
Do you have questions or concerns regarding genetically engineered (GE) foods and human health? If so, the Cowichan Green Community is excited to announce that they have partnered with the Society for a GE Free BC and the Greenpeace Vancouver Local Group to bring the Genetically Engineered Foods and Human Health: A Cross-Canada SpeakerÕs Tour, to Duncan, BC.

This will be an opportunity for the public to discuss their concerns regarding GE foods. Featuring a presentation by Dr. Thierry Vrain, a retired soil biologist and genetic engineer who after a 30-year career with Agriculture Canada now speaks against GE technology, the goal of this presentation will be to address the topic of GE foods and human health from a scientific perspective. Speaking to the science behind GE foods and the documented effects of GE foods on human health,

Dr. Vrain will address what the future holds for us if GE foods are not stopped. Representing a perspective on this topic that is often overshadowed or discounted by the proponents of GE technology and the Canadian Government, Dr. Vrain will speak to his experience as a genetic engineer and discuss why he now sees GE foods as a risk to human health, as opposed to a beneficial component of. Given that within Canada, GE salmon, apples, and alfalfa are close to entering the marketplace, it is more important than ever for Canadians to have the opportunity to discuss their concerns about GE foods and their impacts on human health.

This is a "by donation" event (suggested donation of $5.00). However, no one will be turned away. Doors will open at 6:30pm. For more information on the Cross-Canada tour, please visit http://gefreebc.wordpress.com/info/ or contact GEFoods.Tour@gmail.com.

Contact Vanessa Goodall

7:00 ~ 8:30 PM

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Duncan - Nov 16