack of disclosure. I have witnessed a lot of opaqueness with respect to the scientific basis for the models used for decision-making during this crisis, the predictions regarding the efficacy of the interventions (such as lockdowns, masks, etc.) and the monitoring of the actual effectiveness of interventions which have been instituted. When I ask people what a ‘case’ is, no one seems to know. When I ask a particular person what their risk is of getting or dying of COVID is, they have no idea; they are just very scared. When I ask how much they can reduce their risk by wearing a mask, again I am met with a face that has gone blank. 

Even worse, there is little acknowledgement and even less monitoring of the downside to many of our measures. All medical interventions carry risks, whether we like to admit to it or not, and it is unethical to deny or minimize them and for COVID the measures have put us at risk of: postponement of necessary treatments of other diseases; the adverse effects of social isolation and suspension of normal daily activities like working, exercising, fresh air, socialization of children, visiting elderly relatives with short life expectancies, loss of support for addictions, etc.; exacerbation of poverty; business loss and job loss in addition to the tremendous costs of sustaining the economy; increased child and spousal abuse, often in the context of increased drug and alcohol use; increasing anxiety and depression and suicide; and the list does not end here. 

But the most worrisome aspect is the lack of voluntariness. There are times when our individual civil liberties can be justifiably suspended by the government. Such situations include, for example, guilt in engaging in activities deemed illegal by prior consensus of the judicial and parliamentary systems. Another example is when one is deemed to be behaving in an unduly dangerous manner to themselves or others and they can be hospitalized for psychiatric evaluation. A final example is when one has a known, serious, communicable infectious disease, such as tuberculosis, and the authorities have the right to have you quarantined for a brief, definable time until the period of contagiousness has passed. 

But these are serious situations with very specific, time-honoured guidelines established after thorough vetting via publicly elected or appointed representatives. Suspending the civil liberties of individuals, let alone entire societies, is not to be done lightly. The benefits must be both commensurate with the seriousness of the potential harm and obtainable with no lesser intervention. I posit that the benefit of the present interventions does not justify the risks and harms that the interventions produce both now and in terms of future repercussions. I do not believe that COVID is sufficiently lethal nor serious enough a pandemic to justify such heavy-handed measures. I do not believe that these measures should be instituted without hearing from scientists who hold opinions that are contrary to the present narrative.  Free speech is critical in a free society and censoring those with alternative viewpoints is highly dangerous. We did not elect any politicians because of their platform for managing a pandemic and in a democracy the citizenry have not only the right but the duty to ask questions and request complete transparency from their elected officials in such a unique set of circumstances. We must develop a way for the electorate to have some say in how this pandemic is managed. It is too important to leave it to a few experts and politicians unchecked. Centuries of medical and political disasters should have proven that to us. Democracy may not be a perfect political system, but it has proven to be the best one we have. Let’s demand that it function as designed and not slip into a totalitarian state or a self-serving oligarchy of the world’s most rich and powerful which is only accountable to itself. 

So, for example, it is one thing to be quarantined for 2 weeks if I have known, active tuberculosis until medications become effective, but it is something else entirely to tell me who I can and cannot have Christmas dinner with in my own home when neither I, nor my invitees, are known to have any serious communicable disease at all. 

I know that everyone of us, myself included, are scared when our health or life may be at risk. But we will not be happy with the results of any interventions if we do not control our emotions well enough to be able to think and act rationally using the process of consent. We have proven that; that’s why bioethics came to exist, thank goodness. Panicking, letting fear control us, and reverting to denial and avoidance are not mature management plans in the long-term. 

I make a special appeal to those over age 55. I am 63 years of age and I feel very blessed to have made it this far and to live in a country as free and safe as Canada. But I am in the twilight of my life, whether I want to admit to that or not. Like many people my age, I do not have to worry about losing my job or business; we generally have more financial security than when we are first starting out in life. So, I believe very strongly that we need to speak up, particularly for our children and grandchildren who may not have the freedom, opportunity or wisdom to do so. We need to ask those difficult questions about the short- and long-term effects of these measures on our younger citizens. That includes physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and particularly financial aspects. We need to come out from under our beds, stop shaking in fear, cease to be obsessed with only our personal safety and demand transparency and accountability from the experts and leaders, even though they are good people, with good ideas and good intentions! That’s ethics in action and we owe it to future generations. 

I know that in writing this article I am likely to scare a lot of people who are already very scared. I know that I am likely to irritate a lot of people who are very scared. But having obtained a degree in bioethics I feel morally compelled to do so. For far too long people turned a blind eye to abominable behaviours by believing that good people doing good actions with good intentions guaranteed good results. Sadly, without consent, they don’t. So, it is time that experts and politicians were made to face up to this reality.

Let’s each of us make a New Year’s resolution to contemplate these ideas, spread the word to those we know and love and ask that they do the same. Never underestimate how much good a little grassroots courage can accomplish!

Our grandchildren will thank us. 

Happy New Year!


J. Barry Engelhardt MD MHSc (Bioethics)

January 1, 2021

To Mamata

To: Ms Mamata Bannerjee,
Chief Minister of West Bengal, India
NABANNA (14th Floor), 325, Sarat Chatterjee Road,, Shibpur, Howrah-711102
Date: Saturday, December 5, 2020

Subject:  Covid-19 and destruction of liberty, economy, science and society of Bengal

Honourable Chief Minister Bannerjee,

I was born and schooled in various towns and provinces of India but am now a citizen and resident of Canada. I am an engineer by profession. I write this letter to you conveying my concern involving the way governments including yours is handling the covid-19 situation. I have also expressed the same view to the Prime Minister Trudeau, as well as many other elected politicians here in Canada. I aim to send also another note with the same message to the current Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi, shortly.

Media and the governments in most nations, barring a few exceptions, are incessantly chanting on a new mantra which claims covid-19 to be an all consuming once in a century pandemic, and that to save mankind, one has to follow strict medical guidelines which up to now include:

  • Shut down of non-essential businesses
  • Denying people’s right to assemble, and enforcing social distancing
  • Wearing a mask in stores and other enclosed spaces in presence of others
  • Use unproven testing schemes to determine if a person is infected or not, irrespective of if the person is sick or healthy.
  • Restricting travel
  • Enforcing quarantine for people either suspected of being infected, or as safety measure after travel.
  • Being prepared to take vaccines as soon as they arrive,

There may be more items to follow. Some politicians are claiming that this covid threat will remain for a few years before things can go back to something faintly resembling normalcy.

However, I have noted that neither my birth country, India, nor my adopted country, Canada, have conducted any in-house independent, transparent and verifiable assessment of the covid threat, and neither have they checked if any of the restrictive measures listed above actually work to prevent movement of any virus from person to person or from air to person. Essentially, governments are putting their national and provincial economy, liberty, wealth and future to the sword, simply based on third party hearsay. Even worse, the World Health Organisation, which categorised covid-19 as a pandemic, have themselves not provided verifiable proof of the dangers of covid or the usefulness of the economic shut downs and personal restrictions.

The burning question in my mind is – why are governments agreeing to commit what to me appears to be little more than a propaganda to destroy selective small businesses, enforce mass impoverishment,  and bring in forced medication for a huge windfall profit for big Pharma. It also looks like a backdoor terrorist attack to destroy the wealth of nations and that of the common man, in an organised massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, while promoting a new age of global dictatorship and shutting down of personal freedom, rights and liberty.

I have tried, and am continuing to try, to get some layer of the Canadian government to commit to assess the covid threat and if no proof of danger is found, to declare this as fake and engineered conspiracy to bring in a new form of fascism to help the corporate takeover of the planet.

Meanwhile I write this note as another appeal to ask you to either conduct your own, unbiased, transparent and verifiable assessment of the reality of the virus called sars-cov-2 that is reported to cause an illness named covid-19, and the usefulness of any of the restrictive measures being enforced, encouraged or allowed by your governments.

If however, your government is following the diktat of the World Health Organisation because it is afraid of financial repercussion of not complying with their suggestions, then your government should have the grit, the spine and the guts to own up to the public, that their society is being blackmailed into covid compliance.

Where governments are not at all coming clean on the covid issue, I cannot help but conclude that the political class are in essence acting treasonous and that the responsible politicians should be in prison.

In closing, I would add that I really do not believe you, as a chief minister of a province, will have the wherewithal, the courage, or the gumption to act upon this letter. It is more convenient to just trash it. In that, I suppose you will do your duty of following the globalist suggestion of keeping the covid issue under a veil of secrecy and obfuscation.

Therefore I intend to also perform my duty as a world citizen – of making this letter public.

If however, miracles still happen, and you decide to conduct your own in-house, honest, transparent and verifiable assessment of the covid threat and let the public scrutinise it, or demand that the Modi government does the same before you will allow Bengal to be put under any restriction – then you shall have performed your own sworn duty of protecting the interest of the people, and also earn my genuine admiration.

Encouraging you to introspect, I remain,

Santanu Mitra
10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E 3L7, Canada,

Comments welcome. I’d like to interact with folks that might be supportive, or otherwise like to address this question of absence of proof of danger, to discuss or to approach elected politicians.

Nations should initiate independent risk analysis of COVID19

It is my belief that each nation might like to independently verify the risk posed by this Coronavirus, a variant of seasonal flu virus, and balance it with economic and psychological damage resulted by an economic lockdown of a country as a means to avoid infection, and not depend on opinion of the World Health Organization which is causing people to freeze in fear of a invisible enemy, one that has been with us for a long time without bringing the world to an end.

I hope rational thinking and proportional actions promoted by good sense would prevail. I may be that citizens need to come up with their views to counter any overreaction by Government agencies. It is the constitutional duty of the people to be vigilant on actions of the Government that can adversely affect people’s lives and livelihoods.

Attached is my letter to my MP in Canada, placed for record. I hope others that share the concern would likewise take this up with their representatives. I should be writing more letters in an effort to find one that will throw down the gauntlet and push for more investigation and verification of the threat posed by a virus against threat posed by committing economic suicide along with destruction of civil rights of people and infringement on their rights to normal life and pursuit of happiness.

A letter to my MP in Canada re Covid19-19
To: Carla Qualtrough,
Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Member of Parliament from federal electoral district of Delta BC
Dated:Saturday, April 5, 2020

Subject: Canada needs to independently verify level of danger posed by the Coronavirus

Honourable Minister Carla Qualtrough,

I have written to you before and also met you at your office in the past – mostly relating to Canada’s continued usage of herbicide glyphosate in agriculture and continued nondisclosure of safety data it received from Monsanto on the product.

This time I write to you on another current subject of great importance – yes, the so called pandemic on Covid-19. I have been gravely concerned about the economic consequence of Canada in essence battening itself down in fear of a flu virus named 2019-nCOV which occassionally causes a pulmonary disease called COVID19 which is similar in symptoms to average flu.

In this context urge you to consider the following:

* Coronavirus is a generic name for a virus family that has been around for a long time. Most of us have been exposed to it in the past. Our immune system usually deals with it without any fuss. Only some elderly and immunocompromised people mostly have trouble with it, and should be the ones protected.

* Todays Covid19 deaths, combined with the rest of the flu infected deaths are not outside of the range of seasonal variations in flu deaths of the past years. There is very good statistical data available from official sources that seem to indicate the declaration of a global pandemic by WHO may be a gross overreaction.

* Viruses mutate rapidly and their RNA can alter day by day or even hour by hour. There is no proof that the tests being conducted now for a tiny fragment of RNA to identify Coronavirus infection are in fact relevant, are actually from any specific strain of Coronavirus or from any other virus. These could well be junk RNA picked up from the mouth swabs that include cell excretion and other genetic debris.

* Despite whatever todays modern science says – no virus, let along a coronavirus, has successfully been isolated (from other genetic debris), purified, and its entire genome properly sequenced. Modern science has instead been shifting the goalposts to get around time tested postulates and gold standard practices in order to promote marketable products of questionable worth by the industry that controls science funding today. Science may be losing its original neutrality, objectivity and purity.

Above points are my educated opinion. I believe they are valid enough to warrant Canada to conduct independent, unbiased investigation on true risk posed by this flu virus, and not take WHO recommendations as if it is gospel from the heavens. Canada is an independent country and not a province of WHO.

I now request you to get this grave issue debated on the floor of the Canadian Parliament and to caution the Prime Minister not to play with the lives and livelihood of the entire nation by having Canada effectively engage in an economic warfare against its own self based solely on blind trust in international organisations such as WHO and the Corporate controlled foreign scientific establishments, both of which may have conflict of interest. Canada is not a banana republic and should be able to conduct independent unbiased verification of threat posed by a seasonal flu without external or internal influence and without conflict of interest.

You are my MP. Hence you are the first person I write to, but you will not be the last.

Mind it, I have never asked you for a personal favour and I never will. I only approach you on matters that concern the welfare of my country and my countrymen. In this, I am performing my duty as a citizen. I am hopeful you will perform yours as our representative in the Government.

Thanking you
Tony Mitra
10891 Cherry Lane, Delta, BC, V4E3L7, Canada,

Bernie Sanders, the teflon candidate

I used to be, four, five years ago, a Bernie fan. I stopped after being offended by his capitulation to Hillary. Then I began to see tell tale signs of his character, and eventually came to my own conclusion, that Bernie is a teflon candidate, who will attempt to wriggle out of every challenge by greasing his comments and behaviour. He is not genuine.

I am fully aware that most of the so called liberal, progressive and left of centre folks support the Democratic Party and also Bernie Sanders. Even Donald Trump himself seems to lament how the establishment Democrats are working to kill Bernie’s nomination unfairly.

So, writing a critic of Bernie was not going to be popular. Nonetheless, I post what is my analysis – and not post what is popular. For the same reason, me blaming todays false liberals (pseudo-liberal is a good adjective) has not been a popular move. I have lost some fair weather friends through a process of polarisation. That too is part of life, I understand.

But I am a thinking person and not a rubber stamp. I am not here to get popular, since I do not aim to live off other people’s hard work, like most politicians do including Bernie Sanders.

Like Jim Hightower wrote – swim against the current. Even dead fish can go with the flow. And I am not a dead fish, with all due respect to the fish family. They are successful animals, cold blooded, and can be of various skeletal types – jawless, cartilaginous or bony fishes, most of whom sleep with eyes open as most lack eyelids.

But, back to Hightower, I am not a dead fish, and I do post my views and support them with the logic that bolsters my views, which are always flexible and will change if better information or introspection turns me to another direction.

The term “teflon politician” is not my invention. It has been around, and is lately being attached to Bernie. I find the term usable here, so am borrowing it.

A friend who was a Bernie supporter has recently said on social media, that the reason Bernie ended up supporting Hillary Clinton in 2016 election was that going against Hillary and in favour of Trump would have been political suicide.

Well, well – that comment started a chain of thoughts in my mind. I contemplated it over the next several hours, went to sleep on it, and while preparing some free range Cornish hen carcass along with some root vegetables for my wife to cook into a stew, I thought about it some more, and decided I should come out with a post about Bernie being a teflon politician that would not be good for USA. He would be popular among the lefties, just like Obama was. But he would be just as disastrous for USA and the world.

Political suicide ?

Bernie is supposed to have avoided this political suicide, by not going against Hillary and for Trump. If this is true, then, in my thinking – Bernie would even support the very devil, just to keep his political future alive. USA can go to hell.

But hang on. Bernie did not need to support Trump. He could stand as an independent candidate and worked to splinter the Democratic Party as well as Hillary by taking voters away from them. Even if that resulted in Trump winning, it would have likely forced the Democrats to clean up their act and stop rigging the convention.

Most importantly, Bernie stabbed his own support base and voters, by supporting Hillary Clinton. This to me proves, voters are a mere temporary necessity for Bernie. He is essentially here for himself, and not for the voters and nor for the nation.

Consider in contrast – the case of Tulsi Gabbard. She resigned her high ranking chair in the Democratic Party early on, in order to support Bernie Sanders and go against the nomination of Hillary Clinton. She committed the same “political suicide” that my friend was talking about. Contrary to Bernie, Tulsi was willing to face potential political suicide, in order to support what she felt was the best for the nation.

See the contrast? Well, I do not suppose people would see the contrast, because many folks have hard wired views and would ignore evidence that do not tally with those views.

His rubbish comments about Russia is an exasperating example of how he has been, or became, a teflon politician. His duplicity with regard to Russia meddling in US elections is beyond dishonest. USA has a million times more funds and arsenals to interfere in other nations elections. USA has a million fold more solid examples of not only interfering, but actually toppling legitimate elected governments in endless list of countries. Post Soviet Russia has done none of that, and Bernie Sanders, the two faced liar – gives in to the propaganda, and blasts Russia – just to steal your vote.

If he had an ounce of honesty, he should have pledged that, as a president, he would stop once and for all, any and all US meddling in other nations elections, governments and policies. I am flabbergasted that Bernie Sanders fans fall for this kind of dishonest double talk.

Bernie Sanders voted in the senate, to uphold the impeachment because he though Trump abused his power but Joe Biden and his son did not. Without going into the details, that logic itself absolutely stinks. I have sufficient reason to believe that Bernie Sanders voted against Trump in the impeachment travesty, only because he wanted to enhance his own political future, and disregarded all other consequences including the fact that this act is not going to be forgotten nor forgiven, by the right of centre, Republican leaning voter base, and the fact that the impeachment was a sham act. There are dozens of real cases for which Trump could be impeached, but then in all those cases, many more Democrats too would fall prey.

More I think about all this, more I get convinced that I was wrong four years ago to think Bernie Sanders was the best candidate to lead USA. He is just a slippery guy with some charm, not unlike Barak Obama and in many ways, not unlike Hillary Clinton either. All in all, he is one more candidate that promises to be worse than previous presidents on a continual downward slide.

Bernie voted for all the wrong things, despite talking to the public in a way you would think otherwise.

His refusal to come clean on pardoning Julian Assange is, in my view, the deal breaker here, the last straw on the overloaded camel.

And then there is this shameful stand of supporting forced vaccination on people, to toe the line for big pharma and ensuring the citizens get sicker and sicker !!

He is an example of a teflon Candidate. And I am not surprised that the pseudo-liberals cannot see through all this. That is why they are pseudo-liberals.

In my second book, which is in the making, I am contemplating including these long posts as sub-chapters, explaining why the world gets to be as shitty as it is. Bernie is not at fault here. Neither are Trump, Obama or Hillary.

At fault are the citizens of the world. They suck. Its all related to that dead-fish thing.

Glyphosate in Canadian Forest and the death of our forests and wildlife

There is a three month old article on a web based platform from Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, called Prince George (PG) CITIZEN, that claims Moose living in the nearby forests are dying in large numbers from starvation, and the reason is suspected to be herbicide spray.

The article does not spell out glyphosate, but it implies it, from my point of view.

There is a long chain or correspondence under that article, with some arguing in favour of the use of glyphosate and commenting that the opponents of herbicide spray are just being unreasonable, unscientific, with a knee-jerk reaction against herbicides. A lot of others are countering that, and are apparently opposed to the idea of using herbicides over prairies, grasslands and forests. The article got shared by someone on Facebook and thus it came to my notice.

I posted the following long comment in that discussion chain, where it has not appeared yet and is presumably waiting for approval of the admin. I am copying it here, as I believe it deserves to be on record that can be traced back in later years.

Here is what I wrote.


Glyphosate was first approved by Health Canada in the 1970s for agriculture. It saw Monsanto’s test results on lab animals subjected to measured dose of glyphosate in their feed, based on which our government is presumed to have concluded that glyphosate was safe to be in animal food in small doses, and hence approved its controlled use in Canadian agriculture.

However, the Government has kept those safety test data and reports hidden from the public till date, forty plus years running. This non-disclosure of the safety data, irrespective of whatever agreement the government made with the herbicide promoter, makes approval of glyphosate in Canada to be constitutionally illegal in my view. And yet, the Government hides the data and the use of glyphosate continues.

Now, regarding spraying over the forests.

It is under jurisdiction of provincial Governments to allow or disallow any use of herbicides over crown forests. I have had several freedom of information act applications with the British Columbian Ministry of Forest Management as well as Environment in an effort to discover a few facts such as:

1) could I have a copy of whatever evidence the BC government saw that spraying glyphosate over our forests was safe for our environment and biodiversity before it allowed glyphosate to be sprayed, and

2) could I have the records of how much glyphosate has been sprayed over our BC forests, year upon year, from the first year of application till date.

I got reasonably candid responses back.

A) The BC government has seen no evidence whatsoever, if glyphosate is at all safe for our forests, on the grounds that the chemical was already approved by Ottawa. This despite the fact that Ottawa approved it only for controlled application in agriculture and that Ottawa has never disclosed the data that was supposed to prove glyphosate to be safe for any living organism.

B) The BC Government does not have the data on how much glyphosate has ben applied by the logging firms over the years, and if I paid the BC Government several thousand dollars (because answering my question requires more than 5 man-hour labour by the government official that my freedom of information act allows me), then the BC government would ask around to all the logging firms if they kept those records, and then collect them, compile them, and then prepare an answer for me. I refused to pay those extra dollars, and I got only what the BC government had – which is small amounts of glyphosate applied by backpack carrying persons on small bushes and weeds at the edge of forests here and there, which was organized by local municipalities etc and not the aerial spray directly over forests as arranged by logging corporations.

Glyphosate is a mimic of glycine. Glycine is the most common (most prevalent) of all the twenty one amino acids that make up all the proteins of the entire living world, from a bacteria to a whale and includes all proteins in humans, plants and wildlife.

Animals and plants are constantly producing more proteins to replace old ones, and even more of them when the plant or the animal is young and growing fast. Our biology does not know how to distinguish glyphosate from glycine, mainly because glyphosate was not around in nature in the long history of evolution of life on earth, and is a synthetic chemical invented two generations ago. Therefore, with glyphosate in the food, creatures pick it up in place of glycine, and mis-incorporate them into newly formed proteins. These plant and animal proteins, with glyphosate in place of glycine, do not work as intended. The proteins become rogue protein and can trigger a cascading series of diseases, many of which are synthetic ones that did not exist before.

All this has been already investigated and reported including in peer reviewed journals.

Canada has not conducted any such investigation on safety of glyphosate. Any scientist in Canada that wishes to look into how glyphosate works on in biology of the plant and animal kingdom, is usually fired or made to shut up. As a result, Canada is in essence similar to a third world country where mass poisoning of the land and the people is a politically accepted practice to allow profit to foreign corporations.

Welcome to Canada.

Here is another post from Facebook that might deserve to be stored. 1st July 2018

Canada has a long history of poisoning the land and its people. Glyphosate was introduced into Canada soon after it was approved in the US. We are talking about mid 1970s.

I was personally instrumental in raising hell through a sympathetic MP in the Canadian parliament for testing all foods for glyphosate – something no country was doing. Eventually it resulted CFIA ordering over 8000 tests covering over 3000 food samples collected in Canada but originating in 68 countries.

I obtained a copy of all those test results from Health Canada and analyses them. It proved that North America produces far and away the most poisonous foods of all, and within North America, Canada produces measurably more toxic foods than even the US. Its all in the book.

Available at Amazon stores

I have sent nearly 25,000 signatures demanding that Canada discloses the hitherto hidden safety test documents from Monsanto that it saw back in 1970s before approving glyphosate, and has since kept out of reach of the public. This alone makes approval of glyphosate illegal in my view. Even 25,000 signatures did not move Justin Trudeau.

I have now changed to going after elected politicians that collaborate with the pesticide pedlars and allow mass poisoning of the people.

Canada started growing huge quantity of red lentil (masoor daal) recently, in order to export to India. That daal is toxic like hell, and Indians are getting mass poisoned through it, apart from a runaway increase in use of glyphosate everywhere in India, under the radar, from Kanyakumari to the Himalayas.

Meanwhile in Canada, wildlife is facing immediate extinction, thanks to glyphosate spray over grasslands, prairies and forests.

Welcome to Canada.

Storing these bits and pieces of my social media posts, so one day they might be retrieved and included in my book – Lonely Road, a journal of a food security activist.